Avonbank Mineral Sands Project
The proposed Avonbank Mineral Sands Project is located in western Victoria, with the boundary approximately 8 kilometres north-east of Horsham.
The Avonbank deposit contains approximately 300 million tonnes of ore, hosting commercial quantities of zircon, titanium and associated rare earth elements.
WIM Resource Pty Ltd (WIM) was granted a retention licence (RL2014) for the site in September 2014. This allowed the company to continue its geoscientific and technical work to evaluate the deposit’s potential to become a commercially viable mine. The licence does not allow mining activities.
WIM is proposing the development of up to 3,426 hectares over a 38-year period for a mineral sands mining and processing operation. Under the proposal, the site will operate 24 hours every day of the year.
The project site would also include slurry pipelines, power and water supply infrastructure and additional site buildings, workshops and fuel storage.
The excavation method would involve open-pit mining, which will be progressively rehabilitated to re-establish the former agricultural land use. At any given time, the extent of project disturbance within the mining licence area will be less than around 340 hectares.
Mine products are proposed to be transported via road to the Port of Portland for export overseas.
Current status
WIM has now applied to Resources Victoria’s Earth Resources Regulator (ERR) for a mining licence (MIN008642). Before the regulator commences its assessment, WIM must publicise its application and outline how the public can submit objections or comments.
WIM published public notices in two newspapers – The Weekly Times and Horsham’s Weekly Advertiser – on 19 March 2025.
Our Have your say page provides more information about this licence application and how to submit objections and comments via an online form or by post.
The personal details of those submitting comments will not be made public.
Community comments received during the feedback period will be considered as part of the decision on whether to grant a licence.
Should a mining licence be granted, a Work Plan would need to be approved by ERR prior to any mining starting. The Work Plan assessment involves a detailed assessment of the intended approach to the work, including any risks to environment or the public, and would need to be consistent with any findings from the Environment Effects Statement process.
A rehabilitation bond would also need to be lodged.
Project background
On 17 August 2019, the Minister for Planning determined an Environment Effects Statement (EES) was required for the proposed Avonbank Mineral Sands Project under the Environment Effects Act 1978.
An EES is an assessment of the potential impacts on the environment of a proposed project or development. Learn more about the EES process at the Department of Transport and Planning website.
WIM’s EES described the proposed Avonbank Mineral Sands Project, assessed its potential environmental impacts (including key ones the Minister determined must be addressed) and identified measures to minimise these impacts.
The full EES, including detailed technical reports, is available on the WIM Resource website.
Following public exhibition of this EES, public hearings and a report from the independent Avonbank Mineral Sands Inquiry and Advisory Committee, the Minister for Planning announced that the EES had received a favourable assessment in December 2024.
Prior to construction of the mine commencing, WIM needs approval of a work plan that incorporates all the EES recommendations.
The proposed Avonbank Mineral Sands Project will also need to be assessed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Page last updated: 19 Mar 2025