
The Geological Survey of Victoria & Resources Victoria welcome delegates to the 2024 International Mining and Resources Conference

This webpage is an extension of the Victorian Government's display within the exhibition pavilion, providing more information relating to the promoted topics and themes.

Critical minerals

Victoria has world-class mineral sand deposits in northwest Victoria that contain demonstrated resources of titanium, zirconium and rare earth elements. There are also other critical and high-tech mineral opportunities throughout regional Victoria, such as copper, antimony, high purity alumina and silica, in addition to promising early-stage mineral exploration for tin, tungsten, lithium and platinum group elements.

The Geological  Survey of Victoria is managing several studies to better understand the state’s capacity to derive value from the potential production and processing of critical minerals that underpin the global energy and technology transition.

More information about Victoria’s critical minerals and strategic minerals potential and exploration can be found here


Victoria is a world-class gold province. The central gold province alone has produced 2500 t Au (~80 Moz Au). Results from the Geological Survey of Victoria’s Gold Undercover (2006-2009) initiative estimates that the undiscovered gold endowment of the northern parts of Victoria  may be an estimated 75 Moz Au. The 24 Gold Undercover reports and data sets are free to download.

State Drill Core Library

Based at Werribee, the State Drill Core Library is an invaluable geoscientific asset, allowing rock and mineral samples from all over Victoria to be easily accessed, studied and reanalysed at minimal/no extra cost.

The collection includes rock samples from minerals drill holes, petroleum wells, groundwater bores, government stratigraphic and co-funded industry drilling, geotechnical/infrastructure drilling, extractive drill holes, coal bore holes, geothermal drill holes, government mapping programs as well as hardcopy reports and maps.

A comprehensive (but not complete) list of recent Victorian drilling intersections can be found here.

Visits are by appointment only. To arrange please email or phone +61 3 9623 1503.


GeoVic is a free online mapping portal. You can build your own earth resource related maps, perform searches and access data, using a wide range of data sources.

Search across mineral, petroleum and extractive industry tenements. Look at geological maps and interpretations at various scales. Find land-use data, aerial photography as well as gravity, magnetic and radiometric images, borehole and well data. You can also access surface geochemistry results, mines and mineral occurrences and renewable energy data (eg solar, geothermal and wind).

There are also useful instructions to assist with your search.

Victoria's exploration and mining performance

Published annually, the Earth Resources Sector Indicators (ERSI) report series captures the performance of the earth resources sector in Victoria.

3D geological models of the state

3D geomodelling can be a powerful aid to exploration. The Geological Survey of Victoria uses a multidisciplinary approach to building 3D models. Multiple geoscientific datasets are integrated to increase the likelihood of a realistic representation of the structure of the rocks and sediments in the subsurface on a regional scale.

More information about the various Victorian models can be found at the 3D geological modelling page.

Current mines and mineral exploration projects map

The Geological Survey of Victoria periodically publishes a map of mineral resource development activity across the state.

The map shows locations of current mines, mineral resources, exploration projects and selected mineral occurrences on a background of 1:1,000,000 seamless geology and Victorian digital terrain model.

The map demonstrates Victoria’s claim as a world class gold production province and an emerging region for critical minerals (and copper) project development.

Resources Victoria newsletter

Our Resources Victoria newsletter contains the latest information on all areas of the Victorian minerals sector including current minerals initiatives, policy and regulatory updates and geoscience. Stay up to date with resources development in Victoria by subscribing here

Further information

If you want to follow up on anything on our IMARC Exhibition Booth or keep a conversation going, please reach out to:

Exploration and Development Manager
Geological Survey of Victoria

Page last updated: 29 Oct 2024