Council planning referrals

Planning application referrals are submitted to us where the applications relate to mineral and stone extraction operations under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (MRSDA).
How to submit a referral
If you are required to submit a planning referral to us under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Victoria Planning Provisions, email your submission to
Your email needs to include these application details:
- application number
- zone and overlay controls
- status of the referral (determining, recommending or notification)
- your contact details: email, position title, direct phone number
- site address
- a set of plans drawn to scale (preferably 1:100, 1:200 or 1:250)
- a copy of the Title
- whether or not an official letter reply is required
- any supporting documentation (planning reports etc.)
VCAT matters or general enquiries
If you have a general enquiry, or if your enquiry relates to a VCAT planning matter, please email
After a referral is lodged
If we need more information or clarification, we will ask for it via email to the address you provide. Once we have reviewed the application, we will email you our response. Mailed responses can be provided on request.
Page last updated: 12 Apr 2024