Understanding Victoria’s critical minerals and strategic materials potential

The distribution of minerals in Victoria is determined by the geology and ancient geological processes, often millions of years in the making.

Victoria’s bedrock is divided into north-trending structural zones, each with unique geology created by different events over 600 million years ago. These zones reflect the tectonic processes active during mineral formation, including when Victoria was part of the supercontinent Gondwana.

In contrast, surface minerals are found in cover material formed by geological events over the past 300 million years, which lies atop the bedrock.

The map of Victoria below, created by the Geological Survey of Victoria, indicates broad regions of prospectivity for critical minerals and strategic materials. The coloured areas indicate the broad geographic extent of host surface geology where additional critical minerals of similar styles may occur. The map does not predict specifically where new critical minerals or strategic materials may occur.

Critical minerals and strategic materials potential