Fosterville Gold Mine

Fosterville Gold Mine is located 20 km east of Bendigo.

The site commenced operation in 2005. It is licensed to operate as an underground and open cut mine and is assigned mining licence MIN5404.

Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd owns the mine. Fosterville Gold Mine Pty Ltd is the licence holder.

Current status

View the licence area and location on Resource Licences near me.

A proposal to extend underground mining operations within Fosterville Gold Mine’s current licence area is currently the subject of an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process.

This process is managed by the Department of Transport and Planning. It assesses the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project and is required before Resources Victoria can consider Fosterville Gold Mine’s application to extend its operations.

Learn more about the EES for the Fosterville Gold Mine Sustained Operations Project on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Regulatory compliance

Works conducted on-site are regulated and managed under the conditions stated on Fosterville Gold Mine’s approved work plan. Read more about regulatory compliance.

Common compliance enquiries and concerns raised from time-to-time by local community members about the mine’s operations include noise and seismic events.

Resources Victoria’s Earth Resources Regulator is responsible for investigating community concerns about induced seismic activity. This term refers to earth vibration or movement caused by underground mining activities, which can occur during blasting or after removal of rock and be experienced beyond the mine’s boundaries by residents.

Although Fosterville Gold Mine continues to conduct underground mining activities within legislative requirements, the regulator is working with the operator on ways to minimise induced seismic activity around the mine.

Community updates

Fosterville Gold Mine is responsible for keeping the local community informed about mine operations, including upcoming activities that may impact residents and actions being undertaken to address any potential impacts.

Read more information and download the latest quarterly newsletter via the Fosterville Gold Mine website.

Enquiries and concerns

Fosterville Gold Mine is responsible for all aspects of mining operations, including risk management and complaints handling.

If you have an enquiry, concern or complaint about activities occurring at the site, please contact the mine operator in the first instance via:

This will enable the operator to respond immediately.

Should your issue or concern remain unresolved, please contact the regulator responsible for the area it relates to as outlined below.

Earth Resources Regulator

The Earth Resources Regulator is responsible for regulating activities within the boundary of the work authority area. See Resource Licences near me for the exact site boundary. If you have a question or concern related to quarry activities within the boundary, please:

For urgent out of hours reporting, the Earth Resources Regulator Compliance Duty Officer can be contacted on 0419 597 010.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA)

EPA prevents harm to human health from pollution and waste. Issues monitored by EPA include:

  • dust and other discharge from the site
  • noise emissions.

To lodge a report, contact EPA’s 24-hour pollution hotline on 1300 372 842 or online via the EPA’s reporting pollution page.

City of Greater Bendigo

City of Greater Bendigo manages zoning matters relevant to different land use types and has responsibility for the roads and land outside the licence area boundary. Relevant issues include:

  • mud or erosion of the roads around the boundary
  • truck movements on local roads to and from the site
  • working hours.

Enquiries to City of Greater Bendigo may be lodged via email or phone 1300 002 642.

Page last updated: 18 Mar 2025