Principles for community engagement

These principles are a guide for Victoria’s earth resources industry on best practice and expectations for engaging community.

Resources Victoria recognises that working with communities allows us to support the delivery of a sustainable earth resource sector and commits to following these principles in our work.

Engagement is a statutory requirement. All mineral industry licensees and extractive industry work authority holders have a duty to consult under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990.

Aboriginal communities and Traditional Owners

Meaningful relationships are established with Aboriginal communities and Traditional Owners.

  • Meaningful engagement occurs for all projects, regardless of Native Title requirements.
  • Effort is made to identify the relevant Aboriginal communities and Traditional Owners. They may be represented by land corporations or other groups. Do not limit to just groups with formal recognition under the Native Title Act or other legislation.

Understand the affected community

Community members impacted by the project are identified and understood.

  • Any person or group whose interests are likely to be affected by the project are identified and the impact the project will have on them is understood.
  • These interests are not confined to a strict legal interest in land or property – it includes cultural interest of First Nations peoples and community of place connection of local residents.

Engagement tailored to the community

Engagement level and methods are appropriate for the project and the community.

  • Engagement goals, levels and methods are appropriate for community members and groups affected by the project. Different stakeholders are likely to require varied engagement levels or methods.
  • Information about projects is provided in a way that is accessible and appropriate for the community members and groups being engaged.
  • Community engagement is appropriate for the size, location and potential impact of the project.

Genuine and informed prior consultation

Engagement is based on genuine and informed prior consultation.

  • Community members are given a genuine opportunity to express their concerns and provide feedback.
  • Sufficient and accessible information has been provided for community members to assess how a project will impact them.
  • Consultation has occurred prior to work commencing.
  • Community members are given information on how their concerns will be taken into account.

Ongoing engagement

Community engagement occurs through the lifetime of the project.

  • Community engagement is ongoing throughout the project, with engagement level and methods changing as the potential community impact of the project changes.
  • Projects provide community members with ways to raise any issues or concerns throughout the project.

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Page last updated: 20 Feb 2025