Location of resource licences
Resource Licences near me
You can locate resources licences across Victoria using the Resource Licences near me search tool.
Pinpoint the exact Victorian location of:
- mineral exploration, retention and mining licences
- petroleum exploration, retention and production licences, and
- quarries.
Enter an address or click on the map to find licences or permits in your community, on your property or in any part of the state.
Detailed regulatory information about mining, minerals and petroleum exploration and production in Victoria is available for landholders or you can contact us.
Current mining tenements
Access information about current mining tenements in Victoria.
GeoVic is a free mapping tool which allows you to search geospatial databases and can display dataset on:
- the location of current and expired tenements
- land status for exploration and mining
- historic mining activity
- and more.
Apply for a licence
Page last updated: 08 May 2023