Featured news
Minerals exploration activity charging ahead across Victoria
19/06/2024The search for the materials needed to support the renewable energy transition and help make everyday technology products is hotting up across the state.
Latest news
Our clay minerals have ‘aluminating’ renewables potential
19/12/2024Resources Victoria geoscientists have found weathered granite could help support renewable energy technologies.
Rock stock - better planning for the state’s quarry resources
17/12/2024The Resources Victoria Approvals Coordination (RVAC) unit continues to develop ways to drive investment in the state’s resources sector.
Great prospects to find gold during the festive season with a miner’s right
16/12/2024On the back of some recent amateur discoveries across western Victoria, giving a miner’s right for Christmas is a great way to introduce family to Victoria’s historic regions and the excitement of exploring for gold – and it could result in a valuable discovery.
New roadmap to support renewables
10/12/2024The Victorian Critical Minerals Roadmap has been released bringing a new focus to help develop the state’s minerals resources.
Mining Warden appointment
27/11/2024Murphy Hawkins has been reappointed as the Mining Warden in Victoria for a further one-year term to 19 November 2025.
Regulator limits over extracting at quarries
21/11/2024Resources Victoria’s regulator is using high resolution aerial imagery to identify sites where over-extraction may have occurred and is following up with on-ground inspections.