Somerset Quarry
Somerset Quarry is located south of the Melbourne Airport, next to the Maribyrnong River in Keilor. The site has been operating as a quarry since approximately 1975 and as a landfill site for many years prior to that.
The site is designated Work Authority WA44, Malcom Sinclair is the current Work Authority holder.
Current status
View the work authority area and location on Resource Licences Near Me.
The Earth Resources Regulator has commenced focused compliance action to move the site to a safe, stable and sustainable final rehabilitation outcome as required under the approved rehabilitation plan.
Regulatory compliance
Works conducted on-site are regulated and managed under conditions of its work authority, including the need for planning permits and EPA approvals.
Read more about regulatory compliance.
The table Below shows actions taken against Somerset Quarry in 2024. Varying due dates apply to these notices, ERR compliance activity is ongoing against these, as we work toward final rehabilitation. Some notices have been complied with and closed out, while some remain open.
Date | Enforcement action type | Details |
30/07/2024 | Notice section 110 | Install and maintain a motion activated infrared security camera at the entry to Work Authority 44 to monitor access and compliance with notices. |
29/07/2024 | Infringement | Infringement Notice issued for Breach Section 110 Notice - Deposit NDD waste – $1186. |
29/07/2024 | Infringement | Infringement Notice issued for Breach Section 110 Notice - Importation of solid material – $1186. |
09/07/2024 | Notice section 110 | Cease the importation of solid material into Work Authority WA44. Undertake a contaminated land assessment. |
09/07/2024 | Direction | Cease all importation of solid fill materials immediately. |
05/07/2024 | Notice section 110 | Stop Importation of non-destructive waste |
20/06/2024 | Notice section 110 | Stop Importation of non-destructive waste |
20/06/2024 | Direction | Cease all construction works associated with the construction of the western embankment including the buttress works at the toe of the western embankment. |
13/06/2024 | Direction | Cease pushing or placing any materials over the crest of the western embankment. |
07/06/2024 | Notice section 110 |
Cease the importation of all concrete, bricks, rock and building rubble. All crushed or uncrushed concrete, bricks, rock and building rubble is to be removed from the work authority and disposed of to a suitable EPA licenced landfill or recycling facility. |
07/06/2024 | Notice section 110 |
Undertake a survey, prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced surveyor, and complete a report of the landform across the work authority. The survey is to detail: a) The difference between current landform and proposed final landform at contours of one (1) meter including an area one hundred (100) meters outside the work authority to the adjoining land to the east of the Work Authority. b) The cut and fill volumes across the Work Authority including a map. c) The difference in volume between all materials currently on the Work Authority and materials required to achieve the proposed final rehabilitation landform. d) A survey and map of the Work Authority including surface water management, slope, and final rehabilitation landform of the western embankments no steeper than 1V:1.5H. e) Detailed east-west cross sections and a north-south long section of the existing and proposed final landform. |
05/04/2024 | Notice section 110 | Notice issued to quantify, by survey, the material onsite above natural ground level. |
Community updates
Earth Resources Regulator is committed to keeping the local community updated on the actions it is taking at Somerset Quarry.
A community information session was held on 10 July 2024 to provide an initial update.
If you would like to be invited to future information sessions and receive email updates on Somerset Quarry, please email
Earth Resources Regulator is the principal regulator of quarrying activity in Victoria. We work alongside other co-regulators, such as the Environment Protection Authority Victoria and local council to ensure compliance with the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (Vic).
If you are unsure of the best place to report your concern, please email and we will pass your message to the most appropriate contact.
Earth Resources Regulator
Earth Resources Regulator regulates activities within the boundary of the work authority. See Resource Licenses Near Me for the exact site boundary. If you have a concern regarding quarrying activity, in the first instance email
For urgent out of hours reporting, the Compliance Duty Officer can be contacted on 0419 597 010.
Environment Protection Authority
EPA prevent harm to human health from pollution and waste. Issues EPA are monitoring include:
- dust and other discharge from the site
- waste products being received on site.
To lodge a report with EPA, contact EPA’s 24-hour pollution hotline on 1300 372 842 or online via the EPA's reporting pollution page.
Hume City Council
Hume City Council have responsibility for the roads and land outside of the work authority boundary, as well as some aspects of the planning permission. This includes:
- mud or erosion of the roads around the boundary
- working hours.
Enquiries to Hume City Council may be lodged via phone 03 9205 2200 or email
Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025