Notice of Application for an Prospecting Licence PL008570

Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 – Section 15(5)
Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations 2019 – Regulation 22(1) and Schedule 1

1. Name and address of applicant(s)

C&M Resources Pty Ltd
Post Office Box 204 Golden Square Vic 3550

2. Contact details of applicant for map and other information requests

Matthew Carkeek
Mobile: 0418 175 289

3. Applicant’s website (see notes)

Further information about this application is available on our Have your say on new licence applications page.

4. Details of the application

Application number: PL008570

Locality of the land to which the application relates: Approx 3.7km North Northeast from Dunolly.

Approximate area of the application (Hectares): 5

Date of the application: 7 March 2025

Term the licences are applied for: 7 years

Outline of the proposed programs of work: Proposed works for PL008570 includes doze/excavate and detect style of recovery system.

This work includes excavation of smaller pits/extraction zones using excavator, dozer or Loader and detecting progressively prior to backfilling.

Areas to be mined will be generally undertaken using the following process using a moving work zone followed up by progressive back filling and rehabilitation as soon as practical.

  • Identify exclusion/buffer zones and maintained as required
  • Excavation work
  • Soil stockpiled
  • Detecting ore
  • Backfill & rehabilitation

The mining type that is intended to be employed is the doze/excavate and detect method. There are no plans to use any other type of mining recovery system. (i.e. no plans for ‘wet’ or chemical recovery techniques).

5. Objections and comments

Any person may object or comment to a licence being granted by:

  1. putting the objection or comment in writing; and
  2. including the grounds on which it is made

Objections or comments must be lodged within 21 days after the latest date on which the application was advertised and can be lodged online or posted to:
The Minister for Energy and Resources
c/- Manager Licensing, Earth Resources Regulation, PO Box 500, East Melbourne Victoria 8002

It is recommended that objections or comments are lodged via Resource Rights Allocation and Management to ensure timely consideration.

Enquiries can be made by writing to the Manager Licensing at the above address or by phoning the Earth Resources Information Centre on 136 186.

6. Other information

  1. Subject to other requirements being satisfied, a prospecting licence, if granted, entitles the holder of the licence to prospect or explore for minerals, carry out mining on the relevant land, and do anything else that is incidental to that mining.
  2. Further information regarding the requirements that must be complied with prior to work being undertaken is available on the department’s Community and Land Use page.

Map of application area for PL008570

Page last updated: 20 Mar 2025