Barongarook Sand Quarry

The Barongarook Sand Quarry is located about 11 km south of Colac in western Victoria.

The site was licensed to operate as a quarry in 1976 and is assigned work authority WA220.

Daisy’s Property Group Pty Ltd purchased the site in May 2023 and is the current work authority holder.

Current status

View the work authority area and location on Resource Licences near me.

The Earth Resources Regulator has recently issued several remedial notices to address issues related to noise, dust and buffer zones. These notices require Daisy’s Property Group Pty Ltd to undertake specific actions to achieve compliance with work authority conditions.

Regulatory compliance

Works conducted on-site are regulated and managed under the conditions stated on the company’s work authority. Read more about regulatory compliance.

This table lists recent actions taken by the Earth Resources Regulator against the Barongarook Sand Quarry in 2024. Varying due dates apply to these notices. Regulatory compliance activities are ongoing. Notices are closed out when complied with.

Date Enforcement action type Details
13/2/2024 s110 Notice Cease over-extraction and reinstate impacted batter.
13/2/2024s110 NoticeRemove stormwater pipe located through front bund of the property and develop a surface water management plan for the site.
13/5/2024s110 NoticeEngage a suitably qualified and experienced person to conduct a survey of the extraction limit.
13/5/2024Official warning letterFailure to comply with s110 notice by due date.
2/7/2024s110 NoticeDevelop noise management plan.

Community update

Daisy’s Property Group Pty Ltd has recently developed a community engagement plan for the Barongarook Sand Quarry. The plan outlines how the local community will be kept informed about quarry activities and actions being undertaken to address potential impacts on community members. The Earth Resources Regulator will monitor the work authority holder to ensure this is occurring.

Enquiries and concerns

Daisy’s Property Group Pty Ltd is responsible for all aspects of quarrying operations at the Barongarook Sand Quarry, including risk management and complaints handling.

The company is taking steps to implement its enquiries and complaints management process. In the meantime, if you have an enquiry or concern about activities occurring at the site, please lodge it via the contact form on the company’s website in the first instance.

Should your issue or concern remain unresolved, please contact the regulator responsible for the area it relates to as outlined below.

Earth Resources Regulator

The Earth Resources Regulator is responsible for regulating activities within the boundary of the work authority. See Resource Licences near me for the exact site boundary. If you have a concern related to quarrying activities within the work authority boundary, email to report it.

For urgent out of hours reporting, the Compliance Duty Officer can be contacted on 0419 597 010.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA)

EPA prevents harm to human health from pollution and waste. Issues monitored by EPA include:

  • dust and other discharge from the site
  • noise emissions.

To lodge a report, contact EPA’s 24-hour pollution hotline on 1300 372 842 or online via the EPA’s reporting pollution page.

Colac Otway Shire Council

Colac Otway Shire Council has responsibility for the roads and land outside the work authority boundary. Relevant issues include:

  • mud or erosion of the roads around the boundary
  • truck movements on local roads to and from the site
  • working hours.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the site are available on the council’s website.

Enquiries to Colac Otway Shire Council may be lodged via email or phone 03 5232 9400.

Page last updated: 19 Sep 2024