Operation plan guideline for onshore petroleum activities
Before starting any onshore oil and gas operation, an operation plan must be submitted by the authority holder and accepted by the regulator.
An operation plan describes how the authority holder will carry out onshore conventional oil and gas activities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to ensure any risks identified are managed as far as is reasonably practicable over the course of the operation.
There are numerous activities that require an operation plan, from seismic and geochemical surveys to drilling a well. The operation plan remains in force for the duration of the operation and until all rehabilitation has been completed.
The operation plan must include detailed environment management and rehabilitation plans and, if well activities are proposed, a well operation management plan.
It must address all regulatory requirements including those pertaining to community consultation, risk management, groundwater monitoring, hydrocarbon gas estimation, reporting and operator suitability.
The following guideline outlines the requirements for an operation plan to comply with the Petroleum Act 1998 and Petroleum Regulations 2021.
Page last updated: 02 Feb 2024