
National Science Week profile - Dr Louise Goldie Divko, Acting Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria

During National Science Week 2024, we are shining the spotlight on four people who use science skills every day in their roles working for Resources Victoria. Meet Dr Louise Goldie Divko, Acting Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria.

During National Science Week 2024, we are shining the spotlight on four people who use science skills every day in their roles working for Resources Victoria. Meet Dr Louise Goldie Divko, Acting Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria.

Louise Goldie DivkoTell us about your role

I’m acting in the role of Director at the Geological Survey of Victoria (GSV). Over the past 17 years I’ve enjoyed preparing scientific reports, completing geoscience projects, working in the field and at our drill core library. It’s been rewarding to engage with stakeholders and the community, as well as to collaborate with colleagues across government.

How did you get into your career?

When I was at secondary school the teacher always skipped the earth science chapters in our textbook. When I started my science degree there was the option to study earth sciences. I was rapt!! I went on to work as a geologist in the private sector before taking a detour into secondary school teaching for four years. A PhD led me back to geoscience. Careers are not always linear.

What benefits does your role bring to the state?

Locating the minerals required to develop renewable energy or the raw materials needed for construction depends on sound geoscience. Better understanding geology provides us with insights as to where these resources might be hidden underground. Without geoscience exploring for resources would involve a lot of guess work and that means areas would be unnecessarily disturbed. With publicly available modern datasets and knowledge, exploring for resources is targeted, reducing the impact on the environment and communities.

What advice would you have for those interested in a science-based career?

Science plays a huge role in our daily lives. To reduce our impact on climate change we’ll need more curious and innovative minds than ever to maintain our standard of living and reach net zero targets. There are many varied science roles out there – just look at the variety within the Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action.

Find out more about science skills in resources.