Critical Minerals Roadmap for Victoria

Resources Victoria is leading the development of a roadmap to support the state’s emerging critical minerals sector.

The production of critical minerals is an essential step in the transition to a net zero economy. In the coming decades there will be unprecedented global demand for these materials.

Victoria’s critical mineral resources include globally significant quantities of titanium, zirconium, and rare-earth elements in mineral sand deposits in the northwest of the state.  Central Victoria has Australia’s only antimony mine.

Exploration is also underway for:

  • bismuth
  • high purity alumina
  • indium
  • lithium
  • nickel
  • platinum group metals
  • rhenium
  • silicon
  • tin
  • tungsten
  • zinc.

While exploration and mining are well regulated in Victoria, the roadmap seeks to align the expectations of communities, the resources sector and government earlier in the development process.

The vision is for a critical minerals sector that is creating regional jobs and community benefit, partnering with Traditional Owners, stimulating investment and contributing to the state’s net zero economy.

Victoria’s critical mineral resources need greater geoscientific investigation, further exploration, a more certain path for development and increased community confidence to unlock their full economic potential.

To ensure that the Roadmap is aligned with contemporary community values, Resources Victoria has commenced consultations with Traditional Owners, environment groups, government agencies, regional stakeholders and the resources sector.

Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024