Notice of Application for a Mining Licence Application MIN008642
Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 – Section 15(5)
Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations 2019 – Regulation 22(1) and Schedule 1
1. Name and address of applicant(s) | WIM Resource PTY LTD |
2. Contact details of applicant for map and other information requests | Phone: 0480 664 097 |
3. Applicant’s website (see notes) | Further information about this application is available on the WIM Resource website. Additional information from Resources Victoria is also available on our Key site updates page. |
4. Details of the application | Application number: MIN008642 Locality of the land to which the application relates: 1.3km northeast of Dooen, 1.6km west of Jung and 8km northeast of Horsham Approximate area of the application: 3426 ha Date of the application: 7 March 2025 Term the licences are applied for: 38 years Outline of the proposed programs of work: The mining licence is being sought to enable the mining and primary processing of the Avonbank mineral sands orebody. Mining of the orebody will involve open-pit excavation, using conventional heavy earth-moving methods and equipment to extract approximately 11 million tonnes of ore per year over 30 years. A mining unit plant will operate within the pit to slurry the ore before being pumped to the secondary processing plant within the WIM Base Area. Mined areas will be progressively rehabilitated with excavated overburden, sand tails, and soil materials to establish a safe, stable, and sustainable agricultural end land use. At any given time, the extent of Project disturbance will be less than 340 ha. Activities ancillary to mining and primary processing that will occur within the mining licence include the establishment of local access roads, temporary soil stockpiles, contractor facilities, and laydown yards. Further information on the program of works, environmental management, and community engagement is available on the WIM Resource website or by visiting the WIM Community Hub at 83 Firebrace Street, Horsham. |
5. Objections and comments | Any person may object or comment to a licence being granted by:
Objections or comments must be lodged within 21 days after the latest date on which the application was advertised and can be lodged online or posted to: It is recommended that objections or comments are lodged via Resource Rights Allocation and Management to ensure timely consideration. Enquiries can be made by writing to the Manager Licensing at the above address or by phoning the Earth Resources Information Centre on 136 186. |
6. Other information |
Page last updated: 19 Mar 2025