
Resources regulator enforces quarry compliance

Resources Victoria’s regulator has issued a remedial notice to a metropolitan-based quarry operator requiring waste storage areas at the site to be managed in a way that supports its long-term rehabilitation.

Resources Victoria’s regulator has issued a remedial notice to a metropolitan-based quarry operator requiring waste storage areas at the site to be managed in a way that supports its long-term rehabilitation.

The operator had been using plastic membranes to store, filter and dry slimes from sand processing at the site without the approval of the regulator. This moves away from the quarry’s Work Plan and would hold back the site’s future rehabilitation.

The notice issued by the regulator requires the removal of the membranes, their appropriate disposal and the management of slimes consistent with the Work Plan for the site.

All operational activities must be listed in a site’s approved Work Plan.

Diligent planning is required to run a quarry, including ensuring the appropriate storage and disposal of slimes. Operators must ensure they fully understand their regulatory and operational requirements.

The use of membranes for waste storage has been trialled at several Victorian resources sites but remains prohibited without the formal approval of Resources Victoria’s Earth Resources Regulator.

Confidence in the sector, the way it operates and how it is regulated is crucial for Victoria’s ongoing economic development.

The Earth Resources Regulator oversees Victorian mines, petroleum and quarry sites to protect public safety and the environment.

Attribute quotes to Chris Webb, Resources Victoria Executive Director Regulatory Operations

“If quarry operators would like to implement new methods of storing waste they must submit a Work Plan Variation which can be thoroughly assessed by Resources Victoria’s regulator.”

“Our inspectors frequently conduct checks around the state to ensure quarries are operating lawfully and delivering on their site rehabilitation obligations.”

“We will continue to issue notices when we find site operators not complying with their current work plans and creating unnecessary risk. A strong and active regulator reflects well on the broader resources sector.”

Contact: Mark Farrugia

Phone: 0438 874 293