
Victoria's mineral and gas resources boost our economic growth, liveability and well-being. Our projects are the building blocks for Victoria's future. They help regional areas thrive with more spending plus jobs for today and into the future.

Stavely Minerals Exploration Initiative

This initiative coordinated new geoscience research, community engagement and an international, merit-based tender for ground to attract high quality, responsible explorers to the Stavely Arc region in western Victoria.

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Critical Minerals Roadmap for Victoria

Resources Victoria is leading the development a roadmap to support the state’s emerging critical minerals sector.

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TARGET Minerals Exploration Initiative

This initiative provided exploration grants for companies to conduct minerals exploration programs.

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Eastern Victoria Geoscience Initiative

Learn about the low impact deep seismic reflection survey run by the Geological Survey of Victoria.

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Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy

The Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy released in 2020 sets out mine rehabilitation policy.

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Strategic Extractive Resource Areas

The Strategic Extractive Resource Areas pilot project aims to safeguard the sand, stone and gravel Victoria needs to build infrastructure.

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Helping Victoria Grow: Extractive Resources Strategy

Victoria’s Extractive Resources Strategy will help build Victoria's future infrastructure.

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North Central Victorian Goldfields Ground Release

The North Central Victorian Goldfields Ground Release encourages responsible minerals exploration.

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Restart of onshore conventional gas industry in Victoria

Victorian legislation allowed for the restart of onshore conventional gas exploration and production from 1 July 2021.

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Victorian Gas Program

The Victorian Gas Program delivered a comprehensive scientific evidence base to underpin decision-making about onshore conventional gas, offshore gas and underground gas storage.

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Quarry Transformation Grants

New grants will assist quarry operators by providing opportunities to develop and test ideas and options for repurposing the land after quarrying stops.

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