Changes to Annual Reporting Requirements for Extractive Industries
The Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Extractive Industries) Regulations 2019 introduced changes to annual reporting requirements for all Victorian extractive industry work authorities. These include reporting the:
- most recent stone resource estimate
- density of the stone before extraction
- stratigraphic unit of the stone
- maximum depth of extraction of the stone.
This new information will enable better planning of quarry development and help ensure a more accurate understanding of Victoria’s supply of quarry materials.
Along with production data already reported, the new information will be used to update Victoria's extractive resource demand and supply forecasts every five years. The next update is due to be published in 2022.
Authority holders are encouraged to submit their annual reporting directly into the Reasource Rights Allocation and Management (RRAM) portal. You can also access annual and royalty reporting templates for extractive industries.
To help authority holders to provide this information, we have developed the following background and guidance material:
- Fact Sheet 1: Changes to Extractive Industry Reporting
Provides an overview of what is required to be reported under the new regulations and why this is important. - Fact Sheet 2: Preparing a Resource Estimate
Provides an overview of the information required to prepare a resource estimate. - Fact Sheet 3: Additional stone details to report
Provides an outline of some of the additional information required to report about each type of stone. - Fact Sheet 4: Determining Stratigraphic Unit
Provides an outline of how to determine the stratigraphic unit for a quarry. - Fact Sheet 5: About the Joint Ore Reserve Committee (JORC) Code
Provides more background about the framework being used to guide resource estimate reporting.
If you have any specific queries, email Earth Resources Regulation or call 1300 366 356.
Fact sheet downloads
Questions and answers
From the financial year commencing 1 July 2020, extractive industry annual reports to Earth Resources Regulation must include the following:
- most recent stone resource estimate;
- density of the stone before extraction;
- stratigraphic unit of the stone; and
- maximum depth of extraction of the stone.
This is in addition to the existing reporting requirements.
The new information will enable better planning of quarry development and help ensure reliable and cost-effective supplies of sand, stone and gravel are available for construction into the future.
Collecting this data will be an important step in understanding the current supply and demand balance and will help the government and industry work together to avoid potential shortfalls.
Along with production data already reported, the new information will be used to update Victoria's extractive resource demand and supply forecasts every five years. The next update is due to be published in 2022.
All extractive industry work authorities are required to include this information in their annual reports.
Templates including the updated information will be available on the Resource Rights Allocation and Management (RRAM) system. You can download the templates here.
We have developed fact sheets to assist industry to calculate the relevant information. You can download the fact sheets above.
Many work authorities may have some of this additional information contained in their work plan. Work authorities should consult their work plans or work plan variation documents as a starting point, however operators should consider whether more current information is available.
The JORC Code is a professional code of practice that promotes robust standards for the public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves. More information is available in Fact Sheet 5.
Annual reports for the 2020-21 reporting period must be received by Earth Resources Regulation no later than 31 July 2021.
Should you require additional time to complete your annual report, please send a written request by emailing our Licensing Team or by mail to:
Earth Resources Regulation
GPO Box 4509
Melbourne VIC 3001.
Please ensure we receive this before 31 July.
The information collected through annual reports will help enable a more accurate understanding of Victoria’s supply of quarry materials. The data will also support quarry approval processes and provide more robust evidence to inform planning decisions that affect quarrying.
All information provided in annual returns, including resource estimates, is bound by the secrecy provisions outlined in Section 119 of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990.
Page last updated: 31 May 2023