
Level 1 Item Home
Level 1 Item Licensing and approvals
Level 2 Item Manage your licence or work authority
Level 3 Item Resource Rights Allocation Management terms
Level 3 Item Licensing fees and charges
Level 3 Item Licence forms
Level 3 Item Tutorials for the Resource Rights Allocation and Management (RRAM) Portal
Level 2 Item Recreational prospecting
Level 3 Item Fossicking rules and responsibilities
Level 3 Item Fossicking safely
Level 3 Item Where you can prospect and fossick
Level 4 Item Rivers and streams where you can't fossick
Level 3 Item Miner's Right agents
Level 2 Item Location of resource licences
Level 2 Item Mineral licences
Level 3 Item Apply for an exploration licence
Level 4 Item Exploration licence application kit
Level 3 Item Renew or vary an exploration licence
Level 3 Item Apply for a retention licence
Level 4 Item Retention licence application kit
Level 3 Item Renew or vary a retention licence
Level 3 Item Apply for a mining licence
Level 4 Item Mining licence application kit
Level 3 Item Renew or vary a mining licence
Level 3 Item Apply for a prospecting licence
Level 4 Item Prospecting licence application kit
Level 3 Item Transfer or vary a prospecting licence
Level 3 Item Approval to do work
Level 4 Item Statutory endorsement of work plans
Level 4 Item Exploration work on a licence
Level 4 Item Work plan and planning consent
Level 4 Item Mining Licence Worksite Management
Level 4 Item Statement of economic significance
Level 4 Item Mineral exploration work on a licence
Level 4 Item Notice of intention to commence mining work on a mining licence or a prospecting licence
Level 3 Item Land survey requirements
Level 3 Item Section 7 exemptions
Level 2 Item Extractives industry work authority
Level 3 Item Work approval process for extractive industries
Level 3 Item Transfer or vary a work authority
Level 2 Item Oil and gas permits, leases and licences
Level 3 Item Onshore oil and gas authorities
Level 3 Item Offshore oil and gas authorities
Level 3 Item Taxes, Royalties and Tariffs
Level 3 Item Environment plans
Level 2 Item Geothermal energy licence
Level 2 Item Licensing disputes, objections and comments
Level 2 Item Council planning referrals
Level 2 Item Licensing glossary
Level 2 Item Have your say on new licence applications
Level 3 Item Notice of Application for an Exploration Licence EL008530
Level 3 Item Notice of Application for an Exploration Licence EL007906
Level 3 Item Notice of Application for an Exploration Licence EL007976
Level 1 Item Geology and exploration
Level 2 Item Victoria's geology
Level 2 Item Geological Survey of Victoria
Level 3 Item Exhibition: 150 years of the GSV
Level 4 Item The early years
Level 4 Item Gold fever
Level 4 Item Hard times
Level 4 Item Off the beaten track
Level 4 Item Coal - Powering Victoria
Level 4 Item Oil and gas - A period of expansion
Level 4 Item Changing ideas
Level 4 Item New horizons
Level 3 Item Passive Seismology
Level 3 Item Conference
Level 3 Item Mineral systems of Victoria
Level 2 Item Industry and investment
Level 3 Item Mineral resources strategy 2018-2023
Level 3 Item Key resource opportunities
Level 4 Item Critical minerals
Level 3 Item Earth Resources Sector Indicators
Level 3 Item Mineral resources development
Level 2 Item Maps, reports and data
Level 3 Item GeoVic
Level 4 Item GeoVic layers
Level 3 Item Geoscience presentations and papers
Level 3 Item Geochemistry data
Level 3 Item Geophysics
Level 4 Item Regional geophysical data
Level 5 Item Linking from the Geophysical Survey Index to survey data on the GSV Online Catalogue
Level 3 Item Drillhole database
Level 3 Item Drill Core Library
Level 4 Item Submit drill core samples
Level 3 Item 3D geological modelling
Level 2 Item Minerals
Level 3 Item Metals
Level 4 Item Gold
Level 5 Item History of gold mining in Victoria
Level 6 Item Gold mines
Level 6 Item Gold diggers
Level 5 Item Earth Echoes
Level 6 Item Earth Echoes video transcript
Level 4 Item Silver
Level 4 Item Platinum group metals
Level 4 Item Antimony
Level 4 Item Cobalt
Level 4 Item Copper
Level 4 Item Iron
Level 4 Item Lead
Level 4 Item Molybdenum
Level 4 Item Nickel
Level 4 Item Tantalum, niobium and lithium
Level 4 Item Tin
Level 4 Item Tungsten
Level 4 Item Zinc
Level 4 Item Minerals sands (Titanium, Zirconium, REE)
Level 3 Item Industrial minerals
Level 4 Item Bauxite
Level 4 Item Bentonite
Level 4 Item Diatomite
Level 4 Item Feldspar
Level 4 Item Gypsum
Level 4 Item Kaolin
Level 4 Item Phosphate rock
Level 4 Item Salt
Level 4 Item Silica
Level 4 Item Talc
Level 4 Item Zeolite
Level 2 Item Quarry materials
Level 3 Item Construction materials
Level 3 Item Dimension stone
Level 3 Item Limestone and dolomite
Level 3 Item Peat
Level 2 Item Gemstones
Level 2 Item Oil and gas
Level 3 Item Oil and gas in Victoria
Level 3 Item Community attitudes towards onshore gas
Level 3 Item Oil and gas data
Level 3 Item History of petroleum exploration in Victoria
Level 3 Item Oil and gas acreage releases
Level 3 Item Acquiring petroleum acreage in Victoria
Level 2 Item Geothermal energy
Level 3 Item Geothermal exploration
Level 2 Item Coal
Level 3 Item Use of brown coal in Victoria
Level 1 Item Legislation and regulations
Level 2 Item Legislation
Level 3 Item Fees and charges
Level 3 Item Traditional Owner Settlement Act
Level 2 Item Compliance and enforcement
Level 3 Item Reporting and expenditure
Level 4 Item Statutory returns infringement notices
Level 4 Item Exploration reporting guidelines
Level 4 Item Expenditure rates
Level 4 Item What if I can't meet my expenditure?
Level 4 Item Changes to Annual Reporting Requirements for Extractive Industries
Level 3 Item Records maintenance
Level 3 Item Industry reporting
Level 3 Item Enforceable undertakings
Level 3 Item Regulatory actions
Level 2 Item Guidelines and codes of practice
Level 3 Item Exploration licence guidelines
Level 3 Item Work plan guidelines for exploration licences
Level 3 Item Code of practice for mineral exploration
Level 3 Item Competing licence applications - interim operational policy
Level 3 Item Extractive industry work plan guideline
Level 3 Item Informed verbal consent
Level 3 Item Code of practice for small quarries
Level 3 Item Retention licence guidelines
Level 3 Item Ministerial guidelines for description of a mineral resource
Level 3 Item Consultation on draft ministerial guidelines for description of a mineral resource
Level 3 Item Mining licence guidelines
Level 3 Item Work plan guidelines for mining licences
Level 3 Item Reportable events and reportable incidents
Level 3 Item Guidelines for declared mines and quarries – preparation of six monthly reports
Level 3 Item Imported materials management guidelines
Level 3 Item Code of practice for low risk mines
Level 3 Item Prospecting licence guidelines
Level 3 Item Rehabilitation of mining and prospecting sites
Level 3 Item Exploration and rehabilitation of mineral exploration sites
Level 3 Item Guidelines for abandonment of mineral drillholes
Level 3 Item Rehabilitation plans and other environmental aspects of work plans
Level 3 Item Rehabilitation bonds - minerals exploration, mines and quarries
Level 4 Item Rehabilitation bond calculator
Level 5 Item Bond calculator installation and tips
Level 3 Item Cash bonds for mineral and extractive tenement holders
Level 3 Item Guidelines for the design and management of tailings storage facilities
Level 3 Item Environmental guidelines for the management of small tailings storage facilities
Level 3 Item Tailings storage data sheet
Level 3 Item Native Vegetation Guide for Mines and Quarries
Level 3 Item Guidelines for the management of water in mines and quarries
Level 3 Item Groundwater licensing and trading
Level 3 Item Community Engagement Guidelines for Mining and Mineral Exploration
Level 3 Item Community engagement plan template
Level 3 Item Earth resource industries and Traditional Owners
Level 3 Item Mineral tenements and the Native Title Act 1993
Level 4 Item Native Title Public Notices
Level 3 Item Ground vibration and airblast limits for mines and quarries
Level 3 Item Geotechnical guideline for the extractives industry
Level 3 Item Guidelines for the assessment of geotechnical risks in open pit mines
Level 3 Item Oil and gas permit conditions and administration guidelines
Level 3 Item A guide to compliance
Level 3 Item Ministerial guideline on the use of enforceable undertakings
Level 3 Item Fit and proper person policy
Level 3 Item Advertising Requirements: Guideline for Licence Applications
Level 3 Item Code of practice for onshore petroleum wells
Level 3 Item Operation plan guideline for onshore petroleum activities
Level 3 Item Exploration Licence Expenditure Policy
Level 3 Item Exceptional Circumstances Policy
Level 3 Item Financial Capability Policy
Level 3 Item Developing an onshore petroleum resource
Level 3 Item Developing an offshore petroleum resource
Level 3 Item Inactive Earth Resources Sites Policy
Level 2 Item Regulator performance reporting
Level 3 Item Annual statistical reports
Level 3 Item Quarterly performance reports
Level 3 Item Monthly reports
Level 3 Item Licence applications interactive dashboard
Level 3 Item Licence variations interactive dashboard
Level 3 Item Work plans interactive dashboard
Level 3 Item Work plan stages assessment interactive dashboard
Level 2 Item Regulation review and reform
Level 3 Item Regulatory impact statements
Level 3 Item Mineral industries regulations
Level 3 Item Extractive industries regulations
Level 3 Item Commissioner for Better Regulation report
Level 3 Item Statements of operating change
Level 3 Item Better Approvals for Regulators (BAR)
Level 3 Item Declared Mines – Mineral Industries Amendment Regulations 2022
Level 3 Item Victoria’s approach to regulating mines and quarries is changing
Level 2 Item Victorian Mining Register
Level 2 Item Extractive industries rehabilitation
Level 2 Item Victorian Mining Warden
Level 1 Item Community and land use
Level 2 Item Understanding minerals exploration
Level 3 Item Community glossary
Level 3 Item Community information session: Lysterfield-Rowville Quarry Operations
Level 3 Item Community information session: Minerals exploration in south central Victoria
Level 2 Item Consultation and engagement
Level 2 Item Landholder information
Level 3 Item Oil and gas exploration on private land
Level 3 Item Geothermal information for landholders
Level 3 Item Carbon capture and storage
Level 3 Item Minerals exploration for community and landholders
Level 3 Item How is mining regulated in Victoria?
Level 3 Item Landholder frequently asked questions
Level 2 Item Agreeing access to private land
Level 2 Item Environment
Level 2 Item Rehabilitation
Level 3 Item Site rehabilitation and VAGO response
Level 3 Item Trailing Liabilities for mining licensees (Declared Mines)
Level 2 Item Key site updates
Level 3 Item Benambra
Level 3 Item Bunyip North Quarry
Level 3 Item Costerfield mine
Level 4 Item Costerfield mine antimony FAQs
Level 3 Item Fingerboards Mineral Sand Project
Level 3 Item Fosterville Gold Mine
Level 3 Item Hanson Lysterfield Quarry
Level 3 Item Iona Gas Plant, Port Campbell
Level 3 Item Bendigo Mine Rehabilitation – Landform
Level 3 Item Latrobe Valley coal mines
Level 4 Item Latrobe Valley coal mine rehabilitation bonds
Level 3 Item Stawell gold mine
Level 3 Item Stockman Project
Level 4 Item Tailings storage facility
Level 4 Item Site rehabilitation and post-closure
Level 3 Item Golden Beach Gas Project
Level 1 Item Projects
Level 2 Item Stavely Minerals Exploration Initiative
Level 3 Item The Stavely Geoscience Project
Level 4 Item Stavely Geoscience Project data and information
Level 3 Item Engaging the community
Level 4 Item Video transcript: Stavely Block 3 Community Information Session 1
Level 4 Item Video transcript: Stavely Block 3 Community Information Session 2
Level 4 Item Video transcript: Stavely Block 4 Community Information Session 1
Level 4 Item Video transcript: Stavely Block 4 Community Information Session 2
Level 3 Item 2018 Stavely ground release
Level 2 Item Critical Minerals Roadmap for Victoria
Level 2 Item TARGET Minerals Exploration Initiative
Level 2 Item Eastern Victoria Geoscience Initiative
Level 3 Item The geology of eastern Victoria
Level 3 Item Southeast Lachlan Deep Crustal Seismic Reflection Survey
Level 4 Item Understanding a deep seismic reflection survey
Level 3 Item Southeast Lachlan Ground Gravity Survey
Level 3 Item Southeast Lachlan Magnetotelluric Survey
Level 3 Item Shepparton Numurkah Regional Ground Gravity Survey
Level 2 Item Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy
Level 3 Item Factsheets
Level 3 Item Supporting technical reports
Level 2 Item Strategic Extractive Resource Areas
Level 3 Item Video transcript: Safeguarding the resources our community needs
Level 3 Item Strategic extractive resource areas and the existing planning system
Level 2 Item Helping Victoria Grow: Extractive Resources Strategy
Level 3 Item Joint ministerial statement on extractive resources
Level 3 Item Extractive Resources Supply and Demand Study
Level 3 Item Resource and Land Use Planning
Level 4 Item Strategic Extractive Resource Areas
Level 5 Item Video transcript: Safeguarding the resources our community needs
Level 5 Item Strategic extractive resource areas and the existing planning system
Level 3 Item Efficient Regulation
Level 3 Item Environmental Sustainability
Level 3 Item Strategic Extractive Resource Areas
Level 4 Item Video transcript: Safeguarding the resources our community needs
Level 4 Item Strategic extractive resource areas and the existing planning system
Level 3 Item Innovative Sector
Level 2 Item North Central Victorian Goldfields Ground Release
Level 3 Item For explorers
Level 4 Item Tender briefing
Level 4 Item Tender briefing session presentations and transcripts
Level 3 Item For community
Level 4 Item Information sessions
Level 3 Item The tender process
Level 3 Item Licensing process for the North Central Victorian Goldfields Ground Release
Level 2 Item Restart of onshore conventional gas industry in Victoria
Level 2 Item Victorian Gas Program
Level 3 Item Video transcript: Overview of the Victorian Gas Program video
Level 3 Item Airborne Gravity Survey
Level 4 Item Airborne Gravity Survey - frequently asked questions
Level 3 Item Onshore conventional gas
Level 4 Item Types of onshore gas
Level 4 Item Understanding porosity and permeability
Level 4 Item Stakeholder advisory panel
Level 5 Item Video transcript: Stakeholder Advisory Panel members video
Level 3 Item Water science studies
Level 3 Item Offshore gas in state waters
Level 3 Item Gas storage
Level 3 Item Supporting programs
Level 3 Item Resource and land use planning
Level 4 Item Otway Basin resource and land use planning model
Level 4 Item Gippsland Basin resource and land use planning model
Level 4 Item Frequently asked questions - resource and land use planning
Level 3 Item Progress reports
Level 3 Item Gippsland Basin technical reports
Level 3 Item Otway Basin technical reports
Level 3 Item Progress report graphics
Level 2 Item Quarry Transformation Grants
Level 1 Item About us
Level 2 Item News
Level 3 Item Resources regulator puts industry on notice
Level 3 Item Resources regulator enforces compliance at Keilor quarry
Level 3 Item Stepping in to ensure quarry gets rehabilitated
Level 3 Item Regulator waivers exploration licence conditions
Level 3 Item Ballarat Gold Mine incident
Level 3 Item PDAC presented a golden opportunity for Victorian resources
Level 3 Item Latest minerals industry updates for January and February
Level 3 Item Latest minerals industry updates for March and April
Level 3 Item Latest minerals industry updates for Latest minerals industry updates for May to July
Level 3 Item Count Her In: Making a difference in Victoria’s resources sector
Level 3 Item Solving puzzles and a passion for geology core to Shannon’s success
Level 3 Item A passion for Victoria’s environment drives science graduate
Level 3 Item Launch of Resources Victoria's YouTube channel
Level 3 Item Showcasing our critical minerals to the world
Level 3 Item Airborne survey helping to improve our geological knowledge around Melbourne
Level 3 Item Interest in Victoria’s minerals sector remains high
Level 3 Item Helping Montrose quarry support new infrastructure
Level 3 Item Golden prospects for Mother’s Day with a miner’s right
Level 3 Item Minerals exploration explained
Level 3 Item Resources regulator acts on dam management practices
Level 3 Item Gravity survey winds up after roaming wide for data
Level 3 Item Boost to quarry approvals
Level 3 Item Biodiversity flourishes between a rock and a hard place
Level 3 Item Exploring our critical geoscience at Ballarat minerals event
Level 3 Item Our payment details have changed
Level 3 Item Get deep into the geoscience at Ballarat minerals event
Level 3 Item Prosecution reinforces mining regulator’s rehabilitation approach
Level 3 Item Resources regulator requires quarry to better manage noise and dust
Level 3 Item Minerals exploration activity charging ahead across Victoria
Level 3 Item A successful Victorian Minerals Round-up in Ballarat
Level 3 Item Resources regulator enforces quarry compliance
Level 3 Item Quarry approval keeps production on the rise
Level 3 Item Crushing rocks and creating jobs - how a local quarry is part of Victoria’s road to net zero
Level 3 Item Critical opportunities for Victorian resources
Level 3 Item Shining a light on women working in the resources sector
Level 3 Item Drill core shows Bendigo’s golden geology
Level 2 Item Our role
Level 3 Item Vision and mission
Level 3 Item Earth Resources Regulator
Level 4 Item Memoranda of Understanding
Level 3 Item Advisory bodies
Level 3 Item Resources Victoria Approvals Coordination
Level 2 Item Careers in Resources
Level 2 Item Contact us
Level 3 Item Complaints
Level 2 Item Subscribe to our newsletter
Level 3 Item Newsletter archive
Level 1 Item Copyright
Level 1 Item Disclaimer
Level 1 Item Privacy
Level 1 Item Accessibility