Have your say on new licence applications

Victoria’s Earth Resources Regulator makes decisions about licence applications to explore and access the state’s resources.

Your feedback helps Victoria’s Earth Resources Regulator decide whether to grant, request changes or refuse a licence application.

Please send your comments in writing by the submission closing date and we’ll consider these in our decision.

How to submit your feedback or ask questions

Feedback can be lodged via our online form or posted to:

The Minister for Energy and Resources
c/- Manager Licensing
Earth Resources Regulation
PO Box 500
East Melbourne Victoria 8002

Enquiries can be made by:

  • writing to the Manager Licensing at the above address
  • phoning the Resources Victoria Information Centre on 136 186.

For help with English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on free call 131 450.

Current applications

Onshore gas

Under the Petroleum Act 1998, any person may make a written submission to the minister about an application for an onshore retention lease or production licence.

There are currently no onshore gas applications open for feedback.

Offshore gas

Under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010, any person may make a written submission to the minister about an application to vary an offshore pipeline licence.

There are currently no offshore gas applications open for feedback.

Proposed acreage releases

Public consultation is undertaken on proposed acreage releases onshore or offshore in Victorian state waters, which may result in applications for gas exploration permits.

There are currently no proposed acreage releases open for feedback.


Public input related to quarry applications is conducted by the relevant local council via the planning permit process. Applications can normally be located under ‘advertised planning applications’ (or similar wording) on your council website.


GeoVic is our spatial mapping tool. It allows you to search for licences and access data, and to build your own earth resources-related maps.

More information

Minerals exploration and mining


Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025