GeoVic layers data source
GeoVic Layers as of 2024/03/27
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Refer to the end of the page for Dataset Collections
Layer Name | Data Type | Access Restrictions | Group Layer | Folders (Where in GeoVic to Find It) | Dataset Name (Real) | Dataset Query (If used) | WFS example (if exists) | WMS example (if exists) |
VGP onshore study area | polygon | Earth Resources Initiatives | MINERALS.PROJECT_AREA | sub_project = 'Gippsland conventional gas' Or sub_project = 'Otway conventional gas' | ||||
North Central Victorian Goldfields ground release | polygon | Earth Resources Initiatives | MINERALS.PROJECT_AREA | project = 'North Central Victorian Goldfields ground release' | ||||
North Central Victorian Goldfields block release | polygon | Earth Resources Initiatives | MINERALS.PROJECT_AREA | project = 'North Central Victorian Goldfields block release' | ||||
S7 Exempt Areas for Stavely Project (lifting on 02/05/2022) | polygon | Earth Resources Initiatives | MINERALS.PROJECT_AREA | sub_project = 's7_lifting_2022' | ||||
Stavely Project Area | polygon | Earth Resources Initiatives | MINERALS.PROJECT_AREA | comments = 'Geoscience Australia and Geological Survey of Victoria Stavely region project' | ||||
Stavely ground release blocks (2018) | polygon | internal | Earth Resources Initiatives | MINERALS.PROJECT_AREA | project = 'Stavely ground release blocks' | |||
Current Extractive Industry Work Authorities | polygon | Tenements:Extractives | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'ewa' | ||||
Expired Extractive Industry Tenements | polygon | Tenements:Extractives | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'ewahst' | ||||
Current Mineral Exploration Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <>' ' and layer = 'el' | wfs | wms | ||
Current Mineral Moratoriums | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer in ('mp','min','pl','rl') and tag like 'MP-%' | ||||
Current Prospecting Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'pl' | wfs | |||
Current Retention Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'rl' | wfs | wms | ||
Current Mining Licences and Leases | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <>' ' and layer = 'min' | wfs | wms | ||
All Current Mineral Tenements | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer in ('el','min','rl','pl') | ||||
Exploration Licence Area (at first grant) | polygon | internal | Tenements:Minerals:Current | MINERALS.ELPEND | ||||
Expired Mineral Exploration Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'elhist' | ||||
Relinquished Mineral Exploration Licence Areas | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.ELRELIN | tag <> ' ' | ||||
Expired Prospecting Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'plhst' | ||||
Expired Retention Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'rlhst' | ||||
Expired Mining Licences and Leases | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'minhst' | ||||
Expired Mineral Leases - 1860s to 1966 | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'milhst' | ||||
Expired Gold Mining Leases - 1860s to 1958 | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'gmlhst' | ||||
Expired Tailings Licences | polygon | Tenements:Minerals:Expired | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' and layer = 'tlhst' | ||||
All Mineral Tenements | polygon | Tenements:Minerals | MINERALS.MINTEN | tag <> ' ' | ||||
Petroleum Tenements - Vic (boundaries) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.PETROL | auth_type in ('Production Licence','Retention Lease','Exploration Permit') and offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | wfs | wms | ||
Petroleum Tenements - Vic (filled) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.PETROL | auth_type in ('Production Licence','Retention Lease','Exploration Permit') and offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | wfs | wms | ||
Energy Access Authorities - Vic (boundaries) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.PETROL | auth_type in ('Special Access Authorisation','Special Prospecting Authority','Access Authority','Special Drilling Authorisation') and offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | wfs | wms | ||
Energy Access Authorities - Vic (filled) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.PETROL | auth_type in ('Special Access Authorisation','Special Prospecting Authority','Access Authority','Special Drilling Authorisation') and offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | wfs | wms | ||
Geothermal Tenements - Vic (boundaries) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.GERTEN | offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | wfs | wms | ||
Geothermal Tenements - Vic (filled) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.GERTEN | offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | wfs | wms | ||
Oil and Gas Pipelines - Vic | line | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.PIPELINE | offsh_flg in ('N','S') | wfs | wms | ||
CCS Tenements - Vic (boundaries) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.CCSTEN | auth_type in ('Assessment Permit','Retention Lease','Injection or Monitoring Licence') and offsh_flg in ('N','S') and status in ('CUR','REN') | ||||
Expired Petroleum Tenements - Vic (boundaries) | polygon | internal | Tenements:Energy:Victoria | MINERALS.PETROL | (auth_type = 'Production Licence' OR auth_type = 'Retention Lease' OR auth_type = 'Exploration Permit') and (offsh_flg = 'N' or offsh_flg = 'S') and (status <> 'CUR' and status <> 'REN') and tag <> ' ' | |||
Petroleum Tenements - Comm (boundaries) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Commonwealth | MINERALS.PETROL_TENEMENTS_COMM | title_type in ('Production Licence','Retention Lease','Exploration Permit') and status in ('Active','Pending Renewal') and offshore_area = 'Victoria' | ||||
Petroleum Tenements - Comm (filled) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Commonwealth | MINERALS.PETROL_TENEMENTS_COMM | title_type in ('Production Licence','Retention Lease','Exploration Permit') and status in ('Active','Pending Renewal') and offshore_area = 'Victoria' | ||||
Oil and Gas Pipelines - Comm | line | Tenements:Energy:Commonwealth | MINERALS.PIPELINE | offsh_flg = 'C' | ||||
CCS Tenements - Comm (boundaries) | polygon | Tenements:Energy:Commonwealth | MINERALS.PETROL_TENEMENTS_COMM | title_type in ('Greenhouse Gas Assessment Permit') and offshore_area = 'Victoria' | ||||
Extractive Industry Interest Areas | polygon | Extractives | MINERALS.EIIA | |||||
Extractive Industry Interest Areas (1993-2003) | polygon | Extractives | MINERALS.EIIA_2003 | |||||
Melbourne Supply Area (2003) | polygon | Extractives | CSDL:PROJECT_AREA_EXTRACTIVES_MSA | |||||
Strategic Extractives Resource Areas | polygon | Extractives | VMPLAN.PLAN_OVERLAY | lga in ('CARDINIA', 'SOUTH GIPPSLAND', 'WYNDHAM') and scheme_code = 'SRO' | ||||
Unconsolidated Sedimentary | point | Extractives:Extractive Occurrences | MINERALS.MINSITE | pri_comm LIKE '%Gravel;%' or pri_comm LIKE '%Sandstone;%' or pri_comm LIKE '%Sedimentary Rock;%' | ||||
Clay | point | Extractives:Extractive Occurrences | MINERALS.MINSITE | pri_comm like '%Clay;%' or pri_comm like '%Kaolin;%' | ||||
Hard-rock (igneous) | point | Extractives:Extractive Occurrences | MINERALS.MINSITE | pri_comm like '%Rock (unspecified);%' or pri_comm like '%Basalt;%' or pri_comm like '%Dolerite;%' or pri_comm like '%Tuff;%' or pri_comm like '%Rhyodacite;%' or pri_comm like '%Scoria;%' or pri_comm like '%Trachyte;%' or pri_comm like '%Granite;%' | ||||
Hard-rock (metamorphic) | point | Extractives:Extractive Occurrences | MINERALS.MINSITE | pri_comm like '%Hornfels;%' or pri_comm like '%Quartzite;%' or pri_comm like '%Quartz (lump form);%' or pri_comm like '%Schist;%' or pri_comm like '%Gneiss;%' | ||||
Speciality construction material | point | Extractives:Extractive Occurrences | MINERALS.MINSITE | pri_comm like '%Peat;%' or pri_comm like '%Soil%' or pri_comm like '%Slate%' or pri_comm like '%Marble%' or pri_comm like '%Construction material%' | ||||
Limestone | point | Extractives:Extractive Occurrences | MINERALS.MINSITE | pri_comm like '%Limestone%' | ||||
Deposit Styles - Mesozonal orogenic Au | point | Minerals:Deposit Styles | MINERALS.MINSITE | dep_style LIKE '%Mesozonal orogenic Au;%' | ||||
Deposit Styles - Epizonal orogenic Au | point | Minerals:Deposit Styles | MINERALS.MINSITE | dep_style like '%Epizonal orogenic Au;%' | ||||
Deposit Styles - Intrusion-related Au | point | Minerals:Deposit Styles | MINERALS.MINSITE | dep_style LIKE '%Intrusion-related Au;%' | ||||
Deposit Styles - Volcanic massive sulphide | point | Minerals:Deposit Styles | MINERALS.MINSITE | dep_style LIKE '%Volcanic massive sulphide;%' | ||||
Deposit Styles - Alluvial Au | point | Minerals:Deposit Styles | MINERALS.MINSITE | dep_style LIKE '%Alluvial Au;%' | ||||
Deposit Styles - Undecided | point | Minerals:Deposit Styles | MINERALS.MINSITE | dep_style LIKE '%Unknown;%' | ||||
Mineral and Geothermal Graticules (GDA94 - Commenced 01/7/2005):100 Km Graticules (GDA94 - Commences 1/7/2005) | point | Yes | Minerals:Mineral and Geothermal Graticules (GDA94 - Commenced 01/7/2005) | MINERALS.MG94100KM | ||||
Mineral and Geothermal Graticules (GDA94 - Commenced 01/7/2005):10 Km Graticules (GDA94 - Commences 1/7/2005) | point | Yes | Minerals:Mineral and Geothermal Graticules (GDA94 - Commenced 01/7/2005) | MINERALS.MG9410KM | ||||
Mineral and Geothermal Graticules (GDA94 - Commenced 01/7/2005):1 Km Graticules (GDA94 - Commences 1/7/2005) | point | Yes | Minerals:Mineral and Geothermal Graticules (GDA94 - Commenced 01/7/2005) | MINERALS.MG941KM | ||||
Mineral Graticules (AGD66 - Expired 30/6/2005):100 Km Graticules (AGD66 - Expires 30/6/2005) | point | Yes | Minerals:Mineral Graticules (AGD66 - Expired 30/6/2005) | MINERALS.GRAT100KM | ||||
Mineral Graticules (AGD66 - Expired 30/6/2005):10 Km Graticules (AGD66 - Expires 30/6/2005) | point | Yes | Minerals:Mineral Graticules (AGD66 - Expired 30/6/2005) | MINERALS.GRAT10KM | ||||
Mineral Graticules (AGD66 - Expired 30/6/2005):1 Km Graticules (AGD66 - Expires 30/6/2005) | point | Yes | Minerals:Mineral Graticules (AGD66 - Expired 30/6/2005) | MINERALS.GRAT1KM | ||||
Minerals Points 1M | point | Minerals | MINERALS.MINERALP | |||||
Mineral Regions 1M - Gold and Base Metals | polygon | Minerals:Mineral Areas | MINERALS.MINERAL | commdsc NOT IN ('Black Coal','Brown Coal','Brown Coal - sub economic') | ||||
Mineral Regions 1M - Coal | polygon | Minerals:Mineral Areas | MINERALS.MINERAL | commdsc IN ('Black Coal','Brown Coal','Brown Coal - sub economic') | ||||
Heavy Mineral Sands:Heavy Mineral Sands WIM 1M | polygon | Yes | Minerals:Mineral Areas:Heavy Mineral Sands | MINERALS.MINSAND1M_POLYGON | ||||
Heavy Mineral Sands:Heavy Mineral Strandlines 1M | line | Yes | Minerals:Mineral Areas:Heavy Mineral Sands | MINERALS.MINSAND1M_ARC | feature = 'HEAVY_M_SAND' | |||
Mines and Mineral Occurrences | point | Minerals | MINERALS.MINSITE | |||||
Historical Mining Activity | point | Minerals | MINERALS.SHAFT | |||||
Historical Mining Relics | point | relic | Minerals | MINERALS.RELIC | ||||
Operating Gold Mines | polygon | Minerals | MINERALS.MINTEN | layer = 'min' and tag in ('MIN4644','MIN5404','MIN5260','MIN5396','MIN5294','MIN5009') | ||||
Deep Leads:Deep Lead Polygons | polygon | Yes | Minerals:Deep Leads | MINERALS.DLA | ||||
Deep Leads:Deep Lead Lines | line | Yes | Minerals:Deep Leads | MINERALS.DLL | ||||
Leads and Workings Detail:Shallow Working Polygons 100K | polygon | Yes | Minerals:Leads and Workings Detail | MINERALS.SHALWK100_POLYGON | feature <> 'PD_VOID' | |||
Leads and Workings Detail:Shallow Lead Polygons 100K | polygon | Yes | Minerals:Leads and Workings Detail | MINERALS.SHALLD100_POLYGON | name <> 'PD VOID' | |||
Leads and Workings Detail:Deep Lead Polygons 100K | polygon | Yes | Minerals:Leads and Workings Detail | MINERALS.DEEPLD100_POLYGON | feature <> 'PD_VOID' | |||
Leads and Workings Detail:Shallow Working Lines 100K | line | Yes | Minerals:Leads and Workings Detail | MINERALS.SHALWK100_ARC | feature = 'SHALLOW_WORK' | |||
Leads and Workings Detail:Shallow Lead Lines 100K | line | Yes | Minerals:Leads and Workings Detail | MINERALS.SHALLD100_ARC | feature = 'SHALLOW_LEAD' | |||
Leads and Workings Detail:Deep Lead Lines 100K | line | Yes | Minerals:Leads and Workings Detail | MINERALS.DEEPLD100_ARC | feature = 'DEEP_LEAD' | |||
Sub Basin Domains Region | polygon | Energy:Coal:Inventory of Resources | MINERALS.COALINVSBD | |||||
Sub Crops Region | polygon | Energy:Coal:Inventory of Resources | MINERALS.COALINVSCROP | |||||
Coal Fields Region | polygon | Energy:Coal:Inventory of Resources | MINERALS.COALINVFLDS | |||||
Coal Cross Sections | line | Energy:Coal:Inventory of Resources | MINERALS.XSEC_COAL | |||||
Coal Roof - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'y' | ||||
Coal Floor - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'y' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'y' | ||||
Coal Roof - Yallourn 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'y1' | ||||
Coal Floor - Yallourn 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'y1' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Yallourn 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'y1' | ||||
Coal Roof - Yallourn 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'y2' | ||||
Coal Floor - Yallourn 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'y2' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Yallourn 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'y2' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 10 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 10 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm10' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 10 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 10 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm10' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 10 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 10 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm10' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm1a' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm1a' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm1a' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 1a1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm1a1' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 1a1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm1a1' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 1a1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm1a1' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 1a2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm1a2' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 1a2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm1a2' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 1a2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm1a2' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm1b' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm1b' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm1b' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 1b1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm1b1' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 1b1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm1b1' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 1b1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm1b1' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 1b2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm1b2' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 1b2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm1b2' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 1b2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm1b2' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm2' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm2' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm2' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm2a' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm2a' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm2a' | ||||
Coal Roof - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'm2b' | ||||
Coal Floor - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'm2b' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'm2b' | ||||
Coal Roof - Traralgon P | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon P | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'tp' | ||||
Coal Floor - Traralgon P | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon P | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'tp' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Traralgon P | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon P | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'tp' | ||||
Coal Roof - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't1' | ||||
Coal Roof Tru - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't1_tru' | ||||
Coal Roof Trm - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't1_trm' | ||||
Coal Roof Trl - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't1_trl' | ||||
Coal Floor - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't1' | ||||
Coal Floor Tru - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't1_tru' | ||||
Coal Floor Trm - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't1_trm' | ||||
Coal Floor Trl - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't1_trl' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't1' | ||||
Coal Isopach Tru - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't1_tru' | ||||
Coal Isopach Trm - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't1_trm' | ||||
Coal Isopach Trl - Traralgon 1 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 1 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't1_trl' | ||||
Coal Roof - Traralgon 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't2' | ||||
Coal Floor - Traralgon 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't2' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Traralgon 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't2' | ||||
Coal Roof - Traralgon 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't2a' | ||||
Coal Floor - Traralgon 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't2a' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Traralgon 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't2a' | ||||
Coal Roof - Traralgon 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 't2b' | ||||
Coal Floor - Traralgon 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 't2b' | ||||
Coal Isopach - Traralgon 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Contours:Traralgon 2 | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 't2b' | ||||
Coal - Total Iron % Dry Basis - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'y' AND measure = 'iron' | ||||
Coal - Sulphur % Dry Basis - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'y' AND measure = 'sulphur' | ||||
Coal - Moisture % In Situ - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'y' AND measure = 'moisture' | ||||
Coal - Ash % Dry Basis - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'y' AND measure = 'ash' | ||||
Coal - NWSE MJ per kg In Situ - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'y' AND measure = 'nwse' | ||||
Coal - Acid Extractible Sodium % Dry Base - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Yallourn | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'y' AND measure = 'sodium' | ||||
Coal - Total Iron % Dry Basis - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1a' AND measure = 'iron' | ||||
Coal - Sulphur % Dry Basis - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1a' AND measure = 'sulphur' | ||||
Coal - Moisture % In Situ - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1a' AND measure = 'moisture' | ||||
Coal - Ash % Dry Basis - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1a' AND measure = 'ash' | ||||
Coal - NWSE MJ per kg In Situ - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1a' AND measure = 'nwse' | ||||
Coal - Acid Extractible Sodium % Dry Base - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1a | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1a' AND measure = 'sodium' | ||||
Coal - Total Iron % Dry Basis - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1b' AND measure = 'iron' | ||||
Coal - Sulphur % Dry Basis - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1b' AND measure = 'sulphur' | ||||
Coal - Moisture % In Situ - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1b' AND measure = 'moisture' | ||||
Coal - Ash % Dry Basis - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1b' AND measure = 'ash' | ||||
Coal - NWSE MJ per kg In Situ - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1b' AND measure = 'nwse' | ||||
Coal - Acid Extractible Sodium % Dry Base - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 1b | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm1b' AND measure = 'sodium' | ||||
Coal - Total Iron % Dry Basis - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2a' AND measure = 'iron' | ||||
Coal - Sulphur % Dry Basis - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2a' AND measure = 'sulphur' | ||||
Coal - Moisture % In Situ - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2a' AND measure = 'moisture' | ||||
Coal - Ash % Dry Basis - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2a' AND measure = 'ash' | ||||
Coal - NWSE MJ per kg In Situ - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2a' AND measure = 'nwse' | ||||
Coal - Acid Extractible Sodium % Dry Base - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2a' AND measure = 'sodium' | ||||
Coal - Total Iron % Dry Basis - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2b' AND measure = 'iron' | ||||
Coal - Sulphur % Dry Basis - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2b' AND measure = 'sulphur' | ||||
Coal - Moisture % In Situ - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2b' AND measure = 'moisture' | ||||
Coal - Ash % Dry Basis - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2b' AND measure = 'ash' | ||||
Coal - NWSE MJ per kg In Situ - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2b' AND measure = 'nwse' | ||||
Coal - Acid Extractible Sodium % Dry Base - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Morwell 2 | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 'm2b' AND measure = 'sodium' | ||||
Coal - Total Iron % Dry Basis - Traralgon | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Traralgon | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 't' AND measure = 'iron' | ||||
Coal - Sulphur % Dry Basis - Traralgon | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Traralgon | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 't' AND measure = 'sulphur' | ||||
Coal - Moisture % In Situ - Traralgon | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Traralgon | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 't' AND measure = 'moisture' | ||||
Coal - Ash % Dry Basis - Traralgon | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Traralgon | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 't' AND measure = 'ash' | ||||
Coal - NWSE MJ per kg In Situ - Traralgon | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Traralgon | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 't' AND measure = 'nwse' | ||||
Coal - Acid Extractible Sodium % Dry Base - Traralgon | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Seam Quality:Traralgon | MINERALS.COAL_QUALITY | seamname = 't' AND measure = 'sodium' | ||||
Coal Haunted Hills Formation Floor | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Stratigraphy | MINERALS.COAL_FLOOR | name = 'Haunted Hills Formation' | ||||
Coal Basement Roof | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Stratigraphy | MINERALS.COAL_ROOF | name = 'basement' | ||||
Coal Overburden Isopach | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Stratigraphy | MINERALS.COAL_ISOPACH | name = 'overburden' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to Floor - Yallourn | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = 'Yallourn_2' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to Floor - Morwell 1a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = 'Morwell_1a' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to Floor - Morwell 1b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = 'Morwell_1b' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to Floor - Morwell 2a | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = 'Morwell_2a' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to Floor - Morwell 2b | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = 'Morwell_2b' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to Floor - Traralgon 2 | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = 'Traralgon_2' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to 200m Depth | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = '200m' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to 300m Depth | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = '300m' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to 400m Depth | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = '400m' | ||||
Coal Waste Strip Ratio to 500m Depth | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley:Strip Ratio | MINERALS.COAL_RESOURCE | name = '500m' | ||||
Coal Model Boundary - Latrobe Valley | line | Energy:Coal:Latrobe Valley | MINERALS.COAL_BDY | refid = 29918 | ||||
Boreholes with Temperature - depth >= 300 metres | point | Energy:Geothermal | MINERALS.BORESTEMP | temp_depth >= 300 | ||||
Pre-Tertiary Infrabasins 1M | polygon | Energy:Geothermal:Interpretations | MINERALS.PRETINFBASIN | |||||
Igneous Intrusives (Subsurface - Intra Palaeozoic) 1 250K | polygon | Energy:Geothermal:Interpretations | MINERALS.GPSGEOL1250_POLYGON | envdesc LIKE 'Igneous (Intrusive%' | ||||
Igneous Intrusives (Subsurface - Intra Palaeozoic) 2 250K | polygon | Energy:Geothermal:Interpretations | MINERALS.GPSGEOL2250_POLYGON | envdesc LIKE 'Igneous (Intrusive%' | ||||
Igneous Intrusives (at Surface) 1M | polygon | Energy:Geothermal:Interpretations | MINERALS.GEOL1M_POLYGON | envdesc LIKE 'Igneous (Intrusive%' | ||||
Igneous Intrusives (Subsurface - Base Tertiary) 1M | polygon | Energy:Geothermal:Interpretations | MINERALS.GPGEOL1M_POLYGON | envdesc in ('Igneous (Intrusive)' , 'Igneous (Intrusive (Granite A-type))' , 'Igneous (Intrusive (Granite S-type))' , 'Igneous (Intrusive (Granite I-type))') | ||||
Volcanics 1M | polygon | Energy:Geothermal:Interpretations | MINERALS.GEOL1M_POLYGON | unitname in ('Newer Volcanic Group' , 'Unnamed scoria deposits' , 'Older Volcanic Group') | ||||
Geothermal Heat Flow Image 1M | image | Energy:Geothermal:Images | GT_HEATFLOW | |||||
Depth to 150C Image 1M | image | Energy:Geothermal:Images | DEPTHTO150C | |||||
Temperature of the Lower Tertiary Aquifer - Gippsland | image | Energy:Geothermal:Images | TEMPERATURE_LTA_CELCIUS_GIPPSLAND | |||||
Depth to Lower Tertiary Aquifer - Gippsland | image | Energy:Geothermal:Images | DEPTH_TO_LTA_METRES_GIPPSLAND | |||||
Oil and Gas Fields:Gas Fields | polygon | Yes | Energy:Oil and Gas:Oil and Gas Fields | MINERALS.OILGAS | fieldtype = 'Gas' | |||
Oil and Gas Fields:Oil Fields | polygon | Yes | Energy:Oil and Gas:Oil and Gas Fields | MINERALS.OILGAS | fieldtype = 'Oil' | |||
Petroleum 5 Minute Graticules and 1M Index:5 Minute Graticules | polygon | Yes | Energy:Oil and Gas:Petroleum 5 Minute Graticules and 1M Index | MINERALS.GRATMINA | ||||
Petroleum 5 Minute Graticules and 1M Index:Standard Map Index 1M | polygon | Yes | Energy:Oil and Gas:Petroleum 5 Minute Graticules and 1M Index | MINERALS.INDEX1M | ||||
Solar Farm Properties | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | PLANNING.SOLAR_FARM_PROPERTIES | approval_status = 'APPROVED' Or approval_status = 'OPERATING' Or approval_status = 'UNDER CONSIDERATION' | ||||
Solar Farm Properties - Pre applications | polygon | internal | Energy:Solar Atlas | PLANNING.SOLAR_FARM_PROPERTIES | approval_status = 'PRE APPLICATION' | |||
Direct Beam Irradiance (DNI) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_DNI | |||||
Diffuse Horizontal Radiation (DIF) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_DIF | |||||
Global Horizontal Radiation (GHI) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_GHI | |||||
Global Radiation on twin axis plane (GNI) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_GNI | |||||
Global latitude tilted radiation (GTI) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_GTI | |||||
Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:AEROSOL | |||||
Land slope (degrees) | polygon | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SLOPE | |||||
Solar recording stations | point | Energy:Solar Atlas | CSDL:SOLAR_STATIONS | |||||
Average modelled wind speeds (m/s) | image | Energy:Wind Resource/Farms | CSDL:WIND_SPEED | |||||
Wind Farm Properties | polygon | Energy:Wind Resource/Farms | PLANNING.WIND_FARM_PROPERTIES | approval_status = 'APPROVED' Or approval_status = 'OPERATING' Or approval_status = 'UNDER CONSIDERATION' | ||||
Wind Farm Properties - Pre applications | polygon | internal | Energy:Wind Resource/Farms | PLANNING.WIND_FARM_PROPERTIES | approval_status = 'PRE APPLICATION' | |||
Wind Turbine Locations | point | Energy:Wind Resource/Farms | VMFEAT.FOI_POINT | state = 'VIC' and (feature_subtype = 'wind turbine' or feature_subtype = 'wind farm') | ||||
Wells and Boreholes - All:Boreholes - All | point | Yes | Wells and Boreholes:Wells and Boreholes - All | MINERALS.BORES | confid <> 'Yes' | wms | ||
Wells and Boreholes - All:Wells - Petroleum - copy | point | Yes | Wells and Boreholes:Wells and Boreholes - All | MINERALS.PET_WELLS | province_state <> 'SA' and province_state <> 'NSW' and plot_symbol <> '0' | |||
Wells - Petroleum | point | Wells and Boreholes | MINERALS.PET_WELLS | province_state <> 'SA' and province_state <> 'NSW' and plot_symbol <> '0' | ||||
Boreholes - with available Core/Cuttings | point | Wells and Boreholes | MINERALS.BORES | confid <> 'Yes' and core_no > 0 | ||||
Boreholes - Coal | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Coal' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Groundwater | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Groundwater' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Engineering | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Engineering' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Environmental monitoring | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | (purpose1 = 'Environmental monitoring' or purpose1 = 'Carbon Capture and Storage') and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Extractive Industries | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Extractive Industries' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - General Geological | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'General Geological' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Geothermal | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Geothermal' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Minerals - base metals | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | (purpose1 = 'Minerals - base metals' or purpose1 = 'Antimony, Tin and Tungsten') and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Minerals - gold | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Minerals - gold' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Minerals - heavy mineral sand | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Minerals - heavy mineral sand' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Minerals general | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = 'Minerals general' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Boreholes - Other | point | Wells and Boreholes:Boreholes By Purpose | MINERALS.BORES | purpose1 = ' ' and confid <>'Yes' | ||||
Well Correlation Cross Sections | line | Wells and Boreholes | MINERALS.XSEC_WELL | |||||
Structure - Bedding | point | Geology:Sites:Structure - from database | MINERALS.STRUC | sub_type = 'bedding' OR sub_type = 'overturned bedding' OR sub_type = 'upright bedding' | ||||
Structure - Foliation | point | Geology:Sites:Structure - from database | MINERALS.STRUC | type = 'foliation' | ||||
Structure - Folds | point | Geology:Sites:Structure - from database | MINERALS.STRUC | type = 'folding' | ||||
Structure - All | point | Geology:Sites:Structure - from database | MINERALS.STRUC | |||||
Structure (pre 1995 cartographic) | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.STRUCM100 | |||||
Eruption Points | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.ERUPTION_PTS | |||||
Earthquake Epicentres | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.QUAKES | |||||
Geological Site Rocks | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.ROCKS | project not like 'GC%' | ||||
Geochronology Sites | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.ROCKS | project = 'Geochronology' | ||||
Geologically Significant Features | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.SIGFEAT | |||||
Mineral Springs | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.SPRINGS | |||||
Regolith Observations | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.REGOLPT | |||||
Surface Geochemistry | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.GEOCHEMISTRY | samp_type <> 'UNK' | ||||
Surface Geochemistry - Legacy | point | Geology:Sites | MINERALS.GCHEM | samp_type <> 'UNK' | ||||
Mussel - Tartwaup Fault Zone | line | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_FAULTS | name = 'Mussel-Tartwaup Fault Zone' | ||||
Late Cretaceous Faults | line | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_FAULTS | age = 'Late Cretaceous' | ||||
Early Cretaceous Faults | line | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_FAULTS | age = 'Early Cretaceous' | ||||
Late Cretaceous Embayments | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_STRUCT_ELE | name = 'Port Campbell Embayment' Or name = 'Tyrendarra Embaymemt' | ||||
Late Cretaceous Troughs | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_STRUCT_ELE | name = 'Portland Trough' Or name = 'Shipwreck Trough' | ||||
Late Cretaceous Structural Highs | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_STRUCT_ELE | age = 'Late Cretaceous' And type = 'Structural High' | ||||
Early Cretaceous Depocentres | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_STRUCT_ELE | age = 'Early Cretaceous' And type = 'Depocentre' | ||||
Basement Highs | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.GEOL_BASIN_STRUCT_ELE | type = 'Basement High' | ||||
Geological Basins | line | Geology:Interpretations:Basin Structural Features | MINERALS.BASINS_ARC | |||||
Geological Rock Types 4M | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014) | CSDL:GEOL4M_POLYGON | |||||
Seamless Geological Data Coverage 50K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 50K Seamless | MINERALS.GSVMI | scale = '1:50,000' AND protitle = 'Seamless Victoria' | ||||
Geological Unit Contact 50K | line | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 50K Seamless | erdd:GSV_SG_50K_GEOLUNITCONTACT | |||||
Shear Displacement Structure 50K | line | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 50K Seamless | erdd:GSV_SG_50K_SHEARDISPSTRUCTURE | |||||
Geological Unit 50K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 50K Seamless | erdd:GSV_SG_50K_GEOLUNIT | |||||
Geological Unit Contact 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 250K Seamless | erdd:GSV_SG_250K_GEOLUNITCONTACT | |||||
Shear Displacement Structure 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 250K Seamless | erdd:GSV_SG_250K_SHEARDISPSTRUCTURE | |||||
Geological Unit 250K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 250K Seamless | erdd:GSV_SG_250K_GEOLUNIT | wms | ||||
Shear Zones 250K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:Surface Geology (Seamless Geology 2007-2014):Geology 250K Seamless | CSDL:SG_SHEAR_ZONE_250K | |||||
Geological Data Coverage 100K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.GSVMI | type='Geological' and ( scale='1:50,000' or scale='1:100,000' ) and projstatus = 'Completed' and gis='Yes' and protitle NOT IN ('Seamless Victoria') | ||||
Geological Lines & Faults 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.GEOL100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' AND feature <> 'CLOSE' AND feature <> 'STATE_BDY' AND ufi <> 0 | ||||
Geological Structures 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.STRLINE100 | |||||
Contact Metamorphism Lines 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.CONMETA100_ARC | feature = 'CONTACT_META' or feature = 'AUREOLE' | ||||
Miscellaneous Lines 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.MISCL100 | feature <> 'ENLARGE_BDY' | ||||
Contact Metamorphism Zones 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.CONMETA100_POLYGON | feature = 'CONTACT_META' | ||||
Geological Polygons 100K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 100K | MINERALS.GEOL100_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geological Lines & Faults 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 250K | MINERALS.GEOL250_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' AND feature <> 'CLOSE' AND feature <> 'STATE_BDY' AND ufi <> 0 | ||||
Geological Structures 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 250K | MINERALS.STRLINE250 | |||||
Contact Metamorphism Lines 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 250K | MINERALS.CONMETA250_ARC | feature = 'CONTACT_META' or feature = 'AUREOLE' | ||||
Miscellaneous Lines 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 250K | MINERALS.MISCL250 | |||||
Contact Metamorphism Zones 250K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 250K | MINERALS.CONMETA250_POLYGON | |||||
Geological Polygons 250K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 250K | MINERALS.GEOL250_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Regolith-Landform Data Coverage | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Regolith' and projstatus = 'Completed' and published = 'Yes' | ||||
Regolith-Landform Lines 50K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RDREGO100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' and feature <> 'CLOSE' and feature <> 'STATE_BDY' and ufi <> 0 | ||||
Regolith-Landform Lines 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRREGO100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' and feature <> 'CLOSE' and feature <> 'STATE_BDY' and ufi <> 0 | ||||
Regolith Radiometric Signature Lines 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRRADSIG100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' and feature <> 'CLOSE' and ufi <> 0 | ||||
Regolith Duricrust Polygons 100K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRDURI100_POLYGON | |||||
Regolith Radiometric Signature Polygons 100K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRRADSIG100_POLYGON | |||||
Regolith-Landform Polygons 50K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RDREGO100_POLYGON | feature = 'RL_UNIT' | ||||
Regolith-Landform Polygons 100K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Regolith-Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRREGO100_POLYGON | feature = 'RL_UNIT' | ||||
Landform Data Coverage | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Regolith' and projstatus = 'Completed' and published = 'Yes' | ||||
Landform Lines 50K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RDREGO100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' and feature <> 'CLOSE' and feature <> 'STATE_BDY' and ufi <> 0 | ||||
Landform Lines 100K | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRREGO100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' and feature <> 'CLOSE' and feature <> 'STATE_BDY' and ufi <> 0 | ||||
Landform Polygons 50K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RDREGO100_POLYGON | feature = 'RL_UNIT' | ||||
Landform Polygons 100K | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Landform 50-100K | MINERALS.RRREGO100_POLYGON | feature = 'RL_UNIT' | ||||
Geological Lines & Faults 1M | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 1M | MINERALS.GEOL1M_ARC | desc_sde = 'Fault, regional.' | ||||
Geological Structures 1M | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 1M | MINERALS.STRLINE1M | |||||
Geological Polygons 1M | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 1M | MINERALS.GEOL1M_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Structural Zones (filled) | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 1M | MINERALS.GSTRUCZN1M | |||||
Structural Zones (boundaries) | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Geology 1M | MINERALS.GSTRUCZN1M | |||||
Pre-Permian Lines & Faults 1M | line | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Pre-Permian 1M | MINERALS.GPGEOL1M_ARC | desc_sde <> 'The edge of a tile or study area, accurate.' | ||||
Pre-Permian Regional Metamorphic Zones 1M | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Pre-Permian 1M | MINERALS.GPREGMETA1M_POLYGON | |||||
Pre-Permian Polygons 1M | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006):Pre-Permian 1M | MINERALS.GPGEOL1M_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geological Polygons 4M | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006) | MINERALS.GEOL4M_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Murray basin - Depth to basement(m) | polygon | Geology:Interpretations:State Wide Data (1990-2006) | CSDL:DEPTH_TO_BASEMENT | |||||
3D Models | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = '3D Model' | ||||
Geology 50K Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geological' and scale = '1:50,000' | ||||
Geology 100K Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geological' and scale = '1:100,000' | ||||
Geology 250K Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geological' and scale = '1:250,000' | ||||
Regolith 50K Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Regolith' and scale = '1:50,000' | ||||
Regolith 100K Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Regolith' and scale = '1:100,000' | ||||
Goldfield Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Gold Field' | ||||
Geological Parish Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geological Parish' | ||||
Geological Quartersheet Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Quarter sheet' | ||||
All GSV Maps | polygon | Geology:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | refid <>' ' and type <>'GIS CD' | ||||
Geology 250K Seamless - 22/07/2011 (21m) | image | Geology:Images | MINERALS_surfacegeology_2011jul22_thm_geol250k_21m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Pre-Permian Edition 1 1:1M - 1999 (84m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced) | MINERALS_vic-pre-permian-ed1_1999jan01_thm_geol1mil_84m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Albury Deep Lead Map - 1983 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_albury-deep-lead_1983jan01_thm_geol100k_6m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ararat Deep Lead Map - 1983 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_ararat-deep-lead_1983jan01_thm_geol100k_6m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Deep Lead Map - 1992 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_ballarat-deep-lead_1992jan01_thm_geol100k_6m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Deep Lead Map 10k - 1991 (57cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_ballarat-deep-lead_1991jan01_thm_geol10k_57cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Beaufort Deep Lead Map - 1984 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_beaufort-deep-lead_1984jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Castlemaine Deep Lead Map - 1989 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_castlemaine-deep-lead_1989jan01_thm_geol100k_6m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Creswick Deep Lead Map - 1983 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_creswick-deep-lead_1983jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dunolly Deep Lead Map - 1984 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_dunolly-deep-lead_1984jan01_thm_geol100k_6m_mga54.ecw | |||||
St Arnaud Deep Lead Map - 1984 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Deep Leads | MINERALS_st-arnaud-deep-lead_1984jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Berwick Engineering Geology 1:25K - 1979 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Engineering | MINERALS_berwick-eng-geo_1979jan01_thm_geol25k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Berwick Slope 1:25K - 1979 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Engineering | MINERALS_berwick-slope_1979jan01_thm_dem25k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Berwick Geology 1:25K - 1978 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 25K | MINERALS_berwick_1978jan01_thm_geol25k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Chelsea and Keysborough Geology 1:25K - 1980 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 25K | MINERALS_chelsea_1980jan01_thm_geol25k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Pakenham Geology 1:25K - 1985 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 25K | MINERALS_pakenham_1985jan01_thm_geol25k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Adjie Parish & portion of Welumla Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_adjie-pt-welumla-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Alberton West Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_alberton-west-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Argyle Parish Geology 1:31K - 1889 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_argyle-parish_1889jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Avoca Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (250cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_avoca-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_250cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Axedale Parish Geology 1:31K - 1830 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_axedale-parish_1930jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bahgallah Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bahgallah-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballark Parish Geology 1:31K - 1889 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_ballark-parish_1889jan05_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Balrook Parish Geology 1:31K - 1929 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_balrook-parish_1929jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Beaufort Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (250cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_beaufort-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_250cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Berrimal Parish Geology 1:31K - 1880 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_berrimal-parish_1880may01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Berringama Parish Geology 1:31K - 1917 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_berringama-parish_1917jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bet Bet Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bet-bet-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Binginwarri Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_binginwarri-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Blackwood Parish Geology 1:31K - 1981 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_blackwood-parish_1981jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Borhoneyghurk Parish Geology 1:31K - 1892 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_borhoneyghurk-parish_1892jun30_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Brenanah Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_brenanah-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Broadlands Parish Geology 1:31K - 1937 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_broadlands-parish_1937jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Buchan Parish Geology 1:31K - 1957 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_buchan-parish_1957jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Buckland River Parish Geology 1:31K - 1958 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_buckland-river-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Budgeree Parish Geology 1:31K - 1921 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_budgeree-parish_1921jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bulga Parish Geology 1:31K - 1924 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bulga-parish_1924jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bullumwaal Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bullumwaal-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bullarto Parish Geology 1:31K - 1958 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bullarto-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bullioh Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bullioh-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bumberrah Parish Geology 1:31K - 1937 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bumberrah-parish_1937jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bungal Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1885 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bungal-parish_1885jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bung Bong Parish Geology 1:31K - 1900 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bung-bong-parish_1900mar23_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bungaree & Dean Parish Geology 1:31K - 1890 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bungaree-dean-parish_1890jul01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bungeeltap,Ballark & pt Beremboke Parish Geology 1:31K - 1907 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bungeeltap-ballark-parish_1907sep01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bungil Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bungil-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bungil East Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_bungil-east-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Burrowye Parish Geology 1:31K - 1920 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_burrowye-parish_1920jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Burrumbeet Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1910 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_burrumbeet-parish_1910jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Callignee Parish Geology 1:31K - 1923 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_callignee-parish_1923jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Campbelltown Parish Geology 1:31K - 1907 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_campbelltown-parish_1907sep01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Canabore Parish Geology 1:31K - 1917 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_canabore-parish_1917jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Cardigan Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1910 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_cardigan-parish_1910jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Carngham Parish Geology 1:31K - 1898 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_carngham-parish_1898jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Chepstowe Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1910 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_chepstowe-parish_1910jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Clarendon Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1910 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_clarendon-parish_1910jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Clarkesdale Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1890 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_clarkesdale-parish_1890jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Colac Colac Parish Geology 1:31K - 1924 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_colac-colac-parish_1924jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Colquhoun Parish Geology 1:31K - 1929 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_colquhoun-parish_1929jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Colquhoun North Parish Geology 1:31K - 1958 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_colquhoun-north-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Commeralghip Parish Geology 1:31K - 1898 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_commeralghip-parish_1898jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Corindhap Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_corindhap-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Costerfield & pt of Moormbool West Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_costerfield-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Crosbie Parish Geology 1:31K - 1940 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_crosbie-parish_1940jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Crowlands Parish Map - 27/03/1890 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_crowlands-parish_1890mar27_thm_geol32k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Cudgewa Parish Geology 1:31K - 1921 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_cudgewa-parish_1921jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dargile Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_dargile-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dartmoor Parish Geology 1:31K - 1930 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_dartmoor-parish_1930jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dereel Parish Geology 1:31K - 1889 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_dereel-parish_1889jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dergholm Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_dergholm-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Devon Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_devon-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Doomburrim Parish Geology 1:31K - 1925 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_doomburrim-parish_1925jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dowling Forest Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1910 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_dowling-parish_1910jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Drik Drik Parish Geology 1:31K - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_drik-drik-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dunolly Parish Geology 1:31K - 1980 (70cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_dunolly-parish_1980jan01_thm_geol31k_70cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Eppalock Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_eppalock-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Eversley Parish Map - 1897 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_eversley-parish_1897jan01_thm_geol32k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Glencoe Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_glencoe-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Glenalbyn Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_glenalbyn-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Glenelg Parish Geology 1:31K - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_glenelg-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Glenmona Parish Geology 1:31K - 1894 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_glenmona-parish_1894jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Gorong Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_gorong-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Granya Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_granya-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Greensborough Parish Geology 1:31K - 1893 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_greensborough-parish_1893jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Gunyah Gunyah Parish Geology 1:31K - 1924 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_gunyah-gunyah-parish_1924jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Haddon Parish Geology 1:31K - 1887 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_haddon-parish_1887jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Hazelwood Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_hazelwood-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Heathcote Parish Geology 1:31K - 1900 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_heathcote-parish_1900jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Inglewood Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_inglewood-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Jeeralang Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_jeeralang-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Jemba Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_jemba-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Jingellic Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_jingellic-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Jumbuk Parish Geology 1:31K - 1924 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_jumbuk-parish_1924jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Keelangie Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_keelangie-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Kentbruck Parish Geology 1:31K - 1937 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kentbruck-parish_1937jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Kerrit Bareet Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1890 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kerrit-bareet-parish_1890jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Killara Parish Geology 1:31K - 1937 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_killara-parish_1937jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Kingower Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kingower-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Kinkella Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kinkella-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Knowsley Parish Geology 1:31K - 1956 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_knowsley-parish_1956jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Knowsley East Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_knowsley-east-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Koetong Parish Geology 1:31K - 1920 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_koetong-parish_1920jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Kooreh Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kooreh-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Koorooman Parish Geology 1:31K - 1923 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_koorooman-parish_1923jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Korong Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_korong-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Korweinguboora Parish Geology 1:31K - 1958 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_korweinguboora-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Kurraca Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kurraca-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Kurting Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_kurting-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Lal Lal Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1890 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_lal-lal-parish_1890jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Lancefield Parish Geology 1:31K - 1960 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_lancefield-parish_1960jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Landsborough Parish Geology 1:31K - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_landsborough-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Langwornor Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_langwornor-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Lillirie Parish Geology 1:31K - 1888 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_lillirie-parish_1888jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Livingstone Parish Geology 1:31K - 1899 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_livingstone-parish_1899jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Longwarry Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_longwarry-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Loy-Yang Parish Geology 1:31K - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_loy-yang-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Lynchfield Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1880 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_lynchfield-parish_1880jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mannibadar Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mannibadar-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mardan Parish Geology 1:31K - 1923 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mardan-parish_1923jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Maryborough Parish Geology 1:31K - 1899 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_maryborough-parish_1899jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Maryvale Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_maryvale-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Meeniyan Parish Geology 1:31K -1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_meeniyan-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne & suburbs Geology 1:31K - 1959 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_melbourne-and-suburbs_1959jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Meredith Parish Geology 1:31K - 1958 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_meredith-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mindai Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mindai-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mirboo Parish Geology 1:31K - 1920 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mirboo-parish_1920jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mirboo South Parish Geology 1:31K - 1925 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mirboo-south-parish_1925jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Moe Parish Geology 1:31K - 1923 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_moe-parish_1923jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Moliagul Parish Geology 1:31K - 1898 (310cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_moliagul-parish_1898jan01_thm_geol31k_310cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Moliagul Parish Geology 1:31K - 1980 (Re-issue of 1898) (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_moliagul-parish_1980jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Moorarbool East Parish Geology 1:31K - 1956 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_moorarbool-east-parish_1956jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Moorarbool West & pt Kerrit Bareet Parish Geology 1:31K - 1937 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_moorarbool-w-pt-kb-parish_1937jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mortchup Parish Geology 1:31K - 1889 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mortchup-parish_1889jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mount Cole Parish Map - 04/08/1991 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mountcole-parish_1891aug04_thm_geol32k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mumbannar Parish Map - 1929 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mumbannar-parish_1929jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mudgeegonga Parish Map - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_mudgeegonga-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Murmungee Parish Map - 1913 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_murmungee-parish_1913jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Myaring Parish Map - 1937 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_myaring-parish_1937jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Myrtleford Parish Map - 1914 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_myrtleford-parish_1914jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Narmbool part Cargerie Parish Geology 1:31K - 1892 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_narmbool-pt-cargerie_1892jun01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Nariel Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_nariel-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Narracan Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_narracan-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Narracan South Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_narracan-south-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Nillumbik Parish Geology 1:31K - 1888 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_nillumbik-parish_1888jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Palpara Parish Geology 1:31K - 1930 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_palpara-parish_1930jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Poowong Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_poowong-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Poowong East Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_poowong-east-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Queenstown Parish Geology 1:31K - 1888 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_queenstown-parish_1888jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Rathscar Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_rathscar-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Redcastle Parish Geology 1:31K - 1940 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_redcastle-parish_1940jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Rosedale Parish Geology 1:31K - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_rosedale-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Roseneath Parish Geology 1:31K - 1941 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_roseneath-parish_1941jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Saint Arnaud Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_starnaud-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Salisbury West Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_salisbury-west-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Sandon Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_sandon-parish_1903jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Scarsdale Parish Geology 1:31K - 1889 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_scarsdale-parish_1889jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Sherwood Parish Geology 1:31K - 1960 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_sherwood-parish_1960jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Smythesdale Parish Geology 1:31K - 1888 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_smythesdale-parish_1888jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Snake & Sunday Islands Parish Geology 1:31K - 1929 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_snake-sunday-isl-parish_1929jan01_thm_geol31k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Stanley Parish Geology 1:31K - 1914 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_stanley-parish_1914jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Strathfieldsaye Parish Geology 1:31K - 1956 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_strathfieldsaye-parish_1956jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sutton Parish Geology 1:31K - 1964 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_sutton-parish_1964jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tabberabbera(Northern) Geology 1:31K - 1963 (135cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tabberabbera-nth_1963jan01_thm_geol31k_135cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tabberabbera(Southern) Geology 1:31K - 1963 (135cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tabberabbera-sth_1963jan01_thm_geol31k_135cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Talgarno Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_talgarno-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tanjil East Parish Geology 1:31K - 1926 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tanjil-east-parish_1926jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tarrengower Parish Geology 1:31K - 1903 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tarrengower-parish_1903jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tarwin Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tarwin-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tarwin South Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tarwin-south-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tatonga Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tatonga-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tchiree Parish Map - 28/06/1899 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tchiree-parish_1899jun28_thm_geol32k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Thologolong Parish Map - 1920 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_thologolong-parish_1920jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Thowgla Parish Map - 1927 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_thowgla-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tintaldra Parish Map - 1922 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tintaldra-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tong Bong Parish Map - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_tong-bong-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Toora Parish Map - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_toora-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Towong Parish Map - 1924 (180cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_towong-parish_1924jan01_thm_geol31k_180cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Traralgon Parish Map - 1928 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_traralgon-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Trentham Parish Map - 1958 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_trentham-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wabba Parish Geology 1:31K - 1925 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wabba-parish_1925jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Walwa Parish Geology 1:31K - 1920 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_walwa-parish_1920jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wamba Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wamba-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wabba Parish Geology 1:31K - 1925 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wabba-parish_1925jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wanwin Parish Geology 1:31K - 1930 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wanwin-parish_1930jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Waratah Parish Geology 1:31K - 1928 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_waratah-parish_1928jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Waratah North Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_waratah-north-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wareek Parish Geology 1:31K - 1899 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wareek-parish_1899jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Warragul Parish Geology 1:31K - 1922 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_warragul-parish_1922jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warrain (Part) Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_warrain-part-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Warrambine Parish Geology 1:31K - 1889 (160cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_warrambine-parish_1889jan01_thm_geol31k_160cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Warrenmang Parish Geology 1:31K - 1903 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_warrenmang-parish_1903jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Wedderburne Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (120cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wedderburne-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_120cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Wehla Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (240cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wehla-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_240cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Welshpool Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_welshpool-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Werrikoo Parish Geology 1:31K - 1938 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_werrikoo-parish_1938jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Weston Parish Geology 1:31K - 1930 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_weston-parish_1930jan01_thm_geol31k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wilkin Parish Geology 1:31K - 1938 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wilkin-parish_1938jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Windermere Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_windermere-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Wonga Wonga Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wonga-wonga-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wonga Wonga South Parish Geology 1:31K - 1925 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wonga-wonga-south-parish_1925jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wonyip Parish Geology 1:31K - 1924 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wonyip-parish_1924jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wuk Wuk Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wuk-wuk-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wyeeboo Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_wyeeboo-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yabba Parish Geology 1:31K - 1915 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yabba-parish_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yaloak Parish Geology 1:31K - 1931 (140cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yaloak-parish_1931jan01_thm_geol31k_140cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yalong Parish Geology 1:31K - 1958 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yalong-parish_1958jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Yanakie Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yanakie-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yanakie South Parish Geology 1:31K - 1927 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yanakie-south-parish_1927jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yarrowee Parish Geology 1:31K - approx 1890 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yarrowee-parish_1890jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Yehrip Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yehrip-parish_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Yinnar Parish Geology 1:31K - 1895 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 31K Parish | MINERALS_yinnar-parish_1921jan01_thm_geol31k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Aberfeldy Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2006 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_aberfeldy-ed1_2006jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Alberton and part of Cliffy Geology 1:50K - 1978 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_alberton_1978jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Albury Geology 1:50K - 1979 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_albury_1979jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Arcadia Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1998 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_arcadia-ed1_1998nov01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ararat Geology 1:50K - 2000 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_ararat_2000jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Avonmore Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_avonmore_1999oct01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bacchus Marsh Geology 1:50K - 1985 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_bacchus-marsh_1985jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ballan Geology 1:50K - 1986 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_ballan_1986jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_ballarat-ed1_1996jun01_thm_geol50k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Balmoral Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_balmoral-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Beechworth Geology 1:50K - 1979 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_beechworth_1979jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Benambra Geology 1:50K - 1998 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_benambra_1998jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2001 (435cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_bendigo-ed1_2001dec01_thm_geol50k_435cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bindi Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_bindi_1999jul01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bright Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2004 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_bright-ed1_2004jan01_thm_geol50k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Brookville Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_brookville_1999jul01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Buffalo Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2004 (425cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_buffalo-ed1_2004jan01_thm_geol50k_425cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Byron and part of Wonwondah Edition 2 Geology 1:50K - 1999 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_byron-ptwonwondah-ed2_1999apr01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Campbelltown Geology 1:50K - 2000 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_campbelltown_2000jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Carrajung Geology 1:50K - 1978 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_carrajung_1978jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Castlemaine Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2002 (425cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_castlemaine-ed1_2002jan01_thm_geol50k_425cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Chetwynd & part of Casterton Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_chetwynd-ptcasterton-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Club Terrace and part of Bemm Geology 1:50K - 1996 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_clubterrace_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Cobungra Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_cobungra-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Colac and part of Beech Forest Geology 1:50K - 1990 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_colac-beechforest-02_1990jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Colbinabbin Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_colbinabbin_1999oct01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Corryong Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2001 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_corryong-ed1_2001nov01_thm_geol50k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Costerfield & part of Pyalong Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_costerfield-ptpyalong_1999oct01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Combienbar and part of Craigie Geology 1:50K - 1997 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_craigie_1997jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Cravensville Geology 1:50K - 2001 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_cravensville_2001jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Cravensville Geology 1:50K - 1978 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_cravensville_1978jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Creswick Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2000 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_creswick-ed1_2000oct01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Crooked River Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_crooked-river-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dandongadale Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2004 (425cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_dandongadale-ed1_2004jan01_thm_geol50k_425cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dargo Plains Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_dargo-plains-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Darriman Geology 1:50K - 1978 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_darriman-02_1978jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dart Geology 1:50K - 1998 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_dart_1998jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Daylesford Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2002 (423cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_daylesford-ed1_2002jan01_thm_geol50k_423cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dergholm & part of Penola Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_dergholm-ptpenola-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dundas & part of Wannon Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_dundas-ptwannon-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dunolly Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_dunolly-ed1_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Edenhope Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_edenhope-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Eildon & part of Tallangalook Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2006 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_eildon-pttallangalook-ed1_2006jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ensay Geology 1:50K - 1999 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_ensay_1999jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Falls Creek Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (425cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_falls-creek-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_425cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Feathertop Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (424cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_feathertop-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_424cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Fyans & part of Glenorchy Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2000 (235cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_fyans-ptglenorchy_2000nov01_thm_geol50k_235cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Gibbo Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1998 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_gibbo-ed1_1998sep01_thm_geol50k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Glenrowan Geology 1:50K - 1987 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_glenrowan_1987jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Harrow Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_harrow-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Heathcote Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_heathcote_1999oct01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Hume Geology 1:50K - 1979 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_hume_1979jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Huntly & part of Kamarooka Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2001 (326cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_huntly-ptkamarooka-ed1_2001dec01_thm_geol50k_326cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Inglewood Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_inglewood-ed1_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Jamieson & part of Skene Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2006 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_jamieson-ptskene-ed1_2006jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Kilmore Geology 1:50K - 1991 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_kilmore_1991jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Laanecoorie Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_laanecoorie-ed1_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Lancefield provisional edition Geology 1:50K - 2005 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_lancefield-prov-ed_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Langkoop & part of Struan Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_langkoop-ptstruan-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Leinster Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1998 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_leinster-ed1_1998sep01_thm_geol50k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Limestone Creek Area Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1981 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_limestone-creek-ed1_1981jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Limestone Creek Area Edition 2 Geology 1:50K - 1991 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_limestonecreek_1991jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Linton Geology 1:50K - 1996 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_linton_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Lockwood Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (327cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_lockwood-ed1_2001dec01_thm_geol50k_327cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Longwood and part of Yea Geology 1:50K - 1998 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_longwood_1998jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Malmsbury Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2002 (430cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_malmsbury-ed1_2002jan01_thm_geol50k_430cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mansfield Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2006 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mansfield-ed1_2006jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Maryborough Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2000 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_maryborough-ed1_2000oct01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Matlock Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2006 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_matlock-ed1_2006jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mercer Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mercer_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Meredith Geology 1:50K - 1980 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_meredith_1980jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mitta Mitta Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (425cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mittamitta-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_425cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Moe Geology 1:50K - 1983 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_moe_1983jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mooralla Edition 2 Geology 1:50K - 1999 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mooralla-ed2_1999apr01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mt Elizabeth Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (630cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mt-elizabeth-ed1_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_630cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mt Useful Slate Belt(N Sheet) Geology 1:50K - 1994 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mt-useful-slatebelt-n_1994jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mt Useful Slate Belt(S Sheet) Geology 1:50K - 1994 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mt-useful-slatebelt-s_1994jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mount Stavely Volcanic Complex Geology 1:50K - 1985 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_mtstavely_1985jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Murchison Geology 1:50K - 1998 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_murchison_1998jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Murrungowar and part of Conran Geology 1:50K - 1996 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_murrungowar_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Myrtleford Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2004 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_myrtleford-ed1_2004jan01_thm_geol50k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Nagambie & part of Tallarook Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1998 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_nagambie-pttallarook-ed1_1998nov01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Nareen and part of Coleraine Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2003 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_nareen-ptcoleraine-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Nariel and part of Geehi Geology 1:50K - 2001 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_nariel_2001jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Navarre Geology 1:50K - 1997 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_navarre_1997may01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Northern Grampians Edition 2 Geology 1:50K - 1999 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_northern-grampians-ed2_1999apr01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Nowanowa and part of Tyers Geology 1:50K - 2001 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_nowanowa_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Omeo Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_omeo_1999jul01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Orbost & part of Hartland Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_orbost-pthartland-ed1_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Raywood and part of Dingee Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2001 (326cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_raywood-ptdingee-ed1_2001dec01_thm_geol50k_326cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Redbank Geology 1:50K - 1997 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_redbank_1997may01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Redesdale & part of Pyalong Geology 1:50K - 2008 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_redesdale-ptpyalong_2008jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Rheola Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 1996 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_rheola-ed1_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Rokewood Geology 1:50K - 1996(2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_rokewood_1996jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Shelley and part of Jingellic Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2001 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_shelley-ptjingellic-ed1_2001nov01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Southern Grampians Edition 2 Geology 1:50K - 1999 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_southern-grampians-ed2_1999apr01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
St Arnaud Geology 1:50K - 1997 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_starnaud_1997may01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Stawell and part of Callawadda Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2000 (235cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_stawell-ptcallawadda_2000nov01_thm_geol50k_235cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Steve Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_steve-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Swanwater Geology 1:50K - 1997 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_swanwater_1997may01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Tawonga Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2005 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_tawonga-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geol50k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tongala Geology 1:50K - 1999 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_tongala_1999oct01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Trafalgar Geology 1:50K - 1983 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_trafalgar_1983jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Trentham Edition 1 Geology 1:50K - 2002 (430cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_trentham-ed1_2002jan01_thm_geol50k_430cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Walhalla & part of Seaton & Moe Geology 1:50K - 2006 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_walhalla-ptseaton-moe-ed1_2006jan01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wangarabell & part of Nungatta Geology 1:50K - 1997 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_wangarabell-ptnungatta_1997oct01_thm_geol50k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wangaratta Geology 1:50K - 1981 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_wangaratta_1981jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warrnambool Geology 1:50K - 1988 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_warrnambool_1988jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Watgania Geology 1:50K - 2000 (227cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_watgania_2000nov01_thm_geol50k_227cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Waubra Geology 1:50K - 2000 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_waubra_2000jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Winton Geology 1:50K - 1978 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_winton_1978jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Woodside and part of Gammon Geology 1:50K - 1978 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_woodside_1978jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yackandandah Geology 1:50K - 1982 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_yackandandah_1982jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
You Yangs Geology 1:50K - 1980 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 50K | MINERALS_you-yangs_1980jan01_thm_geol50k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Anglesea Geology 1:63K - 1967 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_anglesea_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bairnsdale Geology 1:63K - 1960 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_bairnsdale_1960jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Geology 1:63K - 1965 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_ballarat_1965jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bridgewater Geology 1:63K - 1961 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_bridgewater_1961jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Casterton Geology 1:63K - 1967 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_casterton_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Cobberas Geology 1:63K - 1964 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_cobberas_1964jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Cranbourne Geology 1:63K - 1967 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_cranbourne_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dartmoor Geology 1:63K - 1964 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_dartmoor_1964jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Geelong Geology 1:63K - 1963 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_geelong_1963jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Heathcote Geology and Topographical 1:63K - 1956 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_heathcote-02_1956jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Heywood Geology 1:63K - 1961 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_heywood_1961jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Jacobs River Geology 1:63K - 1967 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_jacobs-river_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Jamieson Area Geology 1:63K - 1961 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_jamieson_1961jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Kinglake Geology 1:63K - 1977 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_kinglake_1977jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Liptrap and part of Yanakie Geology 1:63K - 1975 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_liptrap_1975jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Macedon district 1:63K - 1912 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_macedon-district_1912jan01_thm_geol63k_6m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne Geology 1:63K - 1974 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_melbourne_1974jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mirboo North Geology 1:63K - 1967 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_mirboo-north_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Moroka Geology 1:63K - 1964 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_moroka_1964jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Nelson Geology 1:63K - 1961 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_nelson_1961jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Orbost Geology 1:63K - 1960 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_orbost_1960jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Portarlington Geology 1:63K - 1977 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_portarlington_1977jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Portland Geology 1:63K - 1978 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_portland_1978jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ringwood Geology 1:63K - 1981 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_ringwood_1981jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sorrento Geology 1:63K - 1967 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_sorrento_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sunbury Geology 1:63K - 1973 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_sunbury_1973jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Western Port Geology 1:63K - 1967 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_western-port_1967jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wonnangatta Geology 1:63K - 1981 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_wonnangatta_1981jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yan Yean Geology 1:63K - 1981 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 63K | MINERALS_yan-yean_1981jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Beaufort Geology 1:100k - 1995 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_beaufort_1995jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bendigo & part of Mitiamo Edition 1 Geology 1:100k - 1995 (13m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_bendigo-ptmitiamo-ed1_1995jan01_thm_geol100k_13m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendoc Geology 1:100k - 1990 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_bendoc_1990jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Charlton Edition 1 Geology 1:100k - 1998 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_charlton-ed1_1998dec01_thm_geol100k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dookie Geology 1:100k - 1986 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_dookie_1986jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Murrindal Geology 1:100k - 1993 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_murrindal_1993jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Port Campbell Embayment Geology 1:100k - 1994 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_port-campbell-embay_1994jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Shepparton Geology 1:100k - 1988 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_shepparton_1988jan01_thm_geol100k_5m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Skipton Edition 1 Geology 1:100k - 2000 (850cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_skipton-ed1_2000jan01_thm_geol100k_850cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Wedderburn Edition 1 Geology 1:100k - 2001 (640cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_wedderburn-ed1_2001nov01_thm_geol100k_640cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Willaura Edition 1 Geology 1:100k - 2000 (850cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 100K | MINERALS_willaura-ed1_2000jan01_thm_geol100k_850cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Creswick Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Feature - Edition1 1:100k - 2000 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features 100K | MINERALS_creswick-ed1_2000oct01_thm_geophy100k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Dargo Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Feature - Edition1 1:100k - 2005 (840cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features 100K | MINERALS_dargo-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geophy100k_840cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dunolly Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Feature - Edition1 1:100k - 1995 (840cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features 100K | MINERALS_dunolly_1995jan01_thm_geophy100k_840cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Edenhope and part of Casterton and Penola Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Feature - Edition1 1:100k - 2003 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features 100K | MINERALS_edenhope-ptcaste-peno-ed1_2003jan01_thm_geophy100k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ararat Goldfield 1 Map - 1858 (42cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ararat-gf1_1858aug13_thm_geol3k_42cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ararat Goldfield 3 Map - 1876 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ararat-gf3_1876jan01_thm_geol32k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Goldfield 4 Map - 1917 (165cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-gf4_1917may01_thm_geol13k_165cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Goldfield 5 Map - 1861 (170cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-gf5_1861oct21_thm_geol13k_170cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Goldfield 6 Map - 1874 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-gf6_1874jan01_thm_geol31k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat North Goldfield Map - 1981 (43cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-n-gf_1981jan01_thm_geol10k_43cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Sebastopol Bunningong Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1878 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-sebast-bunnin-gf_1878jan01_thm_gold31k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
White Horse Range Goldfield Map 1:6K - 1885 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-wh-horse-rge-gf_1885jan01_thm_gold6k_1m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Beechworth Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1965 (440cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_beechworth-gf_1965jan01_thm_gold31k_440cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ballarat South Goldfield Map - 1981 (43cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ballarat-s-gf_1981jan01_thm_geol10k_43cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Eaglehawk Goldfield Map - 1992 (43cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bendigo-eaglehawk-gf_1992jan01_thm_geol10k_43cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo-Eaglehawk Quartz Reefs Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1903 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bendigo-eaglehawks-qtz-rf_1903jan01_thm_gold16k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Golden Square Goldfield Map - 1992 (43cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bendigo-golden-sq-gf_1992jan01_thm_geol10k_43cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Spring Gully Goldfield Map - 1988 (43cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bendigo-spring-g-gf_1988jan01_thm_geol10k_43cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Goldfield Map 1:7K - 1923 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bendigo-gf_1923jan01_thm_gold7k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendoc Goldfield Map 1:63K - 1889 (6m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bendoc-gf_1889jan01_thm_gold63k_6m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Berlin Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1980 (80cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_berlin-gf_1980jan01_thm_gold15k_80cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Berringa Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1898 (60cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_berringa-gf_1898jan01_thm_gold31k_60cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bethanga Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1908 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bethanga-gf_1908jan01_thm_gold15k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bonang Goldfield Map 1:63K - approx 1890 (10m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bonang-gf_1890jan01_thm_gold63k_10m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bright Wandiligong & Freeburgh Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1925 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bright-wandili-freebur-gf_1925jan01_thm_gold31k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bright Wandiligong & Freeburg Goldfield Map - 1968 (135cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_bright-wandi-freeburgh-gf_1968jan01_thm_geol31k_135cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Castlemaine Goldfield Map 1:13K - 1861 (180cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_castlemaine-gf_1861jan01_thm_gold13k_180cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Castlemaine-Chewton Goldfield Map - 1994 (50cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_castlemaine-chewton-gf_1994jan01_thm_geol10k_50cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Castlemaine-Fryers Crk Goldfield Map - 1994 (120cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_castlemaine-fryers-ck-gf_1994jan01_thm_geol10k_120cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Chewton-Castlemaine Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1902 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_chewton-castlemaine-gf_1902jan01_thm_gold15k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Chewton Goldfield Map 1:6K - 1977 (30 cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_chewton-gf_1977jan01_thm_gold6k_30cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Chiltern Goldfield Map - 1903 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_chiltern-goldfield_1903jan01_thm_geol31k_5m_dd94.ecw | |||||
Chiltern & Rutherglen Goldfield Map 1:63K - approx 1900 (450cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_chiltern-rutherglen-gf_1900jan01_thm_gold63k_450cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Chiltern-Rutherglen Goldfield Map - 1904 (8m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_chiltern-rutherglen-gf_1904jun01_thm_geol63k_8m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Clunes Goldfield Map 1:7K - 1912 (70cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_clunes-gf_1912jan01_thm_gold7k_70cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Clunes Mt Greenock & Talbot Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1883 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_clunes-mtgreen-talbot-gf_1883jan01_thm_gold31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Creswick Goldfield Map - 1880 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_creswick_1880jan01_thm_geol31k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Creswick Goldfield Map - 1981 (135cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_creswick-gf_1981jan01_thm_geol31k_135cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Daylesford Goldfield Map 1:10K - 1972 (180cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_daylesford-gf_1972jan01_thm_gold10k_180cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Donnellys Creek Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1904 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_donnellys-creek-gf_1904jan01_thm_gold32k_5m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Dunolly Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1891 (230cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_dunolly-gf_1891jan01_thm_gold15k_230cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Eaglehawk-Sandhurst Goldfield Map 1:6K - 1879 (60cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_eaglehawk-sandhurst-gf_1879jan01_thm_gold6k_60cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ellesmere Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1896 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_ellesmere-gf_1896jan01_thm_gold15k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Elysian Flat Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1896 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_elysian-flat-gf_1896jan01_thm_gold31k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Fryers Creek Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1887 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_fryers-creek-gf_1887jan01_thm_gold15k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Fryers Creek (portion of) Goldfield Map 1:15K - approx 1887 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_fryers-creek-portion-gf_1887jan01_thm_gold15k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Glen Wills Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1958 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_glenwills-gf_1958jan01_thm_gold15k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Granya Goldfield Map 1:15K - approx 1912 (170cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_granya-gf_1912jan01_thm_gold15k_170cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Graytown Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1894 (410cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_graytown-gf_1894jan01_thm_gold31k_410cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Harrietville Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1940 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_harrietville-gf_1940jan01_thm_gold31k_420cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Haunted Stream Goldfield Map 1:13K - approx 1887 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_haunted-stream-gf_1887jan01_thm_gold13k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Inglewood Goldfield Map 1:31K - 1896 (550cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_inglewood-gf_1896jan01_thm_gold31k_550cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
King Parrot Creek Goldfield Map 1:8K - 1859 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_king-parrot-creek-gf_1859jan01_thm_gold8k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Little Bendigo Goldfield Map 1:6K - 1901 (90cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_little-bendigo-gf_1901jan01_thm_gold6k_90cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mafeking (Mt William) Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1913 (80cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_mafeking-mt-william-gf_1913jan01_thm_gold16k_80cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Maldon Goldfield Map - 1897 (165cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_maldon_1897jan01_thm_geol31k_165cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Malmsbury Lauriston Goldfield Map - 1906 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_malmsbury-lauriston_1906jan01_thm_geol15k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mt William Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1900 (80cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_mt-william-gf_1900jan01_thm_gold16k_80cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mt Wills Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1895 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_mt-wills-gf_1895jan01_thm_gold32k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
New Chum Line of Reef Goldfield Map 1:6K - 1886 (50cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_new-chum-bendigo-gf_1886jan01_thm_gold6k_50cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Newbridge Goldfield Map 1:25K - 1905 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_newbridge-gf_1905jan01_thm_gold25k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Omeo & Dry Gully Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1889 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_omeo-dry-gully-gf_1889jan01_thm_gold32k_4m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Raywood Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1904 (410cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_raywood-gf_1904jan01_thm_gold32k_410cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Reedy Creek Goldfield Map 1:13K - 1881 (120cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_reedy-creek-gf_1881jan01_thm_gold13k_120cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Rheola Berlin Goldfield Map 1:15K - 1890 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_rheola-berlin-gf_1890jan01_thm_gold15k_220cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Rushworth Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1886 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_rushworth-dry-diggings-gf_1886jan01_thm_gold16k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Russell's Creek Goldfield Map 1:63K - 1878 (9m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_russells-creek-gf_1878jan01_thm_gold63k_9m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sandhurst Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1873 (450cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_sandhurst-gf_1873jan01_thm_gold32k_450cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sebastian Goldfield Map 1:13K - 1899 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_sebastian-gf_1899jan01_thm_gold13k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
St Arnaud Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1910 (440cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_st-arnaud-gf_1910jan01_thm_gold32k_440cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Stawell Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1878 (5m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_stawell-gf_1878jan01_thm_gold32k_5m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Steiglitz Goldfield Map 1:8K - 1940 (120cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_steiglitz-gf_1940jan01_thm_gold8k_120cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Steiglitz Goldfield Map 1:6K - 1897 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_steiglitz-leases-gf_1897jan01_thm_gold6k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tanjil Goldfield Map 1:63K - 1915 (9m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_tanjil-gf_1915jan01_thm_gold63k_9m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tanjil Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1916 (1m | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_tanjil-gf_1916jan01_thm_gold16k_1m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tarnagulla & Newbridge Goldfield Map 1:10K - 1979 (40cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_tarnagulla-newbridge-gf_1979jan01_thm_gold10k_40cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Tongio West Goldfield Map 1:25K - 1889 (350cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_tongio-west-leases-gf_1889jan01_thm_gold25k_350cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Toolleen Goldfield Map 1:8K - 1887 (130cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_toolleen-leases-gf_1887jan01_thm_gold8k_130cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tubbarubba & Bulldog Creeks Diggings Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1864 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_tubbarubba-bulldog-ck-gf_1864jan01_thm_gold16k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Victoria Taradale Goldfield Map 1:3K - 1861 (30cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_victoria-taradale-gf_1861jan01_thm_gold3k_30cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Walhalla Goldfield Map 1:32K - 1901 (440cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_walhalla-gf_1901jan01_thm_gold32k_440cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warrandyte Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1909 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_warrandyte-gf_1909jan01_thm_gold16k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wedderburn Goldfield Map - 1984 (1m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_wedderburn-gf_1984jan01_thm_geol25k_1m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Wood's Point Goldfield Map 1:25K - 1903 (260cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_woods-point-gf_1903jan01_thm_gold25k_260cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Yankee Creek Goldfield Map 1:16K - 1900 (150cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Goldfields | MINERALS_yankee-creek-gf_1900jan01_thm_gold16k_150cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bairnsdale Master 1 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bairnsdale-master1_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bairnsdale Master 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bairnsdale-master2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bairnsdale 1:250K Map - 1977 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bairnsdale_1977jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ballarat Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_ballarat-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat 1:250K Map - 1973 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_ballarat_1973jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Balranald 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_balranald-part_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Balranald 1:250K Map - 1974 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_balranald-part_1974jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bendigo-Deniliquin Hydrogeology 1:250K Map - 1985 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bendigo-deniliquin_1985jan01_thm_hygeol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Ed 3 1:250K Map - 2001 (10m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bendigo-ed3_2001nov01_thm_geol250k_10m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bendigo-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo 1:250K Map - 1975 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_bendigo_1975jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Colac Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1996 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_colac-ed2_1996nov01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Colac Ed 1 1:250K Map - 1973 (17m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_colac-ed1_1973jan01_thm_geol250k_17m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Deniliquin 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_deniliquin-part_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Deniliquin 1:250K Map - 1974 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_deniliquin-part_1974jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Hamilton Ed 1 1:250K Map - 1971 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_hamilton-ed1_1971jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Hamilton Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_hamilton-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Horsham 1:250K Map - 1974 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_horsham_1974jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Horsham 1:250K Map - 1997 (32m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_horsham_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_32m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mallacoota Edition 3 1:250K Map - 1999 (33m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_mallacoota-ed3_1999oct01_thm_geol250k_33m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mallacoota 1:250K Map - 1976 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_mallacoota_1976jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_melbourne-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne 1:250K Map - 1970 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_melbourne_1970jan01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne 1:250K Map - 1967 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_melbourne_1967jan01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Mildura Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_mildura-ed2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Mildura 1:250K Map - 1972 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_mildura_1972jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ouyen Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_ouyen-ed2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ouyen 1:250K Map - 1973 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_ouyen_1973jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Portland Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_portland-ed2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Portland 1:250K Map - 1972 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_portland_1972jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Queenscliff Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_queenscliff-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Queenscliff 1:250K Map - 1971 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_queenscliff_1971jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sale Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_sale-ed2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Sale 1:250K Map - 1972 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_sale_1972jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
St Arnaud Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_st-arnaud-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga54.ecw | |||||
St Arnaud Ed 1 1:250K Map - 1976 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_st-arnaud-ed1_1976jan01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Swan Hill 1:250K Map - 1974 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_swan-hill_1974jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Swan Hill Master 1 Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_swan-hill-master1-ed2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Swan Hill Master 2 Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_swan-hill-master2-ed2_1997jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga54.ecw | |||||
Tallangatta Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_tallangatta-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Tallangatta 1:250K Map - 1976 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_tallangatta_1976jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warragul 1:250K Map - 1971 (11m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_warragul_1971jan01_thm_geol250k_11m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wangaratta Edition 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (32m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_wangaratta-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_32m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Wangaratta Ed 1 1:250K Map - 1974 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_wangaratta-ed1_1974jan01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warburton Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_warburton-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warburton Ed 1 1:250K Map - 1977 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_warburton-ed1_1977jan01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Warragul Ed 2 1:250K Map - 1997 (16m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geology 250K | MINERALS_warragul-ed2_1997may01_thm_geol250k_16m_mga55.ecw | |||||
1NE Quartersheet (Ivanhoe Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-1ne_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
1NW Quartersheet (Essendon Area) 1:31K - 1858 (210cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-1nw_1858jan01_thm_geol31k_210cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
1SE Quartersheet (Malvern Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-1se_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
1SW Quartersheet (Williamstown Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-1sw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
2NE Quartersheet (Mernda Area) 1:31K - 1869 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-2ne_1869jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
2SE Quartersheet (Bundoora Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-2se_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
2SW Quartersheet (Broadmeadows Area) 1:31K - 1858 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-2sw_1858jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
2NW Quartersheet (Craigieburn Area) 1:31K - 1856 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-2nw_1856jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
3SE Quartersheet (Whittlesea Area) 1:31K - 1858 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-3se_1858jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
3SW Quartersheet (Beveridge Area) 1:31K - 1862 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-3sw_1862jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
3NE Quartersheet (Upper Plenty Area) 1:31K - 1865 (210cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-3ne_1865jan01_thm_geol31k_210cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
7NE Quartersheet (Sunbury Area) 1:31K - 1858 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-7ne_1858jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
7SE Quartersheet (Diggers Rest Area) 1:31K - 1858 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-7se_1858jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
8NE Quartersheet (Deer Park Area) 1:31K - 1856 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-8ne_1856jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
8SE Quartersheet (Tarneit Area) 1:31K - 1864 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-8se_1864jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
8SW Quartersheet (Eynesbury Area) 1:31K - 1864 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-8sw_1864jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
19NE Quartersheet (Balliang Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-19ne_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
19SE Quartersheet (Anakie East Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-19se_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
20NE Quartersheet (Werribee Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-20ne_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
20SE Quartersheet (Werribee South Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-20se_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
20SW Quartersheet (Little River Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-20sw_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
20NW Quartersheet (Manor Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-20nw_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
21NW Quartersheet (Sanctuary Lakes Area) 1:31K - 1863 (210cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-21nw_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_210cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
23NE Quartersheet (Portarlington Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-23ne_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
23SE Quartersheet (Drysdale Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-23se_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
23SW Quartersheet (Leopold Area) 1:31K - 1862 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-23sw_1862jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
23NW Quartersheet (Avalon Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-23nw_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
24NE Quartersheet (Lovely Banks Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-24ne_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
24SE Quartersheet (Geelong Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-24se_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
28NE Quartersheet (Waurn Ponds Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-28ne_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
29NE Quartersheet (Queenscliff Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-29ne_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
29SE Quartersheet (Portsea Area) 1:31K - 1863 (220cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-29se_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_220cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
29SW Quartersheet (Breamlea Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-29sw_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
29NW Quartersheet (Ocean Grove Area) 1:31K - 1862 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-29nw_1862jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
34SE Quartersheet (Woolamai Area) 1:31K - 1893 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-34se_1893jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
34SW Quartersheet (Corinella Area) 1:31K - 1893 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-34sw_1893jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
40NW Quartersheet (Ringwood Area) 1:31K - 1893 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-40nw_1893jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
67NE Quartersheet (Dalyston Area) 1:31K - 1902 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-67ne_1902jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
67NW Quartersheet (San Remo Area) 1:31K - 1892 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-67nw_1892jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
67SE Quartersheet (Wonthaggi Area) 1:31K - 1902 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-67se_1902jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
76SW Quartersheet (Inverloch Area) 1:31K - 1903 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne) | MINERALS_quartersheet-76sw_1903jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
8NE Quartersheet (Camperdown Area) 1:63K - 1904 (4m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-8ne_1904jan01_thm_geol63k_4m_mga54.ecw | |||||
11SE Quartersheet (Myrniong Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-11se_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
12NE Quartersheet (Bacchus Marsh Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-12ne_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
12SE Quartersheet (Baliang East Area) 1:31K - 1864 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-12se_1864jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
15SE Quartersheet (Franklinford Area) 1:31K - 1866 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-15se_1866jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
16NE Quartersheet (Hepburn Area) 1:31K - 1893 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-16ne_1893jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
16SE Quartersheet (Borlands Area) 1:31K - 1895 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-16se_1895jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
17SE Quartersheet (Darlington Area) Geology 1:63K - 1905 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-17se_1905jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga54.ecw | |||||
19SW Quartersheet (Maude Area) 1:31K - 1865 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-19sw_1865jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
26SE Quartersheet (Bamganie Area) 1:31K - 1867 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-26se_1867jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
28SE Quartersheet (Torquay Area) 1:31K - 1863 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-28se_1863jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
47A1 Quartersheet (Skenes Creek Area) 1:31K - 1901 (139cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-47a1_1901jan01_thm_geol31k_139cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
57NE Quartersheet (Glengower Area) 1:31K - 1870 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-57ne_1870jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
64NE Quartersheet (Woodbourne Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South West | MINERALS_quartersheet-64ne_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
5NE Quartersheet (Pastoria Area) 1:31K - 1867 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-5nw_1867jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
5SE Quartersheet (Lancefield Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-5se_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
5SW Quartersheet (Cobaw Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-5sw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
6NE Quartersheet (Romsey Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-6ne_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
6NW Quartersheet (Mount Macedon Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-6nw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
6SE Quartersheet (Clarkefield Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-6se_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
6SW Quartersheet (Gisborne Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-6sw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
7NW Quartersheet (Gisborne South Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-7nw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
9NE Quartersheet (Edgecombe Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-9ne_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
9NW Quartersheet (Tarradale Area) 1:31K - 1865 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-9nw_1865jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
9SE Quartersheet (Kyneton Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-9se_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
9SW Quartersheet (Lauriston Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-9sw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
10NE Quartersheet (Woodend Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-10ne_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
10NW Quartersheet (Spring Hill Area) 1:31K - 1865 (210cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-10nw_1865jan01_thm_geol31k_210cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
13NE Quartersheet (Redesdale Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-13ne_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
13SE Quartersheet (Metcalfe Area) 1:31K - 1866 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-13se_1866jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
13SW Quartersheet (Chewton Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-13sw_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
13NW Quartersheet (Harcourt North Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-13nw_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
14SE Quartersheet (Castlemaine Area) 1:31K - 1864 (210cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-14se_1864jan01_thm_geol31k_210cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
14SW Quartersheet (Welshmans Reef Area) 1:31K - 1867 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-14sw_1867jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
14NW Quartersheet (Nuggetty Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-14nw_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
15NE Quartersheet (Yapeen Area) 1:31K - 1864 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-15ne_1864jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
42B Quartersheet (Maryborough Area) 1:31K - 1913 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-42b_1913jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
52NE Quartersheet (Moolart Area) 1:31K - 1868 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-52ne_1868jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
52SE Quartersheet (Strathlea Area) 1:31K - 1885 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-52se_1885jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
53dSW Quartersheet (Moliagul Area) 1:31K - 1915 (2.7m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-53dsw_1915jan01_thm_geol31k_270cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
63DSW Quartersheet (Wedderburn Area) 1:31K - 1910 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-63dsw_1910jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga54.ecw | |||||
80NW Quartersheet (Ladys Pass) 1:31K - 1903 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North West | MINERALS_quartersheet-80nw_1903jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
3NW Quartersheet (Wallan Area) 1:31K - 1862 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North East | MINERALS_quartersheet-3nw_1862jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
4SW Quartersheet (Kilmore Area) 1:31K - 1859 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North East | MINERALS_quartersheet-4sw_1859jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
51SW Quartersheet (Glenhope Area) 1:31K - 1866 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North East | MINERALS_quartersheet-51sw_1866jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
81NW Quartersheet (Rutherglen North Area) 1:31K - 1894 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North East | MINERALS_quartersheet-81nw_1894jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
81SW Quartersheet (Rutherglen Area) 1:31K - 1894 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:North East | MINERALS_quartersheet-81sw_1894jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
4NE Quartersheet (Leongatha Area) 1:63K - 1918 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South East (Gippsland) | MINERALS_quartersheet-4ne_1918jan01_thm_geol63k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
23B Quartersheet (Bairnsdale Area) 1:31K - 1942 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South East (Gippsland) | MINERALS_quartersheet-23b_1942jan01_thm_geol63k_650cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
75NW Quartersheet (Korumburra Area) 1:31K - 1892 (2m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South East (Gippsland) | MINERALS_quartersheet-75nw_1892jan01_thm_geol31k_2m_mga55.ecw | |||||
75SW Quartersheet (Jumbunna Area) 1:31K - 1917 (148cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Quartersheets 31K and 63K:South East (Gippsland) | MINERALS_quartersheet-75sw_1917jan01_thm_geol31k_148cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Ararat Regolith - landform Edition 1 1:100k - 2004 (863cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Regolith-Landform 100K | MINERALS_ararat-ed1_2004jan01_thm_reglth100k_863cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat-Creswick Regolith - landform Edition 1 1:100K - 2002 (420cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Regolith-Landform 100K | MINERALS_ballarat-creswick-ed1_2002nov01_thm_reglth50k_420cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Ballarat-Creswick Regolith - enlargement Ed 1 1:20K - 2002 (170cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Regolith-Landform 100K | MINERALS_ballarat-cres-enlarge-ed1_2002nov01_thm_reglth20k_170cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Bendigo Regolith - landform Edition 1 1:100K - 2003 (650cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Regolith-Landform 100K | MINERALS_bendigo-ed1_2003jan01_thm_reglth100k_650cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Rupanyup Regolith - landform Edition 1 1:100K - 2006 (863cm) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Regolith-Landform 100K | MINERALS_rupanyup-ed1_2006jan01_thm_reglth100k_863cm_mga54.ecw | |||||
Tanjil County - Regolith 1:31K - 1947 (3m) | image | Geology:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Regolith-Landform 100K | MINERALS_tanjil-soils-section_1947jan01_thm_reglth31k_3m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Geophysical Data Coverage 100K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geophysical' and ( scale ='1:50,000' or scale ='1:100,000' ) and projstatus = 'Completed' and gis ='Yes' | ||||
Geophysical Lines & Faults 100K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPGEOL100_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' AND feature <> 'CLOSE' AND feature <> 'STATE_BDY' AND ufi <> 0 | ||||
Geophysical Structures 100K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPSTRLINE100 | |||||
Geophysical Contact Metamorphism Lines 100K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPCONMETA100_ARC | feature = 'CONTACT_META' or feature = 'AUREOLE' | ||||
Geophysical Miscellaneous Lines 100K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPMISCL100 | |||||
Geophysical Contact Metamorphism Zones 100K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPCONMETA100_POLYGON | feature = 'CONTACT_META' | ||||
Geophysical Polygons 100K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPGEOL100_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geophysical Subsurface 1 Polygons 100K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPSGEOL1100_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geophysical Subsurface 2 Polygons 100K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 100K | MINERALS.GPSGEOL2100_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Regional geological faults of Central and Western Victoria | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.FAULT_CENTRAL_WEST_VICTORIA | |||||
Geophysical Data Coverage 250K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geophysical' and scale ='1:250,000' and projstatus = 'Completed' and gis ='Yes' | ||||
Geophysical Lines & Faults 250K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPGEOL250_ARC | feature <> 'FRAME' AND feature <> 'CLOSE' AND feature <> 'STATE_BDY' AND ufi <> 0 | ||||
Geophysical Structures 250K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPSTRLINE250 | |||||
Geophysical Contact Metamorphism Lines 250K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPCONMETA250_ARC | feature = 'CONTACT_META' or feature = 'AUREOLE' | ||||
Geophysical Miscellaneous Lines 250K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPMISCL250 | |||||
Geophysical Contact Metamorphism Zones 250K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPCONMETA250_POLYGON | |||||
Geophysical Polygons 250K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPGEOL250_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geophysical Subsurface 1 Polygons 250K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPSGEOL1250_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geophysical Subsurface 2 Polygons 250K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Geophysics 250K | MINERALS.GPSGEOL2250_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Geophysical Basins Lines & Faults 500K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Basins 500K | MINERALS.GPGEOL500_ARC | |||||
Geophysical Basin Extents 500K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Basins 500K | MINERALS.GPBASIN500_ARC | feature = 'MISC_BDY' | ||||
Geophysical Lava Flow Lines 500K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Basins 500K | MINERALS.GPLAVAFLW500_ARC | feature = 'LAVAFLOW' or feature = 'MISC_BDY' | ||||
Geophysical Basins Lava Flow Polygons 500K | line | Geophysics:Interpretations:Basins 500K | MINERALS.GPLAVAFLW500_POLYGON | feature = 'LAVAFLOW' | ||||
Geophysical Basins Polygons 500K | polygon | Geophysics:Interpretations:Basins 500K | MINERALS.GPGEOL500_POLYGON | feature = 'ROCK_UNIT' | ||||
Gravity Stations | point | Geophysics:Surveys | MINERALS.GRAVITY | |||||
Digital Airborne Geophysical Surveys | line | Geophysics:Surveys | MINERALS.DIGSURV | |||||
Analog Airborne Geophysical Surveys | line | Geophysics:Surveys | MINERALS.ANASURV | |||||
3D Seismic Survey Boundaries | line | Geophysics:Surveys | MINERALS.SEISMIC3D | |||||
2D Seismic Surveys:2D Seismic Survey Lines | line | Yes | Geophysics:Surveys:2D Seismic Surveys | MINERALS.SEISMIC_ARC | ||||
2D Seismic Surveys:2D Seismic Survey Points | point | Yes | Geophysics:Surveys:2D Seismic Surveys | MINERALS.SEISMIC_POINT | ||||
Seismic Cross Sections | line | Geophysics:Surveys | MINERALS.XSEC_SEIS | |||||
Geophysical 100K Maps | polygon | Geophysics:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geophysical' and scale = '1:100,000' | ||||
Geophysical 250K Maps | polygon | Geophysics:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geophysical' and scale = '1:250,000' | ||||
Geophysical 500K Maps | polygon | Geophysics:GSV Map Indexes | MINERALS.GSVMI | type = 'Geophysical' and scale = '1:500,000' | ||||
Airborne Magnetics - Total Magnetic Intensity - 2004 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Airborne Magnetics | MINERALS_victoria_2004feb24_air_mag_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Airborne Magnetics - Total Magnetic Intensity - 1st Vertical Derivative - 2004 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Airborne Magnetics | MINERALS_victoria_2004feb24_air_mag1vd_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Airborne Magnetics - Total Magnetic Intensity - 2011 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Airborne Magnetics | MINERALS_victoria_2011jan27_air_mag_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Airborne Magnetics - Reduced to Pole - 2011 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Airborne Magnetics | MINERALS_victoria_2011jan27_air_rtp_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Airborne Magnetics - Reduced to Pole - 1st Vertical Derivative - 2011 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Airborne Magnetics | MINERALS_victoria_2011jan27_air_rtp1vd_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Airborne Magnetics - Reduced to Pole/1st Vertical Derivative Drape - 2011 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Airborne Magnetics | MINERALS_victoria_2011jan27_mrg_rtp1vd_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Gravity - Bouguer Anomaly - 2004 (300m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Ground Gravity | MINERALS_victoria_2004feb24_gnd_grv_300m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Gravity - Complete Bouguer Anomaly - 2011 (300m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Ground Gravity | MINERALS_victoria_2011feb08_gnd_grv_300m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Gravity - Complete Bouguer Anomaly - 30km High Pass - 2011 (300m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Ground Gravity | MINERALS_victoria_2011feb08_gnd_ghp30_300m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Gravity - Isostatic Anomaly - 2011 (250m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Ground Gravity | MINERALS_victoria_2011feb08_gnd_giso_250m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Gravity - Decompensative Anomaly - 2011 (250m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Ground Gravity | MINERALS_victoria_2011feb08_gnd_gdec_250m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric - Ternary Ratio - 2004 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2004feb24_air_rad_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric Potassium (k) - 2005 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2005jan25_air_radk_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric Thorium (Th) - 2005 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2005jan25_air_radth_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric Uranium (U) - 2005 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2005jan25_air_radu_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric Total Count - 2005 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2005jan25_air_radtc_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric - Ternary Ratio/DEM Drape - 2005 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2005jan25_mrg_raddem_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Radiometric - Ternary Ratio/Total Count Drape - 2005 (50m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Radiometric | MINERALS_victoria_2005jan25_mrg_radtc_50m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Top Basement Otway TWT:Text for tbmtotwtwt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Basement Otway TWT | MINERALS.TBMTOTWTWT_T | text_height > 0 | |||
Top Basement Otway TWT:Top Basement Otway Twt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Basement Otway TWT | TBMTOTWTWT | ||||
Top Sherbrook Otway TWT:Text for tsheotwtwt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Sherbrook Otway TWT | MINERALS.TSHEOTWTWT_T | text_height > 0 | |||
Top Sherbrook Otway TWT:Top Sherbrook Otway Twt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Sherbrook Otway TWT | TSHEOTWTWT | ||||
Top Eumerella Otway TWT:Text for teumotwtwt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Eumerella Otway TWT | MINERALS.TEUMOTWTWT_T | text_height > 0 | |||
Top Eumerella Otway TWT:Top Eumerella Otway Twt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Eumerella Otway TWT | TEUMOTWTWT | ||||
Top Crayfish Otway TWT:Text for tcraotwtwt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Crayfish Otway TWT | MINERALS.TCRAOTWTWT_T | text_height > 0 | |||
Top Crayfish Otway TWT:Top Crayfish Otway Twt | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Crayfish Otway TWT | TCRAOTWTWT | ||||
Top Latrobe Gippsland Depth Structure TWT:Text for tlatgipdep | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Latrobe Gippsland Depth Structure TWT | MINERALS.TLATGIPDEP_T | text_height > 0 | |||
Top Latrobe Gippsland Depth Structure TWT:Top Latrobe Gippsland Depth | image | Yes | Geophysics:Images:Two Way Time Structure:Top Latrobe Gippsland Depth Structure TWT | TLATGIPDEP | ||||
Benambra Edition 1 Geophysics 1:100k - 1999 (860cm) | image | Geophysics:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geophysics 100K | MINERALS_benambra-ed1_1999mar01_thm_geophy100k_860cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendoc Geophysics 1:100k - 1998 (5m) | image | Geophysics:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geophysics 100K | MINERALS_bendoc_1998jun01_thm_geophy100k_9m_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bogong Edition 1 Geophysics 1:100k - 2005 (850cm) | image | Geophysics:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geophysics 100K | MINERALS_bogong-ed1_2005jan01_thm_geophy100k_850cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Buffalo Edition 1 Geophysics 1:100k - 2004 (850cm) | image | Geophysics:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geophysics 100K | MINERALS_buffalo-ed1_2004jan01_thm_geophy100k_850cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Corryong Edition 1 Geophysics 1:100k - 2001 (640cm) | image | Geophysics:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geophysics 100K | MINERALS_corryong-ed1_2001nov01_thm_geophy100k_640cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Craigie Edition 1 Geophysics 1:100k - 1998 (870cm) | image | Geophysics:Images:Historical Maps (Georeferenced):Geophysics 100K | MINERALS_craigie-ed1_1998jun01_thm_geophy100k_870cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Victoria Boundary:Victoria Boundary (2M) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Victoria Boundary | VMLITE.VMLITE_VICTORIA_LINE_SU2 | ||||
Victoria Boundary:Victoria Boundary (500K) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Victoria Boundary | VMLITE.VMLITE_VICTORIA_LINE_SU5 | ||||
Victoria Boundary:Victoria Boundary (25K) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Victoria Boundary | VMINDEX.FR_FRAMEWORK_AREA_LINE | feature_type_code <> 'vicmap_boundary' | |||
Property Address:Property - Address - Cached | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Property Address | VMPROP.V_PROPERTY_MP_ADDRESS | ||||
Property Address:Property - Address | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Property Address | VMPROP.V_PROPERTY_MP_ADDRESS | ||||
Property - Parcel Description | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries | VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_APPROVED | |||||
Heritage Register | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries | PLANNING.HERITAGE_REGISTER | |||||
Heritage Inventory | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries | PLANNING.HERITAGE_INVENTORY | |||||
Crown Land | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries | VMPROP.PARCEL_CROWN_APPROVED | crown_status = 'C' | ||||
Catchment Management Authorities | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | CATCHMENTS.CMA100 | |||||
Earth Resource Regulation Regions | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | MINERALS.INSPECT | |||||
EPA Region Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | MINERALS.EPA_REGBDY | |||||
DELWP Regions | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.DELWP_REGION | |||||
Gold Undercover Initiative Area | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | MINERALS.GU_BDY | |||||
LandVic (SLUPO) Regions | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | MINERALS.LANDVIC | |||||
Local Government Areas | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.LGA_POLYGON | |||||
Parishes | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.PARISH_POLYGON | |||||
Postcodes | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.POSTCODE_POLYGON | |||||
Townships | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.TOWNSHIP_POLYGON | |||||
Victorian Lower House Boundaries - 2013 | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.STATE_ASSEMBLY_2013 | |||||
Victorian Upper House Boundaries - 2013 | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.STATE_COUNCIL_2013 | |||||
Victorian Lower House Boundaries - 2022 | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.STATE_ASSEMBLY_2022 | |||||
Victorian Upper House Boundaries - 2022 | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Admin Boundaries | VMADMIN.STATE_COUNCIL_2022 | |||||
Native Title Claim Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal | MINERALS.REGNTCREG | |||||
Native Title Determination Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal | MINERALS.REGDETNT | |||||
Native Title Determined Outcome Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal | MINERALS.NT_DETOUT | |||||
Indigenous Land Use Agreement Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal | MINERALS.NT_ILUA | |||||
Registered Native Title Body Corporate Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal | MINERALS.NT_RNTBC | relntd LIKE 'VCD%' | ||||
Recognition and Settlement Agreement Areas | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal | CROWNLAND.RSA | |||||
Aboriginal Affairs Victoria Regions | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal:Aboriginal Heritage | CULTURE.VICGOV_AAV_REGIONS | |||||
Registered Aboriginal Parties Areas | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal:Aboriginal Heritage | CULTURE.RAP | |||||
Cultural Heritage Sensitivity | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Aboriginal:Aboriginal Heritage | CULTURE.SENSITIVITY_PUBLIC | |||||
Restricted Crown Land (MRSDA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Minerals | MINERALS.PLM25_MRSDA | act_desc = 'Restricted Crown Land' | ||||
Unavailable Crown Land (MRSDA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Minerals | MINERALS.PLM25_MRSDA | act_desc = 'Unavailable Crown Land' | ||||
Unavailable S7 Exempt Areas (MRSDA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Minerals | MINERALS.PLM25_MRSDA | act_desc = 'MRSDA Exempt' | ||||
Wilderness and Reference (PA s.137) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.PLM25_PA | act_section = '137.0' | ||||
Crown Land requiring National Park Act consent (PA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.PLM25_PA | act = 'NPA' | ||||
Restricted Crown Land (PA s.139) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.PLM25_PA | act_desc = 'Restricted Crown Land' | ||||
Water Authority Land (PA s.140) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.PLM25_PA | act_desc = 'Water Authority Land' | ||||
Marine Parks (PA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.PLM25_PA | act = 'MNPA' | ||||
S-E Commonwealth Marine Reserve | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.COMM_MPA | type_abbr = 'CMR' | ||||
3 Nautical Mile Limit | line | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MARINE1.AMB_COASTAL_WATERS_ARC | |||||
AMBIS Adjacent Area Boundaries | line | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Petroleum | MINERALS.AMBIS_ADJ | |||||
Wilderness and Reference (GERA s.79) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Geothermal | MINERALS.PLM25_GERA | act_section = '79.0' | ||||
Crown Land requiring National Park Act consent (GERA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Geothermal | MINERALS.PLM25_GERA | act = 'NPA' | ||||
Restricted Crown Land (GERA s.81) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Geothermal | MINERALS.PLM25_GERA | act_desc = 'Restricted Crown Land' | ||||
Water Authority Land (GERA s.82) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Geothermal | MINERALS.PLM25_GERA | act_desc = 'Water Authority Land' | ||||
Marine Parks (GERA) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land:Geothermal | MINERALS.PLM25_GERA | act = 'MNPA' | ||||
Commonwealth Land | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Industry Related Land | CROWNLAND.PLM25 | mmgt_ongrd = 'COMMONWEALTH LAND' | ||||
Ecological Vegetation Groups (2005):Ecological Vegetation Groups (25K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Ecological Vegetation Groups (2005) | FLORAFAUNA1.NV2005_EVCBCS | evc_subgp < 99 | |||
Ecological Vegetation Groups (2005):Ecological Vegetation Groups (50K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Ecological Vegetation Groups (2005) | FLORAFAUNA1.NV2005_EVCBCS | evc_subgp < 99 and areasqm > 10000 | |||
Ecological Vegetation Groups (2005):Ecological Vegetation Groups (75K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Ecological Vegetation Groups (2005) | FLORAFAUNA1.NV2005_EVCBCS | evc_subgp < 99 and areasqm > 40000 | |||
FFG Act Listed Species and Communities | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna | FLORAFAUNA1.NV2005_FFG_COMM | hectares > 1 | ||||
Threatened Fauna:Threatened Non-sensitive Fauna (25K) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna:Threatened Fauna | FLORAFAUNA1.VBA_FAUNA25 | (ffg is not null or epbc is not null) and start_year >= 1970 | |||
Threatened Fauna:Threatened Non-sensitive Fauna (100K) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna:Threatened Fauna | FLORAFAUNA1.VBA_FAUNA100 | (ffg is not null or epbc is not null) and start_year >= 1970 | |||
Threatened Fauna:Threatened Sensitive Fauna | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna:Threatened Fauna | FLORAFAUNA1.VBA_RESTRICTED_1M | fftype = 'FAUNA' And ffg IS NOT NULL And start_year >= 1970 | |||
Threatened Flora:Threatened Non-sensitive Flora (25K) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna:Threatened Flora | FLORAFAUNA1.VBA_FLORA25 | (ffg is not null or epbc is not null) and start_year >= 1970 | |||
Threatened Flora:Threatened Non-sensitive Flora (100K) | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna:Threatened Flora | FLORAFAUNA1.VBA_FLORA100 | (ffg is not null or epbc is not null) and start_year >= 1970 | |||
Threatened Flora:Threatened Sensitive Flora | line | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Flora and Fauna:Threatened Flora | FLORAFAUNA1.VBA_RESTRICTED_1M | fftype = 'FLORA' And ffg IS NOT NULL And start_year >= 1970 | |||
Geomorphic Land Systems:Geomorphic Landsystems (500K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Geomorphology:Geomorphic Land Systems | CATCHMENTS.LSYS250 | hectares > 500 | |||
Geomorphic Land Systems:Geomorphic Landsystems (250K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Geomorphology:Geomorphic Land Systems | CATCHMENTS.LSYS250 | ||||
Geomorphological Units | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Geomorphology | CATCHMENTS.GMU250 | |||||
Environment Mitigation points | point | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Melbourne Strategic Assessment | FLORAFAUNA1.MSA_ENV_MIT_PNT | |||||
Environment Mitigation polygons | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Melbourne Strategic Assessment | FLORAFAUNA1.MSA_ENV_MIT_POLY | orch <> 'NONE' | ||||
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Levy Area | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Melbourne Strategic Assessment | FLORAFAUNA1.MSA_LEVY_AREA | |||||
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Extent | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Melbourne Strategic Assessment | FLORAFAUNA1.MSA_EXTENT | |||||
Ramsar Sites | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental | FLORAFAUNA1.RAMSAR25 | ramsar < 99 | ||||
Important Wetlands | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental | FLORAFAUNA1.WETLANDDIR | |||||
Register of National Estate | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental | MINERALS.RNESTATE | |||||
Tree Cover:Tree Density | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Tree Cover | VMVEG.TREE_DENSITY | ||||
Tree Cover:Tree Cover (30K - 100K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Tree Cover | FORESTS.TREE100_TILED | tree = 'P' | |||
Tree Cover:Tree Cover (100K - 500K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Tree Cover | FORESTS.TREE100_BASIC | ||||
Tree Cover:Tree Cover (500K - 2M) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Tree Cover | FORESTS.TREE100_MIN | ||||
Tree Cover:Tree Cover (Statewide Scale) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Environmental:Tree Cover | FORESTS.TREE100_VIC | ||||
Major Urban Areas (EPA Noise Boundaries) | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | MINERALS.EPA_MAJOR_URBAN_AREAS | |||||
Planning Zones | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_ZONE | |||||
Planning Overlay - Environmental and Landscape | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_OVERLAY | scheme_code IN ('ESO','VPO','SLO') | ||||
Planning Overlay - Heritage and Built | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_OVERLAY | scheme_code IN ('HO','DDO','IPO','DPO','NCO') | ||||
Planning Overlay - Land Mgmt | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_OVERLAY | scheme_code IN ('EMO','SMO','FO','RFO','LSIO','SBO','BMO') | ||||
Planning Overlay - State Resource | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_OVERLAY | scheme_code = 'SRO' | ||||
Planning Overlay - Other | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_OVERLAY | scheme_code IN ('PAO', 'AEO', 'MAEO', 'EAO', 'RXO', 'RO', 'DCPO', 'CLPO', 'CLT', 'ICO', 'PO', 'SCO') | ||||
Precinct Structure Plans | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | MINERALS.GREENFIELD_PSP_BOUNDARIES | |||||
Urban Growth Boundary | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes | VMPLAN.PLAN_UGA | |||||
Melbourne - Planning - 01/01/1959 (125cm) | polygon | not_anonymous | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes:Images | MINERALS_melb_1959jan01_thm_plan_125cm_vg94.ecw | ||||
Melbourne - Planning - 01/01/1968 (125cm) | polygon | not_anonymous | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes:Images | MINERALS_melb_1968jan01_thm_plan_125cm_vg94.ecw | ||||
Melbourne - Planning - 01/01/1985 (120cm) | polygon | not_anonymous | Land Status and Boundaries:Planning Schemes:Images | MINERALS_melb_1985jan01_thm_plan_120cm_vg94.ecw | ||||
VEAC Recommendation Areas 25K | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land | PUBLICLANDUSE.VEACRECS25_POLYGON | |||||
Public Land Management - Detail:Public Land Management - Non Park or Reserve (25K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PLM25 | mmtgen IN ('STATE FOREST','PLANTATION','COMMONWEALTH LAND','OTHER PUBLIC LAND','OTHER CONSERVATION RESERVES') OR rec_sbcat = 'STREAM FRONTAGE' | |||
Public Land Management - Detail:Public Land - Parks or Reserve (25K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PARKRES | ||||
Public Land Management - Detail:Public Land - non Park or Reserve (250K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PLMGEN | mmtgen IN ('STATE FOREST','PLANTATION','COMMONWEALTH LAND','OTHER PUBLIC LAND','OTHER CONSERVATION RESERVES') OR rec_sbcat = 'STREAM FRONTAGE' | |||
Public Land Management - Detail:Public Land - Park or Reserve (250K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PARKRES | ||||
Public Land Management - Detail:Public Land (500K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | VMLITE.VMLITE_PUBLIC_LAND_SU5 | ||||
Public Land Management - Detail:Park Labels (500K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PARKRES | total_area > 1500 | |||
Public Land Management - Detail:Public Land (1M) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | VMLITE.VMLITE_PUBLIC_LAND_SU3 | ||||
Public Land Management - Detail:Park Labels (1M) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PARKRES | total_area > 10000 | |||
Public Land Management - Detail:Other Public Land Boundary (500K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PLMGEN | mmtgen IN ('STATE FOREST','PLANTATION','COMMONWEALTH LAND','OTHER PUBLIC LAND','OTHER CONSERVATION RESERVES') OR rec_sbcat = 'STREAM FRONTAGE' | |||
Public Land Management - Detail:Park or Reserve Boundary (500K) | polygon | Yes | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land:Public Land Management - Detail | CROWNLAND.PARKRES | ||||
Public Land Management Overlays | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Public Land | CROWNLAND.PLM25_OVERLAYS | |||||
Government Roads | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Crown Land Managed | VMCLTENURE.GOV_ROAD_POLYGON | |||||
Reserve | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Crown Land Managed | VMCLTENURE.V_CL_TENURE_POLY | clten_tenure_type = 'RM' Or clten_tenure_type = 'RS' | ||||
Tenure | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Crown Land Managed | VMCLTENURE.V_CL_TENURE_POLY | clten_tenure_type <> 'RM' And clten_tenure_type <> 'RS' | ||||
Melbourne Water Corporation | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Administrative Boundary | WATER.MELBOURNE_WATER_CORP | |||||
Urban Water Corporations | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Administrative Boundary | WATER.WATER_CORP | watercorp_type_id = 1 Or watercorp_type_id = 3 | ||||
Rural Water Authorities | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Administrative Boundary | WATER.RURAL_WATER_CORP | |||||
Groundwater Management Areas | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Water Management Areas | WATER.GMA | |||||
Groundwater Management Area Zones | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Water Management Areas | WATER.GMA_ZONE | |||||
Groundwater WSPA Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Water Supply Protection Areas | WATER.WSPA | patype = 'GROUNDWATER' or patype = 'SA/VIC' | ||||
Groundwater WSPA Zones | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Water Supply Protection Areas | WATER.WSPA_ZONE | |||||
Surface Water WSPA | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water:Water Supply Protection Areas | WATER.WSPA | patype = 'SURFACE' | ||||
AWRC Major River Basin Boundaries | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water | CATCHMENTS.BASIN100 | |||||
Special Water Supply Catchment Areas | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water | WATER.SWSCA100 | |||||
Declared Water Supply Catchments | polygon | Land Status and Boundaries:Water | WATER.PWSC100 | |||||
Standard Map Index 1M | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | MINERALS.INDEX1M | |||||
Standard Map Tiles 250K | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | MINERALS.GINDEX250 | |||||
Standard Map Tiles 100K | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | CORPORATE.TILE100 | |||||
Mapsheet Boundaries 50K Double Format | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | VMINDEX.VICMAP_MAPINDEX_50D | |||||
Mapsheet Boundaries 50K Single Format | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | VMINDEX.VICMAP_MAPINDEX_50S | |||||
Standard Map Tiles 25K | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | CORPORATE.TILE25 | |||||
Vicroads Country Green Map Index | polygon | Map Indexes and Grids:Standard Indexes | FIRE.VRDTILE | |||||
AGD66 Lat/Long Graticule:AGD66 Lat/Long Graticule (1 minute) | line | Yes | Map Indexes and Grids:AGD66 Datum Grids:AGD66 Lat/Long Graticule | FORESTS.GRAT_GEO66_1M | ||||
AGD66 Lat/Long Graticule:AGD66 Lat/Long Graticule (10 minute) | line | Yes | Map Indexes and Grids:AGD66 Datum Grids:AGD66 Lat/Long Graticule | FORESTS.GRAT_GEO66_1M | significance = 30 or significance = 60 | |||
AMG 1km Grid | line | Map Indexes and Grids:AGD66 Datum Grids | FORESTS.GRAT_AMG_1K | |||||
VICGRID66 1km Grid | line | Map Indexes and Grids:AGD66 Datum Grids | FORESTS.GRAT_VG66_1K | |||||
GDA94 Lat/Long Graticule:GDA94 Lat/Long Graticule (1 minute) | line | Yes | Map Indexes and Grids:GDA94 Datum Grids:GDA94 Lat/Long Graticule | FORESTS.GRAT_GEO94_1M | ||||
GDA94 Lat/Long Graticule:GDA94 Lat/Long Graticule (10 minutes) | line | Yes | Map Indexes and Grids:GDA94 Datum Grids:GDA94 Lat/Long Graticule | FORESTS.GRAT_GEO94_1M | significance = 30 or significance = 60 | |||
MGA 1km Grid | line | Map Indexes and Grids:GDA94 Datum Grids | FORESTS.GRAT_MGA_1K | |||||
VICGRID94 1km Grid | line | Map Indexes and Grids:GDA94 Datum Grids | FORESTS.GRAT_VG94_1K | |||||
Land Cover - South East - 14/12/2009 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Victorian scale images | VMIMAGERY_landcover55-sth_2009dec14_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Land Cover - North East - 14/12/2009 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Victorian scale images | VMIMAGERY_landcover55-nth_2009dec14_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Land Cover - West - 23/02/2010 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Victorian scale images | VMIMAGERY_landcover54_2010feb23_air_vis_50cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - 27/10/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2021oct27_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 01/04/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2021apr01_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 08/01/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2021jan08_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 08/11/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2020nov08_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 26/05/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2020may26_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 17/12/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2019dec17_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 23/10/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2019oct23_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - 12/04/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2019apr12_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 05/12/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2018dec05_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 06/10/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2018oct06_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 16/01/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2018jan16_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 21/11/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2017nov21_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 06/01/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2017jan06_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 14/10/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2016oct14_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 24/04/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2016apr24_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 16/01/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2016jan16_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 02/10/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2015oct02_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 15/02/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2015feb15_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne Region - 03/01/2009 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2009jan03_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - 25/12/2007 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2007dec25_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - 17/11/2006 (35cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2006nov17_air_vis_35cm_mga55.jp2 | |||||
Melbourne Region - 11/12/2005 (35cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2005dec11_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne Region - 03/12/2004 (35cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2004dec03_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Melbourne Region - Outer East - 12/12/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_outer-melbourne-east_2020dec12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - Outer East - 22/12/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_outer-melbourne-east_2019dec22_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - Outer East - 28/12/2013 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_outer-melbourne-east_2013dec28_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - Outer West - 02/01/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_outer-melbourne-west_2020jan02_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - Outer West - 12/01/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_outer-melbourne-west_2017jan12_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne Region - Outer West - 24/12/2013 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_outer-melbourne-west_2013dec24_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Port Phillip - 28/12/2010 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_portphillip_2010dec28_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Port Phillip (Outer) - 30/12/2011 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Large | VMIMAGERY_portphillip-outer_2011dec30_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 03/12/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2020dec03_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 17/12/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2019dec17_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 01/12/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2018dec01_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 26/12/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2017dec26_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 04/01/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2017jan04_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 17/12/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2015dec17_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 09/11/2014 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2014nov09_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 05/11/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2013nov05_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 22/01/2012 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2012jan22_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass Coast - 22/03/2006 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_bass-coast_2006mar22_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Cardinia - 09/11/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_cardinia_2009nov09_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Cardinia - 03/02/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_cardinia_2007feb03_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Casey - Cardinia - 09/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_casey-cardinia_2008jan09_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Geelong - 23/02/2020 (5cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_geelong_2020feb23_air_vis_5cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Geelong - 01/10/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_geelong_2019oct01_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Geelong - 05/04/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_geelong_2017apr05_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Geelong - 12/01/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_geelong_2017jan12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Geelong - 19/11/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_geelong_2016nov19_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Geelong - 10/12/2012 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_geelong_2012dec10_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Hume - 25/11/2007 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_hume_2007nov25_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melton - 28/12/2008 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_melton_2008dec24_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mornington - 05/01/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_mornington_2013jan05_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mornington - 11/01/2007 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_mornington_2007jan11_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Port Phillip (Outer East) - 10/01/2013 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_portphillip-outer-east_2013jan10_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Port Phillip (Outer North) - 23/01/2011 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_portphillip-outer-north_2013jan23_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarra Ranges - Eastern - 28/02/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_east-yarra-ranges_2019feb28_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarra Ranges - 11/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_yarra-ranges_2017dec11_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarra Ranges - 16/01/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Medium (Local Government Areas) | VMIMAGERY_yarra-ranges_2017jan16_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bass - 04/03/06 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_bass_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bayside - 07/11/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_bayside_2009nov07_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Brimbank - 21/04/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_brimbank_2009apr21_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Corinella - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_corinella_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
French Island - 24/03/2006 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_french-island_2006mar24_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Grantville - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_grantville_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Hobsons Bay - 21/04/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_hobsons-bay_2009apr21_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Hobsons Bay - 24/01/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_hobsons-bay_2006jan24_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Inverloch - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_inverloch_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Kilcunda - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_kilcunda_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Kingston - 07/11/2009 (10 cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_kingston_2009nov07_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Melbourne - 12/10/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2013oct12_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Melbourne - 26/09/2012 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_melbourne_2012sep26_air_vis_10cm_mga55 | ||||
Moreland - 20/10/2007 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_moreland_2007oct20_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Nillumbik - 25/04/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_nillumbik_2007apr25_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Phillip Island - 27/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_phillip-island_2009jan27_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Phillip Island - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_phillip-island_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Red Bluff - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_red-bluff_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Coast - 12/05/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_south-coast_2007may12_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Tenby Point - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_tenby-point_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wattle Bank - 04/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_lynnes-rd_2006mar04_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wonthaggi - 03/02/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_wonthaggi_2009feb03_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wyndham - 10/01/2010 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_wyndham_2010jan10_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarra - 4/01/2009 (8cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_yarra_2009jan04_air_vis_8cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarra - 10/01/2007 (8cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:Central (Port Phillip, Melbourne):Small | VMIMAGERY_yarra_2007jan10_air_vis_8cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Ararat - 11/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_ararat_2013feb11_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Central Highlands - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_central-highlands_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Colac Otway - 28/11/2014 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_colac-otway_2014nov28_air_vis_20cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Colac Otway - Surf Coast - 01/11/2004 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_otway-surfcoast_2004nov01_air_vis_35cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Corangamite - 15/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_corangamite_2013feb15_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Corangamite - 01/01/2003 (80cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_corangamite_2003jan01_air_vis_80cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Glenelg - 24/02/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_glenelg_2019feb24_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Glenelg - 13/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_glenelg_2013feb13_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Glenelg-Hopkins CMA - 01/11/2003 (125cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_glenelg-hopkins-cma_2003nov01_air_vis_125cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Grampians (South) - 12/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_southern-grampians_2013feb12_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Horsham - 22/12/2016 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_horsham_2016dec22_air_vis_20cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Horsham - 12/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_horsham_2013feb12_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Moyne - 08/11/2020 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_moyne_2020nov08_air_vis_20cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Moyne - 13/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_moyne_2013feb13_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Pyrenees - 11/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_pyrenees_2013feb11_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
South West - 28/01/2019 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_south-west_2019jan28_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
South West - 18/12/2016 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_south-west_2016dec18_air_vis_20cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
South West - 17/12/2007 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_south-west_2007dec17_air_vis_35cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Wimmera-Grampians - 20/12/2020 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_wimmera-grampians_2020dec20_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Wimmera - 29/11/2016 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_wimmera_2016nov29_air_vis_20cm_mga54 | ||||
Wimmera CMA - 01/11/2004 (60cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Large | VMIMAGERY_wimmera-cma_2004nov01_air_vis_60cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Ararat - 16/12/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_ararat_2019dec16_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Bacchus Marsh - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bacchus-marsh_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Ballarat - 10/03/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_ballarat_2015mar10_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Ballarat - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_ballarat_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Barwon Water - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_barwon-water_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Central Vic SE Block - 03/02/2017 (16cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-vic-sw-block_2017feb03_air_vis_16cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Central West - 06/02/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-west_2018feb06_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Gellibrand - 06/02/2016 (17cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_gellibrand_2016feb06_air_vis_17cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Glenelg-Hopkins CMA - Rivers - 29/12/2009 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | CATCHMENTS_ghcma-rivers-east_2009dec29_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Golden Plains - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_golden-plains_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Golden Plains - 01/11/2004 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_golden-plains_2004nov01_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Grampians - 06/12/2011 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_grampians_2011dec06_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Grampians (North) - 01/01/2002 (1m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_nth-grampians_2002jan01_air_vis_1m_vg94.ecw | ||||
Hepburn - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_hepburn_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Hepburn - 01/11/2004 (60cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_hepburn_2004nov01_air_vis_60cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Moorabool - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_moorabool_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Moorabool - 01/12/2004 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_moorabool_2004dec01_air_vis_50cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Portland - 22/12/2012 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_portland_2012dec22_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Pyrenees-Ballarat - 20/01/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_pyrenees-ballarat_2021jan20_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Pyrenees - 01/01/2003 (1m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_pyrenees_2003jan01_air_vis_1m_mga54.ecw | ||||
Stawell - 11/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_stawell_2013feb11_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Surf Coast - 20/01/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_surfcoast_2021jan20_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Surf Coast - 26/12/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_surfcoast_2018dec26_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Surf Coast - 29/03/2011 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_surfcoast_2011mar29_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Werribee - Lerderderg Rivers - 19/04/2008 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_werribee-lerderderg-riv_2008apr19_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wimmera CMA - Rivers - 18/12/2009 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | CATCHMENTS_wcma-rivers_2009dec18_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
West Wimmera (South) - 24/01/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_west-wimmera-sth_2013jan24_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Anglesea - 09/02/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_anglesea_2015feb09_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Anglesea - 12/12/2012 (12cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_anglesea_2012dec12_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Anglesea - 21/12/2008 (12cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_anglesea_2008dec21_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Anglesea Landfill - 12/12/2012 (12cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_anglesea-landfill_2012dec12_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Ararat - 24/12/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_ararat_2016dec24_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Ararat - 26/01/2013 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_ararat_2013jan26_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Ballarat City - 17/02/2009 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_ballarat_2009aug19_air_vis_35cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Ballarat City - 25/03/2006 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_ballarat-city_2006mar25_air_vis_35cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Camperdown - 26/03/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_camperdown_2007mar26_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Colac - 14/03/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_colac_2007mar14_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Deans Marsh - 21/12/2008 (12cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_deans-marsh_2008dec21_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Grampians North Nat Park - 20/10/2016 (10m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_grampians-natpark-nth_2016oct20_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Horsham - 09/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_horsham_2009jan09_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Long Swamp - 09/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_long-swamp_2006mar09_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Lorne - 11/03/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_lorne_2015mar11_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Lorne - 21/12/2008 (12cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_lorne_2008dec21_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Moriac - 05/02/2007 (12cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_moriac_2007feb05_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Natimuk Flood - 12/01/2011 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | WATER_natimuk-flood_2011jan12_air_vis_50cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Natte Yallock - 21/12/2012 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_natte-yallock_2012dec21_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Stawell - 23/12/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_stawell_2016dec23_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Stawell - 26/01/2013 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_stawell_2013jan26_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Terang - 26/03/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_terang_2007mar26_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Warrnambool - 11/04/2015 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_warrnambool_2015apr11_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Warrnambool - 27/12/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_warrnambool_2007dec27_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Warrnambool - 01/12/2004 (16cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_warrnambool_2004dec01_air_vis_16cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Winchelsea - 21/12/2008 (12cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South West:Small | VMIMAGERY_winchelsea_2008dec21_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Buloke and Gannawarra - 01/01/1999 (3m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_buloke-gannawarra_1999jan01_air_vis_3m_vg94.ecw | ||||
Loddon - 20/02/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_loddon_2019feb20_air_vis_10cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Loddon - 02/12/2014 (18cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_loddon_2014dec02_air_vis_18cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Loddon - 14/04/2009 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_loddon_2009apr14_air_vis_35cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Loddon - 01/01/1999 (2m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_loddon_1999jan01_air_vis_2m_mga54.ecw | ||||
Mallee - 25/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_mallee_2017dec25_air_vis_20cm_mga54 | ||||
Mallee - 02/01/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_mallee_2015jan02_air_vis_20cm_mga54 | ||||
Mallee - 18/01/2012 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_mallee_2012jan18_air_vis_35cm_mga54 | ||||
Mallee CMA - 14/01/2009 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | VMIMAGERY_mallee_2009jan14_air_vis_50cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
North Central CMA Rivers - 18/12/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Large | CATCHMENTS_nccma-rivers_2009dec18_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 17/01/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2021jan17_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 05/03/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2020mar05_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 16/01/2018 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo-lga_2018jan16_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 08/02/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2015feb08_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 06/02/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo-lga_2015feb06_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 05/03/2013 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2013mar05_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 01/12/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2009dec01_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 17/11/2009 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2009nov17_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 01/05/2005 (35cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2005may01_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Bendigo - 01/01/2001 (82cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2001jan01_air_vis_82cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Central Goldfields - 26/01/2019 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-goldfields_2019jan26_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Central Goldfields - 12/01/2016 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-goldfields_2016jan12_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Central Goldfields - 06/02/2013 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-goldfields_2013feb06_air_vis_25cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Central Goldfields - 15/02/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-goldfields_2007feb15_air_vis_50cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Central Goldfields - 01/01/2003 (2m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-goldfields_2003jan01_air_vis_2m_mga54.ecw | ||||
Gannawarra - 29/10/2018 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_gannawarra_2018oct29_air_vis_20cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Gannawarra - 11/11/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_gannawarra_2007nov11_air_vis_50cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Macedon Ranges - 02/01/2020 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_macedon-ranges_2020jan02_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macedon Ranges - 26/12/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_macedon-ranges_2018dec26_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macedon Ranges - 08/03/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_macedon-ranges_2018mar08_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macedon Ranges - 07/02/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_macedon-ranges_2017feb07_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macedon Ranges - 29/12/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_macedon-ranges_2015dec29_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macedon Ranges - 01/11/2004 (38cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_macedon_2004nov01_air_vis_38cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mt Alexander - 24/01/2019 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mt-alexander_2019jan24_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mt Alexander and Hepburn - 21/12/2008 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mt-alexander-hepburn_2008dec21_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mt Alexander - 01/01/2003 (74cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mt-alexander_2003jan01_air_vis_74cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarriambiack - 12/11/2014 (18cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Medium | VMIMAGERY_yarriambiack_2014nov12_air_vis_18cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Bealiba - 08/01/06 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bealiba_2006jan08_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 02/01/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2017jan02_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 12/01/2016 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2016jan12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 03/10/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2015oct03_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 03/05/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2015may03_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 11/10/2014 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2014oct11_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 06/01/2008 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2008jan06_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bendigo - 01/01/2001 (22cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_bendigo_2001jan01_air_vis_22cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Dunolly - 08/01/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_dunolly_2006jan08_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Heathcote - 05/03/2013 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_heathcote_2013mar05_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Heathcote - 14/12/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_heathcote_2009dec14_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Maryborough - 02/12/2011 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_maryborough_2011dec02_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Maryborough - 08/01/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_maryborough_2006jan08_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Talbot - 08/01/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North West:Small | VMIMAGERY_talbot_2006jan08_air_vis_15cm_mga54.ecw | ||||
Alpine Fire - 27/02/2005 (65cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | FIRE_alpine-fire_2005feb27_air_vis_65cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Benalla - Strathbogie - 17/10/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_benalla-strathbogie_2007oct17_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Campaspe - 21/12/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_campaspe_2017dec21_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Goulburn-Broken CMA Rivers - 13/11/2010 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | CATCHMENTS_gbcma-rivers_2010feb03_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Moira - 11/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_moira_2017dec11_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Moira - 25/01/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_moira_2007jan25_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
North East CMA Rivers - 23/02/2010 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | CATCHMENTS_necma-rivers_2010feb23_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Moira Shepparton - 14/12/2009 (30cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_moira-shepparton_2009dec14_air_vis_30cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
North East - 28/10/2019 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_north-east-victoria_2019oct28_air_vis_20cm_mga55 | ||||
North East Victoria - 01/11/2013 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_north-east-victoria_2013nov01_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Towong - 04/02/2016 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Large | VMIMAGERY_towong_2016feb04_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Albury - 08/11/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_albury_2017nov08_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Albury - 02/10/2011 (12cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_albury_2011oct02_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Albury Wodonga - 17/10/2007 (12cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_albury-wodonga_2007oct17_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Alpine - 12/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_alpine_2017dec12_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Alpine - 28/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_alpine_2015dec28_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Benalla - 10/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_benalla_2017dec10_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Benalla - 16/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_benalla_2015dec16_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Campaspe - 21/01/2006 (1m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_campaspe_2006jan21_air_vis_1m_mga55.ecw | ||||
Central Vic NE Block - 25/01/2017 (16cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_central-vic-ne-block_2017jan25_air_vis_16cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Indigo - 11/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_indigo_2017dec11_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Indigo - 09/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_indigo_2015dec09_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Indigo - 25/01/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_indigo_2007jan25_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mansfield - 17/10/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mansfield_2017oct17_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mansfield - 29/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mansfield_2015dec29_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mansfield - 17/10/2011 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mansfield_2011oct17_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mansfield - 01/11/2004 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mansfield_2004nov01_air_vis_50cm_vg94.ecw | ||||
Mitchell - 17/10/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mitchell_2017oct17_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mitchell - 29/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mitchell_2015dec29_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mitchell - 26/01/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_mitchell_2007jan26_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Moira - 09/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_moira_2015dec09_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Murrindindi - 17/10/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_murrindindi_2017oct17_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Murrindindi - 29/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_murrindindi_2015dec29_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Murrindindi - 26/01/2007 (50cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_murrindindi_2007jan26_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
Shepparton - 10/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_shepparton_2017dec10_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Shepparton - 14/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_shepparton_2015dec14_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Shepparton - 01/11/2004 (30cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_shepparton_2004nov01_air_vis_30cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Strathbogie - 10/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_strathbogie_2017dec10_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Strathbogie - 28/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_strathbogie_2015dec28_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Strathbogie - 01/01/2000 (2m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_strathbogie_2000jan01_air_vis_2m_mga55.ecw | ||||
Sugarloaf - 30/01/2013 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_sugarloaf_2013jan30_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wangaratta - 10/12/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wangaratta_2017dec10_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wangaratta - 14/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wangaratta_2015dec14_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wangaratta - 25/01/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wangaratta_2007jan25_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 15/10/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2017oct15_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 09/12/2015 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2015dec09_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 04/12/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2015dec04_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 21/09/2014 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2014sep21_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 01/11/2004 (12cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Medium | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2004nov01_air_vis_12cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Avenel - 15/09/09 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_avenel_2009sep15_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Barmah - 15/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_barmah_2009sep15_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Benalla - 01/11/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_benalla_2013nov01_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Benalla - 01/11/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_benalla_2009nov01_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Benalla - 28/03/2009 (30cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_benalla_2009mar28_air_vis_30cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bright - 28/11/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_bright_2015nov28_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bright - 30/10/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_bright_2013oct30_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bright - 14/11/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_bright_2009nov14_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Broadford - 12/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_broadford_2009jan12_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Cobram - 14/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_cobram_2009sep14_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Echuca - 15/10/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_echuca_2007oct15_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Euroa - 11/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_euroa_2009sep11_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Glenrowan - 09/10/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_glenrowan_2007oct09_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Gunbower - 19/01/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_gunbower_2006jan19_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Katamatite - 15/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_katamatite_2009sep15_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Katamatite - 13/01/2007 (125mm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_katamatite_2007jan13_air_vis_125mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Katunga - 12/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_katunga_2009sep12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Kilmore - 12/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_kilmore_2009jan12_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Kyabram - 14/01/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_kyabram_2006jan14_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mansfield - 01/11/2013 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_mansfield_2013nov01_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mansfield - 09/10/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_mansfield_2007oct09_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mt Beauty - 08/11/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_mt-beauty_2009nov08_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Myrtleford - 09/11/2009 (18cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_myrtleford_2009nov09_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Nathalia - 14/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_nathalia_2009sep14_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Nathalia - 13/01/2007 (125mm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_nathalia_2007jan13_air_vis_125mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Numurkah-Katungah - 06/11/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_numurkah-katunga_2013nov06_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Numurkah - 12/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_numurkah_2009sep12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Numurkah - 12/01/2007 (125mm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_numurkah_2007jan12_air_vis_125mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Rochester - 25/05/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_rochester_2007may25_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Rutherglen - 20/10/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_rutherglen_2009oct20_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Seymour - 12/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_seymour_2009jan12_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Shepparton - 05/03/2013 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_shepparton_2013mar05_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Shepparton - 01/05/2006 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_shepparton_2006may01_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Shepparton (North) - 03/03/2012 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | WATER_shepparton-north_2012mar03_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Strathbogie - 01/11/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_strathbogie_2013nov01_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Strathmerton - 14/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_strathmerton_2009sep14_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
St James - 13/01/2007 (13cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_st-james_2007jan13_air_vis_125mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Towong - 05/11/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_towong_2013nov05_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Towong - 23/09/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_towong_2009nov23_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Tungamah - 20/10/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_tungamah_2009oct20_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Tungumah - 13/01/2007 (13cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_tungamah_2007jan13_air_vis_125mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Violet Town - 07/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_violet-town_2009sep07_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wallan - 12/01/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wallan_2009jan12_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wangaratta - 31/10/2013 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wangaratta_2013oct31_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wangaratta - 19/09/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wangaratta_2009sep19_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wilby - 29/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wilby_2009sep29_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 01/03/2013 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2013mar01_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wodonga - 08/08/2009 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wodonga_2009aug08_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wunghu - 12/09/2009 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_wunghnu_2009sep12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Yarrawonga - 12/01/2007 (13cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:North East:Small | VMIMAGERY_yarrawonga_2007jan12_air_vis_125mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bairnsdale to Orbost - 15/01/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_bairnsdale-orbost_2017jan15_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Baw Baw - Latrobe - 01/12/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_bawbaw-latrobe_2018dec01_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Baw Baw - 03/03/2013 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_bawbaw_2013mar03_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
East Gippsland - 29/01/2020 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_east-gippsland_2020jan29_air_vis_15cm_mga55 | ||||
East Gippsland - 18/10/2019 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_east-gippsland_2019oct18_air_vis_15cm_mga55 | ||||
East Gippsland - 18/10/2007 (50cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_east-gippsland_2007oct18_air_vis_50cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wellington - 20/01/2019 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_wellington_2019jan20_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wellington - 18/10/2014 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_wellington_2014oct18_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wellington - 01/01/2000 (1m) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | VMIMAGERY_wellington_2000jan01_air_vis_1m_mga55.ecw | ||||
West Gippsland CMA Rivers - 08/02/2010 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Large | CATCHMENTS_wgcma-rivers_2010feb08_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance - 24/02/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_bairnsdale-lakes-entrance_2019feb24_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Baw Baw - 18/12/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_bawbaw_2019dec18_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Cann River - 28/03/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_cann-river_2017mar28_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
East Gippsland - 05/02/2016 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_east-gippsland_2016feb05_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Gippsland Lakes - 16/08/2006 (40cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_gippsland-lakes_2006aug16_air_vis_40cm_mga55.jp2 | ||||
Gippsland Plantations - 03/02/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_gippsland-plantations_2017feb03_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 18/02/2021 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe_2021feb18_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - Baw Baw - 27/02/2017 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe-bawbaw_2017feb27_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 03/11/2014 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe_2014nov03_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 03/03/2013 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe_2013mar03_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 08/12/2011 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe-valley_2011dec08_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 19/02/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe_2009feb19_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 09/02/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe_2007feb09_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 22/03/2006 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe_2006mar22_air_vis_35cm_mga55.jp2 | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 09/03/1984 (40cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_LZ_latrobe_1984mar09_air_vis_40cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 01/06/1974 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_LZ_latrobe_1974jun01_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 05/11/1964 (16cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_LZ_latrobe_1964nov05_air_vis_16cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 01/01/1955 (32cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_LZ_latrobe_1955jan01_air_vis_32cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 25/04/1945 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_LZ_latrobe_1945apr25_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe Valley - 01/03/1935 (32cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_LZ_latrobe_1935mar01_air_vis_32cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Latrobe River - 14/05/2007 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_latrobe-river_2007may14_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macalister River - 19/04/2008 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_mccalister-irrigation_2008apr19_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Mallacoota - 29/03/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_mallacoota_2017mar29_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Gippsland - 17/12/2019 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_sth-gippsland_2019dec17_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Gippsland - 07/02/2018 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_sth-gippsland_2018feb07_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Gippsland - 14/12/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_sth-gippsland_2015dec14_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Gippsland - 11/12/2012 (25cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_sth-gippsland_2012dec11_air_vis_25cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Gippsland - 18/02/2008 (28cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_sth-gippsland_2008feb18_air_vis_28cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
South Gippsland (West) - 22/03/2006 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_sth-gippsland_2006mar22_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Swifts Creek - 16/01/2017 (20cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_swifts-creek_2017jan16_air_vis_20cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Tambo - 30/04/2021 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | FIRE_tambo_2021apr30_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Tambo River - 14/02/2019 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_tambo-river_2019feb14_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wellington Sth - 14/01/2008 (35cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_wellington-sth_2008jan14_air_vis_35cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wilsons Promontory - 31/12/2011 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Medium | VMIMAGERY_wilsons-prom_2011dec31_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance - 23/12/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_bairnsdale-lakes-entrance_2015dec23_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance - 07/03/2013 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_bairnsdale-lakes-entrance_2013mar07_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Baw Baw - 21/03/2006 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_bawbaw_2006mar21_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Baw Baw Alpine Village - 05/02/2007 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_bawbaw_2007feb05_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Baw Baw Corridor - 22/01/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_bawbaw-corridor_2015jan22_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Gippsland Towns - 10/01/2014 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_gippsland-towns_2014jan10_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Golden Beach - 12/03/2012 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_golden-beach_2011mar12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Hazelwood Coal Mine - 27/04/2011 (75mm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_hazelwood_2011apr27_air_vis_75mm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Hollands Landing - 12/03/2011 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_hollands-landing_2011mar12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Loch Sport - 12/03/2011 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_loch-sport_2011mar12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Macalister River (plus part of Maffra)- 01/03/2007 (15cm) | image | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_macalister-river_2007mar03_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | |||||
McLoughlans Beach - 12/03/2011 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_mcloughlans-beach_2011mar12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Sale - 20/10/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_sale_2009oct20_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Sale West Aerodrome - 20/10/2009 (15cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_west-sale-aerodrome_2009oct20_air_vis_15cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Seaspray - 12/03/2012 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_seaspray_2011mar12_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Wurruk - 18/11/2015 (10cm) | image | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery:Aerial Photos:South East (Gippsland):Small | VMIMAGERY_wurruk_2015nov18_air_vis_10cm_mga55.ecw | ||||
Aerial Photography Index IWS | polygon | not_anonymous | Aerial and Satellite Imagery | RASPLAT.IWSFOOTPRINT | description <> 'australia' And type = 'Visible Spectrum (Colour/RGB)' | |||
Nearmap Latest (ResourcesVic use only) | image | internal | Aerial and Satellite Imagery | Nearmap | ||||
DEM Image - 24/02/2004 (100m) | image | Topography:Digital Elevation Model | MINERALS_victoria_2004feb24_thm_dem_100m_vg94.ecw | |||||
DEM Image - Offshore - 14/04/2004 (100m) | image | Topography:Digital Elevation Model | MINERALS_victoria-offshore_2004apr14_thm_dem_100m_vg94.ecw | |||||
DEM Image - Onshore - 01/02/2000 (92m) | image | Topography:Digital Elevation Model | MINERALS_victoria-onshore_2000feb01_sat_dem_92m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Relief Image - Onshore - 01/01/2008 (100m) | image | Topography:Digital Elevation Model | VMLITE_vmlite-relief_2008jan01_thm_dem_100m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Hillshade Image - Onshore - 01/01/2008 (100m) | image | Topography:Digital Elevation Model | VMLITE_vmlite-hillshade-su5_2008jan01_thm_dem_100m_vg94.ecw | |||||
Contours:Contours (vmelev) | line | Yes | Topography:Contours | VMELEV.EL_CONTOUR | ||||
Contours:Contours (250K) | line | Yes | Topography:Contours | GA250.CONTOUR250 | ||||
Watercourses and Lakes:Watercourses (vmhydro) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMHYDRO.HY_WATERCOURSE | feature_type_code not in ('connector', 'connector_structure') | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Lakes (vmhydro) | polygon | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMHYDRO.HY_WATER_AREA_POLYGON | feature_type_code in ('watercourse_area_channel' , 'watercourse_area_channel_drain' , 'watercourse_area_drain' , 'watercourse_area_river' , 'wb_lake' , 'wb_lake_salt' ) | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Watercourses (250K) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | GA250.HYDRO250 | feat_code <> 'connector' | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Lakes (250K) | polygon | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | GA250.HYDROP250 | feat_code in ( 'canal_a' , 'lake' , 'reservoir' , 'watercourse_a' ) | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Watercourses (500K) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATERCOURSE | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 6 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Lakes (500K) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATER_AREA | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 6 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Watercourses (1M) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATERCOURSE | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 5 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Lakes (1M) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATER_AREA | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 5 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Watercourses (2M) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATERCOURSE | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 4 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Lakes (2M) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATER_AREA | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 4 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Watercourses (4m) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATERCOURSE | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 3 | |||
Watercourses and Lakes:Lakes (4M) | line | Yes | Topography:Watercourses and Lakes | VMLITE.VMLITE_HY_WATER_AREA | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 3 | |||
Bathymetry Zones 250K | polygon | Topography | MARINE1.BATHYMETRY_BASS_STRAIT_POLY | |||||
Bathymetry 250K | line | Topography | MARINE1.BATHYMETRY_BASS_STRAIT_ARC | |||||
Buildings - Points | point | Infrastructure:Buildings | VMFEAT.BUILDING_POINT | state = 'VIC' | ||||
Buildings - Polygons | polygon | Infrastructure:Buildings | VMFEAT.BUILDING_POLYGON | state = 'VIC' | ||||
Built Up Areas | polygon | Infrastructure:Buildings | VMFEAT.PL_PLACE_AREA_POLYGON | |||||
Energy Facilities | point | Infrastructure | MINERALS.ENERGY_FACILITIES | |||||
Features of Interest - Points | point | Infrastructure | VMFEAT.FOI_POINT | state = 'VIC' | ||||
Oil and Gas Pipelines (Vmfeat) | line | Infrastructure | VMFEAT.FOI_LINE | feature_type = 'pipeline' | ||||
Ports - Major | point | Infrastructure | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | (state = 'VIC' AND (place_name_label = 'Melbourne' OR place_name_label = 'Geelong' OR place_name_label = 'Hastings' OR place_name_label = 'Portland')) OR (state = 'NSW' AND place_name_label = 'Eden') | ||||
Power Lines | line | Infrastructure | VMFEAT.POWER_LINE | |||||
Quarry or Mine Areas (Vmfeat) | polygon | Infrastructure | VMFEAT.FOI_POLYGON | feature_type = 'excavation site' and state = 'VIC' | ||||
Railways:Railways - 25K | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Railways | VMTRANS.TR_RAIL | ||||
Railways:Railway Features - 25K | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Railways | VMTRANS.TR_RAIL_INFRASTRUCTURE | feature_type_code = 'rail_station' or feature_type_code like 'bridge_rail%' | |||
Railways:Railways - 250K | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Railways | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_RAIL | ||||
Railways:Railways - 500K | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Railways | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_RAIL | scale_use_code < 5 | |||
Railways:Railways - 1M | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Railways | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_RAIL | scale_use_code < 4 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Railways:Railways - 3M | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Railways | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_RAIL | scale_use_code < 3 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Roads:Roads (vmtrans) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMTRANS.TR_ROAD | class_code <> 11 and class_code <> 12 | |||
Roads:Roads (50K) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMTRANS.TR_ROAD | class_code <= 7 | |||
Roads:Roads (250K) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_ROAD | ||||
Roads:Roads (500K) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_ROAD | state = 'VIC' | |||
Roads:Roads (1M) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_ROAD | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 5 | |||
Roads:Roads (2M) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_ROAD | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 4 | |||
Roads:Roads (4m) | line | Yes | Infrastructure:Roads | VMLITE.VMLITE_TR_ROAD | state = 'VIC' and scale_use_code < 3 | |||
Towns:Towns (25K) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (50K) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (100K) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (250K) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | hierarchy < 8 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (500K) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | hierarchy < 7 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (1M) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | hierarchy < 6 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (2M) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | hierarchy < 5 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Towns:Towns (4M) | point | Yes | Infrastructure:Towns | VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT | hierarchy < 4 and state = 'VIC' | |||
Natmap - 250k - Jan 2000 (25m) | image | not_anonymous | Other Maps | TOPOG_natmap_2000jan01_thm_topo250k_25m_vg94.ecw | ||||
Vicmap Topo - 100k - Jun 2021 (2m) | image | not_anonymous | Other Maps | TOPOG_vicmap-topo_2021jun01_thm_topo100k_2m_vg94.ecw | ||||
Vicmap Topo - 25k - Oct 2020 (1m) | image | not_anonymous | Other Maps | TOPOG_vicmap-topo_2020oct22_thm_topo25k_1m_vg94.ecw | ||||
VicRoads - Jan 2003 (16m) | image | not_anonymous | Other Maps | VMINDEX_vicroads_2003jan01_thm_vicrd_16m_vg94.ecw |
Dataset Collections
Page last updated: 05 Dec 2024