Mineral resources strategy 2018-2023

Workers outside a mine site.

The Victorian Government has developed the State of discovery: Mineral resources strategy 2018–2023 to help grow investment and jobs in Victoria’s minerals sector.

This strategy delivers a whole-of-government approach across the mining lifecycle.

It sets a path for improving the administration and enforcement of our regulatory framework for managing the social, environmental and economic conditions of the mining industry.

The strategy highlights the government’s priorities for investment in pre-competitive geoscience and the reduction of costs and red-tape for the minerals sector. It also involves leveraging Victoria’s world-leading business conditions, infrastructure, corporate connectedness, educational excellence and workforce preparedness.

The strategy outlines areas for actions under five themes:

  1. Confident communities and responsible explorers
  2. Advancing geoscience and encouraging mineral exploration and development
  3. Victoria as a global mining hub
  4. Improve regulation practice and industry compliance
  5. Deliver modern, fit-for-purpose laws.

The Minister for Resources launched State of discovery on 28 August 2018: Stawell mine reopens as minerals sector booms.

Page last updated: 12 Jun 2024