Exploration reporting guidelines
This page contains information for exploration, retention and mining licence holders when reporting on exploration activities according to the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (MRSDA).
Guide for exploration, retention and mining licence holders for reporting on exploration activities
The guide outlines requirements for digital report and data submission in Victoria. It has been developed in conjunction with the national standards developed by the Government Geoscience Information Committee (GGIC). The Australian Requirements for the Submission of Digital Exploration Data can be downloaded from the Australia Minerals website.
Example technical report and data submission templates
The template below has been developed to assist with the preparation of technical reports for submission. It contains the recommended report structure and section headings for technical reporting in Victoria.
To assist with the submission of exploration data, example mineral exploration reporting templates (MRT) can be downloaded below:
MRT software download
This application requires .net 4 to run, please note if there is no .net 4 framework installed on your computer, the setup will download it from the internet and may take some time to finish the setup.
Summary of reporting requirements
Technical report – annual, partial relinquishment and final
- The technical report presents a complete record of all exploration activities, technical results and geological interpretations during the reporting period. The main report text and all appendices / attachments must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in the reporting guide and where relevant, the Australian requirements for the submission of digital exploration data.
- An annual technical report submission is required for all exploration and retention licences within 28 days after the reporting date.
- An annual technical report submission is required within 28 days after 30 June for mining licences that cover more than 5 hectares where any exploration expenditure has been claimed.
- A technical report may be a joint report, that is, encompass the activities related to more than one licence, if the licences:
- are held by the same licensee,
- are held over adjoining areas, and
- have the same reporting date.
- A partial relinquishment report is required within 28 days after a decrease in licence area. The report must provide details of all work conducted within the relinquished area, from the grant of the title to the time of relinquishment.
- A final report must be submitted within 28 days after a licence ceases to be in force.
- The report will cover all the work done since the last technical report, or
- If the licence has previously been joint reported, the report will include all work done over the life of the licence.
Expenditure and activities return
- The expenditure & activities return lists the expenditure for the reporting period against a summary of operations.
- One return per licence must be completed for all exploration, retention, mining and prospecting licences.
- A return must be submitted within 28 days after the annual reporting date of the licence.
- A return must be submitted within 28 days after a licence ceases to be in force.
- Excessive overhead claims are to be avoided, and substantiation of the expense (e.g. through provision of receipts) may be requested.
- Where relevant, retention licence reporting requires completion of the milestone progress section of the return.
- No expenditure and activity return is required following a partial cancellation.
Reporting date
The annual reporting date for exploration licences and retention licences may be one of the following dates as selected on the licence application form and shown on the licence document:
- 31 March
- 30 June
- 30 September
- 31 December
The reporting date for mining licences and prospecting licences is 30 June.
Electronic text and data submission
Technical reports and expenditure and activity returns are to be submitted via the Resource Rights Allocation Management (RRAM) portal . If you need assistance with your username and password please contact rram.support@deeca.vic.gov.au.
Technical reports are to be submitted as pdf documents, with all attachments/appendices attached as zip file(s) in formats as specified in the guide. Single file capacity is 25 MB, contact the tenement geoscientist email at gsv.mineraltenements@deeca.vic.gov.au to arrange submission of larger files.
Submission of samples to the GSV Drill Core Library
Government encourages industry, academia and other interested parties to donate core and cuttings samples from drilling programs to the GSV Drill Core Library. Such material will be used to assist in future geological exploration and research activity.
Drill core, cuttings and associated data supplied to the Department will become available to the public at time of receipt unless otherwise specified.
Please contact gsv.drillcorelibrary@deeca.vic.gov.au to discuss submission of samples.
Release of information
Reports may be released to the public when the licence, or portion of the licence in the case of partial relinquishment reports, ceases to be in force (section 116(2) of the MRSDA) or, in accordance with section 116(3) of the MRSDA.
Page last updated: 24 Dec 2024