Supporting technical reports
The Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy (LVRRS) outlines policy and provides guidance to progress mine rehabilitation planning.
This page provides links to technical reports which were prepared to inform the LVRRS.
Explanatory note: surface water access for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitation - Guidance on the type of access arrangements that could apply to surface water from the Latrobe River system for the purpose of mine rehabilitation.
Explanatory note: surface water access for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitation (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Technical report: surface water access for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitation - The type of conditions that could apply to water access for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitation and associated risks and benefits.
Technical report: surface water access for Latrobe Valley mine rehabilitation (PDF, 5.4 MB)
Identification of Recognised Regional Receptors - this report represents an initial high-level identification of regional receptors of interest, for the purpose of scoping the regional technical studies that informed the LVRRS.
An accessible version of this document is currently not available. Work to create an accessible version may already be in progress or an accessible version can be provided on request. Please email if you need further information about this document.
Water-related Metrics and Thresholds - this report provides guidance for assessing potential water-related impacts associated with the rehabilitation of Latrobe Valley’s three brown coal mines
Geotechnical-related Metrics and Thresholds - this report provides guidance for assessing potential geotechnical impacts associated with the rehabilitation of Latrobe Valley’s three brown coal mines.
Environmental Flow Recommendations Study - this study was undertaken by the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority to understand the minimum environmental flows requirements for the Latrobe system
Climate Change Projections - the purpose of this study was to understand potential changes to water availability as a result of climate change and long-term climate variability
Latrobe Valley Regional Water Study: Ecological Effects Assessment (EEA) - this study explores the potential effects of using water from the Latrobe river system for mine rehabilitation on the receiving environment, under a range of future rehabilitation and climate scenarios.
Latrobe System Water Availability - report documents the assumptions, tools and methods used to estimate current water availability in the Latrobe System. It also projects water availability for a range of potential future climate and water use scenarios.
Latrobe Valley Draft Preliminary Land Use Vision - This report establishes a strategic land use vision for the mine sites and surrounding land, and identifies opportunities for land use change associated with rehabilitation.
Consultation report for the Draft Preliminary Land Use Vision - This report summarises findings from the public consultation on the Draft Preliminary Land Use Vision.
Latrobe Valley Social History - Celebrating and recognising Latrobe Valley's history and heritage - This study documents the history of the Latrobe Valley region, exploring how the setting has been historically experienced by local communities and how local sense of identity has been formed.
Page last updated: 11 Apr 2024