Video transcript: Safeguarding the resources our community needs

[Title: Building a Balance: Quarries for a Growing Victoria]

[Vision: Aerial view over suburbs. Victoria’s population is set to double by 2050]

Richard Hancock - Manager, Extractive Resources Planning

Victoria is growing.

We need to invest in our economy and build the infrastructure our state needs.

[Vision: Earth moving machinery working in quarry. Quarry materials underpin our growth. Concreters laying slab for a new home, aerial view of construction work on new transport corridor]

That means we require the raw materials which is used for building homes, hospitals, roads and railways.

We need these raw materials now and well into the future.

[Vision: Landscaped roadside with gravel in new subdivision of residences being built. Strategic Extractive Resource Areas (SERA) Pilot Project]

The Victorian Government is putting safeguards in place so we can access the sand, stone and gravel that’s required to build infrastructure across the state.

[Vision: Aerial view of suburbs. Richard speaking. Aerial view over new subdivision. Earth moving machinery working in quarry]

The Strategic Extractive Resource Area Pilot Project is an initiative that aims to get the right balance between ensuring communities can develop, but not build too close to where the best quality sand, stone and gravel lies.

[Vision: Map of Melbourne showing locations of the Wyndham Pilot and South Gippsland Pilot]

We’re collaborating with Wyndham City Council and South Gippsland Shire Council to trial changes to level planning requirements.

[Vision: Aerial view of suburbs. Earth moving machinery working and workers walking through the site]

We think these proposed planning changes will provide more certainty for industry as well as for local communities.

[Vision: Richard speaking]

We’d like to hear what you think about these proposed changes.

[Vision: Pilots in Wyndham and South Gippsland - - Find out about the proposed changes and how these changes may affect you]

Head to that’s where you’ll be able to provide feedback, find out more information about the project, find out what’s going to change and how those changes may affect you.

[Visions: Public submissions on this project close Friday 24th July 2020]

Public submissions on this project close on Friday 24th July 2020.

[Victoria State Government - Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne]

Page last updated: 01 Dec 2022