Victorian Mining Register

Section 69 of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (MRSDA) requires a mining register to be established and maintained for public information purposes.

This register includes documents relevant to:

  • mineral exploration, retention, mining and prospecting licences
  • extractive industry work authorities.

Summary information about documents registered on the mining register is publicly available via our online mapping tool, GeoVic, and Resource Licences near me.

This includes (but is not limited to):

  • licence grants and renewals
  • variations
  • transfers
  • cancellations
  • approved work plans and work plan variations
  • rehabilitation bonds.

A complete list of documents that are registered on the mining register can be found in section 69 of the MRSDA.

Documents relating to petroleum tenements are not registered on the Victorian Mining Register. Copies of registered documents that relate to a petroleum tenement can be requested by emailing

Access information on GeoVic

  1. Log in using your username and password or, if you’re not registered, use GeoVic anonymously.
  2. Navigate to the licence or authority number you’re looking for (e.g. MIN****, WA****). Use Quick Search to find the correct licence number, including by location or name of licence/authority holder.
    Screenshot of the Quick Search function in the top right of GeoVic
  3. Select the number, then select the ‘Tabular View’ button.
    Screenshot of GeoVic highlighting the Tabular View icon
  4. In the drop-down menu of the Tabular View menu, select Option 6 - "Registrations"
    Screenshot of GeoVic showing the dropdown menu from the tabular view

Request a copy of a registered document

Under section 74 of the MRSDA, if a member of the public wants more than the summary information available for free via GeoVic, they may obtain a copy of the registered document by emailing a written request to the Earth Resources Regulator at and paying the prescribed fee per document requested.

Please note:

  • The Earth Resources Regulator cannot disclose any confidential or commercially sensitive information by law. Any such information will be redacted from the copy of the document requested.
  • Registered documents relating to extractive industry work authorities are limited to rehabilitation bonds and work plans approved from 1 January 2010, and grants and work plan variations from 1 November 2014.
  • If the request relates to a document  not registered on the mining register (e.g. copy of a work plan approved before 1 January 2010), the Earth Resources Regulator recommends contacting the licence or authority holder to request a copy.
  • Alternatively, a freedom of information (FOI) request can be made to obtain a copy of a document not registered on the mining register.
  • For up-to-date information about the rehabilitation bonds held by the State against licences and work authorities, refer to our rehabilitation bonds interactive dashboard.

Page last updated: 05 Apr 2024